Instructor: Rob Hoffman Date: June 25, 2014

Time: 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Location: OSU Tulsa Campus

700 N. Greenwood Ave.

Cost: $25 registration fee per person

Credit: Advanced training credit - 6 hours; complete attendance, pre-registration and sign-in


Instructor Rob Hoffman: With over 30 years in the field, Rob brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in directing employment agencies and increasing employment outcomes. He is the owner and senior partner at Employment Analytics where he provides training and consultation throughout the nation to employment service providers, funding agencies and businesses on disability employment practices and management/leadership strategies. Rob’s experience includes providing direct supports, directing employment agencies and, directing training & technical assistance programs at a number of universities. Rob holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management & Leadership paired with undergraduate work focusing on Marketing and Public Relations.

For additional training forms and information, refer to the OU-NCDET website @

Advanced Training Registration Form

Marketing and Employer Development

June 25, 2014 - OSU Tulsa Campus

ON-LINE Registration Available at:

Paper Registration: Use one form for each participant

A completed form is required for each participant. Please copy this form as needed. For individual ID numbers please combine the participant’s birth day, birth month and last four digits of their Social Security Number. Please Print.


Ms./Mr. Please specify ID Number


(Training accommodation request must be received by June 1, 2014.)

Agency Name: ______

Agency Address: ______

City:______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Telephone Number: ______Email: ______

(Confirmation letter will be emailed. Email address is required. Please print neatly.)

Emergency Number: ______(this # is only used for emergency or cancellation)

Supervisor: ______Email:______

Payment enclosed: Purchase Order #:______Check #______

Note: Agencies with a DRS Contract are charged a $25.00 registration fee

Questions: Contact Donna Anderson @ or 405-325-2745.