Tiered Behavioral Supports- Action Planning
Objective: District and school teams will use the following document to identify strengths and weaknesses of the behavioral system they have in place.
Directions: 1) Teams will write in components they have in place in corresponding spots. 2) At the bottom of each section teams will complete the action planning for that system component.
Tier 1 BehaviorSchool-Wide Tier 1
PBIS- School-wide Management Plan
1. Rules and Expectations - Common Areas: Hallway, Classroom, Bathroom, Lunchroom, etc.
2. Teaching System - School-wide Rules and Expectations are Taught Explicitly
3. Reinforcement System - School-wide Rules and Expectations are reinforced
4. Consequences* - School-Wide Behavior Management Plan IDENTIFIES levels and characteristics or examples of behavioral incidents and what is classroom managed versus what is office-managed
*This includes administrative actions for higher level behaviors
Objective: To implement PBIS at a school-wide and classroom-based level. / Data Collection / Support:
Action Planning -
Things In place:
Things that need to be addressed (include specific assignment and time-frames):
Classroom Based Tier 1
PBIS Classroom
1- Matrix for description of rules in classroom
2- Teaching system - Procedures and transitions are outlined and taught explicitly
3- Reinforcement System- Classrooms have an observable reinforcement system
4- Consequence Continuum - Each classroom has a consequence system pre-taught and utilized
●Preventions, Warning, Re-teaching, Consequences
Objective: To ensure consistent implementation of behavior strategies within the classroom.
*All four steps are used to teach students social skills at a Tier 1 level.
Data Collection / Support
Action Planning-
Things In place:
Things that need to be addressed (include specific assignment and time-frame):
Classroom- Instruction
●Engagement Strategies
●Well planned lesson
●OTR, Positive Interactions, Limited Distractions
Objective: Ensure engagement strategies are implemented throughout the day to decrease behavioral issues. / Classroom- Behavior intervention
-Individual Student
-Class-wide Behavior interventions
Objective: Implement small interventions to prevent behavior from escalating.
Data Collection: / Support:
Trainings: / Data Collection: / Support:
Action Planning:
Things In place:
Things that need to be addressed (include specific assignment and time-frame):
Tier 2 Behavior-Individual Student Focus
Tier 2 Behavior Intervention Team (i.e CST, CHAT)Team Objectives
-Manage Tier 2 School-wide behavior interventions (identification of behavior intervention, training, and implementation)
-Identify students who need Tier 2 behavior intervention (not progressing with Tier 1 instruction and behavior intervention)
-Collect and Analyze Tier 2 schoolwide and classroom behavior intervention data / Team Data Collection
-TFI (implementation purposes) *Later Training
-Tier 1 behavior intervention data
-Tier 2 behavior intervention data
Action Planning:
Things In place:
Things that need to be addressed (include specific assignment and time-frame):
Tier 2 School-Wide Behavior Intervention
Behavioral Interventions that require a school-team for implementation (i.e Check-in-Check-out)
*Tier 2 behavior interventions are implemented for 2-3 week time periods and have a data collection method that is readily available for tracking and ongoing data analysis
** Tier 2 behavior interventions are matched to student need based on data points
Data Collection
-Data collection should be based on behavior intervention(s) chosen
-Data should be evaluated weekly and re-assessed by the Tier 2 team every 3 weeks. / Support:
Action Planning:
Things In place:
Things that need to be addressed (include specific assignment and time-frame):
Tier 2 Classroom-Based Behavior Intervention
Behavioral Interventions that require only the classroom teacher to implement (i.e. altered reinforcement schedule)
Data Collection
-Data collection tool and method based on behavior intervention(s) chosen
-Data is evaluated weekly and re-assessed by Tier 2 team every 3 weeks / Support:
Action Planning: Things In place:
Things that need to be addressed (include specific assignment and time-frame
Tier 3 Behavior- Individual Student Focus
Tier 3 Behavior Intervention Team(CST, CHAT)*at this point a Behavior Specialist should be present
Team Objectives
-Identify students who need Tier 3 behavior intervention (students who did not respond to Tier 2 behavior interventions)
-Help support implementation of Tier 3 behavior interventions
-Collect and analyze Tier 3 behavior intervention data / Team Data Collection
-Tier 2 behavior intervention data
-Tier 3 behavior intervention data
Tier 3 Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP)
-Individualized and specific to student’s needs based on RtI from prior tiered supports provided
-May include the support of multiple staff members
-Implemented for 2-3 weeks
-Include the supervision and support of a district Behavioral Specialist
Action Planning:
Things In place:
Things that need to be addressed (include specific assignment and time-frame):
Created by Shockloveaw