
Tile Drainage Act



Consolidation Period: From November 21, 2012 to the e-Laws currency date.

No amendments.

This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.

Reference to forms

1.In this Regulation, when a form is referred to by number, the reference is to the form with that number that is described in the Table of Forms at the end of this Regulation and is available on the website of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the listing for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 1.

Borrowing by-laws

2.(1)The borrowing by-law referred to in subsection 2 (1) of the Act, for use by municipalities not within a regional municipality, within the County of Oxford or within The District Municipality of Muskoka, shall be in Form 1. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 2 (1).

(2)The borrowing by law referred to in subsection 2 (1) of the Act, for use by municipalities within a regional municipality, within the County of Oxford or within The District Municipality of Muskoka, shall be in Form 2. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 2 (2).

(3)The borrowing by-law referred to in subsection 2 (1) of the Act, for use by a regional municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka, shall be in Form 3. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 2 (3).


3.The debenture referred to in subsection 2 (1) of the Act shall be in Form 4. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 3.

Affidavit of clerk

4.The affidavit of the clerk of the municipality referred to in subsection 2 (3) of the Act shall be in Form 5. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 4.

Application for loan

5.The application for a loan referred to in section 3 of the Act shall be in Form 6. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 5.

Inspection and completion certificate

6.The inspection and completion certificate referred to in section 4 of the Act shall be in Form 7. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 6.

Offer to sell

7.The offer to sell a debenture referred to in subsection 5 (8) of the Act,

(a)in the case of use by a municipality not within a regional municipality, within the County of Oxford or within The District Municipality of Muskoka, shall be in Form 8; and

(b)in the case of use by a regional municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka, shall be in Form 9. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 7.

Rating by-law

8.The rating by-law referred to in section 8 of the Act shall be in Form 10. O. Reg. 382/12, s. 8.

9.Omitted (revokes other Regulations). O. Reg. 382/12, s. 9.

10.Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation). O. Reg. 382/12, s. 10.

table of forms
(see section 1)

Form Number / Form Name / Date of Form
1 / Borrowing By-law for Municipalities Not Within a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka / Règlement d’emprunt pour les municipalités qui ne sont pas situées dans une municipalité régionale, le comté d’Oxford ou la municipalité de district de Muskoka / 2012/08
2 / Borrowing By-law for Municipalities Within a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka / Règlement d’emprunt pour les municipalités situées dans une municipalité régionale, le comté d’Oxford ou la municipalité de district de Muskoka / 2012/08
3 / Borrowing By-law for a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka / Règlement d’emprunt pour une municipalité régionale, le comté d’Oxford ou la municipalité de district de Muskoka / 2012/08
4 / Tile Drainage Debenture / Débenture relative au drainage au moyen de tuyaux / 2012/08
5 / Affidavit of Clerk / Affidavit du ou de la secrétaire / 2012/08
6 / Application for Tile Loan / Demande de prêt pour l’installation de tuyaux de drainage / 2012/08
7 / Inspection and Completion Certificate / Certificat d’achèvement et d’inspection / 2012/08
8 / Offer to Sell for a Municipality Not Within a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka / Mise en vente faite par une municipalité qui n’est pas située dans une municipalité régionale, le comté d’Oxford ou la municipalité de district de Muskoka / 2012/08
9 / Offer to Sell for a Regional Municipality, the County of Oxford or The District Municipality of Muskoka / Mise en vente faite par une municipalité régionale, le comté d’Oxford ou la municipalité de district de Muskoka / 2012/08
10 / Rating By-law / Règlement municipal d’imposition / 2012/08

O. Reg. 382/12, Table.


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