Pony Express
TRVEA Publisher: Gale Moriarity, Vice PresidentDate: December 9, 2006
TijuanaRiverValley Equestrian AssociationMission Statement
TRVEA will continue to advocate and promote equestrian use and activities in the TijaunaRiverValley.
Tijuana River Valley Equestrian Assn, Inc.
C/o 2191 Hollister Street
San Diego, CA92154
CA State Non-Profit #1550287
“Horses in Harmony with Habitat”
From the TRVEA Vice President:What is TRVEA?
The Tijuana River Valley Equestrian Association, Inc. Is an organization of equestrians who protect the rights of recreational riders in the TRV. The purpose of TRVEA is to maintain and promote the use of stock animals in the TRV. This is done by regular trail clean-ups, offering horse-related activities, education, but most importantly, meeting with and serving as a watchdog of government agencies. Being President of TRVEA means attending many hours of meetings with government bureaucracies each month and leading the work of keeping the valley horse friendly, by no means an easy task. Past presidents include Candice Ricks, Bev Brauning, and Dan Kackert. The present President is Richard Tynan.
Bring: Gloves, water, hand tools, insect spray, sunscreen, friends and familySave Saturday morning, December16 for Trail Clean-Up with Steve Gibson, TRVEA Trail Coordinator. We are well into a successful summer in the TijuanaRiverValley. Many trails have been cleared after the destruction of the floods thanks to the hard work of those who show up on our monthly Trail Clean-Ups and the USFWS and SD Co P&R. Ournext TRAIL CLEAN-UP is Saturday, Dec 16 at 9 am at the Ranger Station, 2310 Hollister St.
Time to Say Adios
TRVEA President Dick has worked hard spending hundreds of hours in meetings over the last three years finishing the protection of TRV trails that TRVEA has been working on for the last 25 years. Due to medical conditions, Dick will be leaving the Board of Directors as of December 14, 2006. We all appreciate his long, hard days he has spent helping TRVEA preserve the TRV for horses. We wish him the best.
Three years ago, the CountyParks and Rec. Dept tried to establish a 13 mile 8 ft wide multi-use perimeter trail in the TijuanaRiverValley. This plan would have denied access to all other trails. With the help of the TRVEA BOD and you, we have made changes in the plan which now acknowledges 21.3 miles of our best trails and an additional 7.7 miles to be considered after the border fence is completed. There is a TRV Plan Map at the Ranger Station at 2721 Monument Road. Thanks to all of you who have spent so much time, effort and $$ to preserve our beautiful trails. Gale Moriarity, Vice President.
TRVEA has gone TECH!
John Gabaldon has designed a web site – it is beautiful and FULL of information. Come visit us at trvea.org.
Judge Vickie Krauss awarded Paula Hugill 1st place in a class in the Schooling Show
For TRVEA Members!
In 2006 TRVEA held riding/showing CLINICS which were open to the riding public and FREE for pre-registered TRVEA Members.
A CLINIC is a training day for the horse and rider. These are fun events which do two things: help you get more enjoyment out of your horse and riding experience; and prepare you to show your horse if you decide to in the future. There were 2 classes:
Showmanship in Halter - practice positioning your horse's feet, ground work,
(Practical application: having your horse stand next to rail, mounting block, positioning for better balance for the farrier or vet or when you clean feet & mounting, showing a horse for sale or for a vet, quieting your horse when dismounted)
Equitation (English and Western). (show ring etiquette and routines) with most of the time spent on improving your riding aids.
(Practical Application: learn manners for the arena and the trailwhen there are several riders going at
different speeds become a more experienced horseman and get your horse to respond more effectively.)
& Election of President
We will meet at 1pm on Saturday, December 9, 2006 for last General Meeting of 2006. We need to elect a new president to take Dick Tynan’s position. Ifyou would like to run, please be at the meeting.
TRVEA wishes to thank Bobbie Wigginton of Wigginton Ranch for her continued support by providing a central place for us to hold many of our events.
From the Horse’s Mouth
Want to write for the Pony Express? Write up you article and email it to Gale Moriarity at . The edit reserves the right to edit any submissions.
Made in the Shade
There are changes at the Wigginton Ranch Arena. Kudos to TRVEA Secretary Julie Jensen for donating the repair of the bleachers and a wonderful SHADE Pavilion for spectators at the TRVEA events. Julie has made grand improvements in the TRVEA Office as well including lights, a ceiling fan, organization boxes, table and chairs among other items. TRVEA is grateful for all of her donations and hard work in making the office more usable and effective.
I Luvva Parade
The Parade Unit is alive again!! Five horses and riders rode in the Chula Vista Yuletide Parade. The unit consisted of Katie Shipley, Lori Donner, Jan Allen, Erin Kelly, Karen LaVallie and her sons, Thomas Hagan andKatie’s dog, Toby, the mascot for the group, who led the way! The LaVallie Family made a TRVEA banner which was held by Matthew LaVallie and Tom. Congratulations to the unit!
Lori Donner and Katie Shipley worked together to revitalize the parade unit. Lori is writing all of the Chambers of Commerce for local towns asking for information regarding parades. This information will be made into a Parade Handbook. Lori’s goal is to have TRVEA earn enough points to be able to enter the Rose Bowl in 2008.
If you are interested in joining the Parade Unit, Please contact Lori Donner at 587-2928 or . Due to insurance issues, only TRVEA members may participate in parades, although the public is always invited to thepractices.
The parade unit needs HORSE TRAILERS and drivers. If you have a horse trailer and would like to volunteer for this, please contact Lori.
2006-2007 Board of DirectorsPres – Dick Tynan
VP – Gale Moriarity
Secretary – Julie Jensen
Treas. – Patti Andrezjak
Events Coord – Leslie Webb
PR – Mary Christensen
Special Projects Coord – Vickie Krauss
MAU Liaison- John Gabaldon
Trails Coord – Steve Gibson
Juniors Coord – Katie Shipley