Tic-Tac-Toe Response Activities

All projects should demonstrate your understanding of the book you read.

All should be well organized and written without errors (proof read).

*Por favor comuníquense con Srta. Urquhart si necesites una copia en español.*

#1 Postcard

Materials: A large 5”x7” index card, or 8”x10” tag board.

Directions: Design a postcard from where have you traveled in your book. Include Title and Author.

Front side: Drawing of the setting or theme; include lots of details.

Back side: As the main character, write to someone and talk about the setting, characters, and plot of the book. Include events and details from the book. What have you learned while there? Is there an important moral to the story? 100 word minimum.

Note: Remember to include a stamp (draw one) and an address. Be creative and true to the story.

#2 CD Picture Frame

Materials: Used or new CD jewel case and old CD.

Directions: Create an attractive picture frame. Include Title and Author.

Front cover: Replace the case’s paper insert with your own drawing of a character; frame it with construction paper.

Inside the cover: Mount a book review on the front inside cover. Briefly capture the story line and include your opinion of the book.

On the CD: Mount a detailed description of the character onto the CD. May be typed or written neatly to fit onto the CD. Explain why the character is important in the book. What situations did this character find him/herself in?

Note: Make your picture colorful and add lots of details. 100 word minimum.

#3 Bookmark

Materials: 51/2”x11” paper or card stock.

Directions: Create an oversized bookmark. Include Title and Author.

Front: Detailed illustration: freehand, computer, magazine pictures, etc, that convey the plot of the story.

Back: Plot summary: include background, the main conflicts, resolution, and moral of the story.

Note: Make the bookmark attractive. 100 word minimum.

#4 Trading Cards

Materials: 4 4”x6” index cards.

Directions: Create 4 Character Trading Cards. Include Title and Author.

Fronts: Drawings and names of four characters.

Backs: Character traits and analysis of each character. Include a detailed description of the character, examples of situations this character finds him/herself in, and an explanation of why the character is important in the book.

Note: Make the cards similar, like a “pack.” 25 word minimum for each Trading Card.

#5 News Article

Materials: 81/2”x 11” paper.

Directions: Publish a newspaper article reporting a major event that happened in the book. Include Title and Author.

Headline: Create a captivating HEADLINE and subtitle. Include the Title of the Newspaper, the date, and a by line.

Article: Topic sentence should capture your reader’s attention. Include quotes from characters in the book. Include who, what, where, when and why.

Note: Set up the page like a real newspaper article. 200 word minimum.

#6 Book Jacket

Materials: 11”x14” construction paper, folded like a book jacket.

Directions: Create a book jacket that captures the attention of a book browser at the bookstore or library. Include Title and Author.

Front cover: Must have Title and Author and detailed illustration.

Inside front flap: Write a brief plot synopsis, including major events and characters.

Inside back flap: Write about the author, including other books the author has written.

Back cover: State your opinion of the book, supported with reasons. Do you recommend the book? Sign your name after your opinion.

Note: 150 word minimum.

#7 Diary Entry

Materials: 81/2”x11” paper.

Directions: Write a diary entry either written by you or by a character in the book. Include Title and Author.

Salutation: Begin your entry with “Dear Diary, …”

Body: Describe how the book affected you personally, or tell how a character feels about an event in the book. Show your point of view with reasons and details from the book

Closing: End your entry with “Sincerelyyours, …”

Note: Be sure to write from the point of view of the character if that is what you chose to do. 150 word minimum.

#8 Movie Advertisement

Materials: 22”x28” poster board.

Directions: Create a move poster that advertises your book. Include Title and Author.

Poster should include: -Starring Roles (what famous actor/actress plays what part in the movie?)

Rating, ie: PG, G (explain the reason for the rating);

Brief summary of the plot (include fascinating points from the story without giving away the ending);

Illustrations to show the characters, plot, theme, setting (may be freehand, computer, magazine pictures, etc).

Note: Advertisement should encourage people to want to come and see the movie.

#9 Collage

Materials: 22”x28” poster board.

Directions: Create a collage with magazine pictures, photos, computer pictures, or drawings. Include Title and Author.

Pictures and Captions: Include pictures of characters, events, themes, settings, important objects, etc. All pictures must have captions (written or typed and glued on) to identify and explain their importance to the story.

Note:Use all the space; no poster board should remain showing. Cut and glue neatly.

#10 Six-Sliced Pizza

Materials: 22”x28” poster board.

Directions: 1. Draw 2 large circles (14”) on the poster board and cut out.

2. Divide one circle into 6 equal slices. Cut slices from the center, leaving 11/2” edge uncut (the crust).

3. Write the 6 headings from below onto each crust slice and staple to the second circle along the outer edge (the crust).

Each slice can open to see the bottom crust.

4. Use pictures on each slice of the pizza to illustrate the headings.

5. Write a short summary for each heading on the bottom crust. Use proof from the book to support your points.

Headings for the crust of each slice:

1. Title and Author 4. Main Character

2. Setting 5. Plot

3. Favorite Part 6. Opinion

Note: Be concise and to the point. 150 word minimum.

#11 Time Line (works well for historical fiction or biography)

Materials: Large sheets of white construction paper (cut in half to create long, horizontal strips).

Directions: Create a time line about the period of time in which your book took place. Include Title and Author.

Time line should include: At least ten important events that occurred in the book. You should write one or two complete sentences for each event on the time line. Add illustrations and decorations to make your time line eye-catching and colorful.

Note: Include accurate dates on the time line. You may need to research the time period.