Inspire Board Meeting

February 8, 2010

7:00 p.m.

Jann Reed / x
Jay Goldberg / x
Rose Krepelka
Moaty Fayek / x
Kim Jaxon / x
Denver Latimer
Debbie Travers / x
Eric Nilsson / x
Kim Gimbal / x
Ron Pope / x
District Liaison:Sara Simmons / x
Liz Metzger

Approval of Minutes:

  • January 11, 2010 – Approved
  • January 25, 2010 – Approved

Principal’s Report:

  1. Communications with CHS
  2. Meeting on Wednesday, Feb 15 at Chico High.
  3. Intended for faculty from CHS and PV to ask questions.
  4. Jim requested questions be sent to him and Eric.Some have negative tone; some are just curious, concern over hiring.
  5. Eric has been trying to characterize the relationship between Inspire and CHS…has come to “strange bedfellows.” Had either school had their way Inspire wouldn’t be located at CHS for first year.
  6. Professionalism dictates that we all have to act in a way that positively impacts students at both schools.Have to make the best of the situation and support each other.
  7. The face of education is changing and Inspire meets the needs and desires of many students and parents.
  8. There are two classrooms in the new building.Danny web will start a video class at Chico High, but Inspire will utilize the rooms until Danny’s class builds.
  9. All board members and teachers will be encouraged to attend.
  1. Program Updates
  2. Email – 299 applicants without the senior class. Will be sending an e-mail to the juniors asking for commitment.
  3. Ron will be adding 2-D animation.
  4. Eric talked to many seniors who were committing to Butte College Connections, and other programs.Staff is concerned that more time spent on trying to make a senior program work the first year might affect the quality of the program for other students.Email was sent to seniors cancelling the class, most responses were positive.One negative was because student would not finish high school with Ron.
  5. Increasing enrollment to compensate for loss of senior class meant 10 more students needed to be enrolled per class.To ensure a cushion, we will seek commitment from 70- juniors
  6. Clarification of enrollment process – first come first serve up to enrollment target and then lottery after that.
  7. 102 from Chico High, 45 from PV. . . . .
  8. Quarter elective classes – idea of offering electives on a quarter basis so freshmen have a better opportunity to explore.More focus and depth in 10, 11, 12th grades.Had to strike a balance between exploration and best way to offer class.
  1. Parent Meeting Report
  2. Served purpose of informing parents and students.
  3. About 500 people attended.
  4. Received about 16 applications right after the meeting.
  5. Students and parents were very excited.
  6. The questions were very challenging.
  1. Parent/student communication
  2. There are current discussions going on about athletics and team participation.Some decisions may impact enrollment.
  3. Discussion regarding form 11 students.
  4. Lack of French –may impact enrollment.
  5. Registrationtemplates are almost ready for website
  1. Application, Lottery and Registration update
  2. Approaching 60 applications from outside district.
  3. Wednesday will be meeting with counselors to answer their questions and prepare them to handle registration.

Discussion/Action Items:

  • Public Hearing/Discussion

1. Process for hiring principal – (Eric is absent for this part).

o Charter by-laws do not outline process to hire a principal.

o Eric was appointed as interim principal by Kelly and hired by planning committee.

o Boards responsibility to hire principal.

o Can we appoint, or do we have to open up applications process? Bob Feaster stated that the process is entirely up to the Board.Eric came by appointment, but board can move to approve appointment.

o Procedures will need to be established for future filling of a principal position.(see by laws).

o Suggest a subcommittee to research methods used by other charter schools.

o Suggest placing approval of Eric as principal on next board meeting agenda.(closed session appoint of Inspire principal.)It was agreed that there was no desire to open the position- staff and board are happy with choice.

2. Inspire budget

o Budget was conceived based on Uprep model in Redding.

o District is looking at actual cost of students, categories like class space and layout all the costs before the MOU is written.

o Goal is to leave enough for program support.

o All teachers are required to submit a business plan itemizing what they will need.

o By end of this week, get all budgets and compare it with current budget projection. Then meet with district and then come back with a line item budget.

Items from the floor:

  • Moaty:do we have assessment tool of program and adjectives.Agreed a tool should be established, maybe with parent input.
  • Who is doing purchase orders?Cannot hire help until June 1.
  • Will there be a counselor?Yes.Counselor will be hired based on number of students.
  • There will be a full-time office manager
  • How do you handle disciplinary issues while on Chico high campus?Jim and Eric will be working together.Eric will have primary responsibility of Inspire students.
  • Study Hall – As an elective?When you sign up for study hall, students are expected to attend every day it is scheduled.They will be expected to do homework, work in groups, tutoring, etc.
  • Fundraising – was written in the start-up grant. Projected $10,000 from fundraising. Fundraising ideas were discussed.It was suggested to contact the advisor of rec management at CSUC-seeking master student to put together a fundraiser


  • None

Meeting adjourned