Native American Parent Advisory Council Date: November 1, 2016

Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Location: RRPS Training Center – Training Rooms 1&2

Time / Desired Outcome / Person(s) / Discussion/Notes / Decisions/
Welcome Parents & Guests to NAPAC
10 minutes / Welcome
Agenda Overview
Upcoming Events / Suzanne / Suzanne welcomed everyone to the meeting, summarized the first NAPAC meeting, the special election meeting, and provided an overview of the night’s meeting. Also shared information about upcoming community events that are free and open to our community: Native American Arts and Crafts Night and NB3 Fit Day. / InAttendance: Jack Silliman, Julie Evans, Ann Arnold, Heather Parisian, Crystal Davis, Frances Segovia, Harpreet Bhullar, Angela Morales, Raymond Concho Jr., Joe Garcia, Elena Foster, Tammy Redman, Linda Benson, Marsha Hubbell-Espinosa, Lisa Paz, Lawrence Vigil, Eric Yazzie Campbell, Erik Johns, Meryle & Sadie Walters, Raelani Mckinney, Karen Curley, Norman Benson, Jolynn Pruitt, Leigh Thunder, Maryann Bullhead, Natalie Nicotine, Amanda King, Lisa Cowden, Gail Coppins, Etheline Jose, Angie Sells, and several RRPS students and siblings.
Introductions/Share Meal
30 minutes / Get to know one another / NAPAC members / Group engaged in a “Skittles-Get to Know Each Other Game”. Each attendee received one of each color skittle, and followed a color key as to information to share within that topic. As group completed hearing from everyone at the table, shared in a potluck dinner.
NAPAC Board Election
15 minutes / Nominees will each get one minute to speak on his/her own behalf. Ballots will be distributed and collected at the end of the meeting. / Nominees and NAPAC members / New nominees were gathered from the floor. Federal Programs Instructional Coach ran off copies of paper ballots as each candidate had one minute each to speak on his/her behalf. The floor was opened up for anyone to speak on the behalf of any candidates not there. Paper ballots were distributed to each NAPAC member eligible to vote per the bylaws. Ballots were collected in exchange for an ink stamp on the hand to indicate that a ballot was received. Ballots were kept in a locked banker’s box.
The results from the election are as follows:
Chair: Raymond Concho Jr.
Vice-Chair: Natalie Nicotine
Treasurer: Dominic Pruitt
Secretary/Recorder: Karen Curley
Public Relations Officer: Jolynn Pruitt
Vote: NAPAC By-Laws
10 minutes / Review of NAPAC By-Laws with suggested revisions & vote. / Suzanne and NAPAC members / Suzanne provided a summary the series of opportunities for the NAPAC members to provide input in updating and revising the bylaws, as directed by the Washington, D.C. Department of Education Office of Indian Education. The group could vote on either adopting the suggested revisions, or to default to current by-laws as written. The group voted by large majority (>90%) to adopt the suggested revisions as the updated NAPAC By-Laws. / The approved by-laws will be signed by the new board and presented to the Superintendent and School Board.
RRPS Native American Student Data
25 minutes / Demographic information, student achievement, / Stephany Moore / Stephany presented information about the performance of our RRPS Native American Students, in comparison to neighboring districts, as well as state-wide data. RRPS students continue to demonstrate high levels of performance and achievement when not only compared to Native American peers, but also when compared to state averages for ALL students. It is duly recognized and acknowledged that we as a district will continue to work in supporting our students in closing the gaps between our Native American students and their non-native peers within the district. Great job to our students, families, schools and community! / The data will be made available on the website. If someone would like more detailed information please contact the office about getting that disaggregated data.
Opportunities for Support
10 minutes / ACT Prep, Tutoring,
Naviance / Stephany Moore / Presentation on various structures of support and opportunities for our students. / Dates for the ACT prep sessions are published on the website, please take advantage of these opportunities.
Next Meeting Date & Time:
January 10, 2017 5:00 p.m.
RRPS Training Center – TR 1&2