Tic Tac Toe Emotion/Stress and Health

Happiness: What does happiness look like? Depict it in a story, poem, drawing, song, or in a photo series of at least five pictures (have fun and take new pictures for this assignment…don’t use ones taken from months/years ago) / Find Five videos on youtube or any other media outlet that exemplify five distinct concepts from this chapter. Write out the names of the videos and hyperlink them. Define the concepts in the videos and write a brief summary of how each video is a “must show” when teaching this concept. / Write 10 detailed and challenging multiple choice questions from the moto/emo/stress chapters.
Questions must not be definition based only, they must be typed, and your entry must have a copy of just the questions and one with the answers circled.
Find a stimulating article that relates to either the emo/stress chapters. Summarize the article in a way that will entice your peers to want to read it. Make connection(s) to the psych material/concepts. Create 3 content based questions in which the answer is in the article. Create 2 discussion questions. Print and attach the article to your journal entry. / Write a 1 page review of your favorite restaurant, or one you have gone to recently. Your review should be extensive; from the food, to the service, and atmosphere. Take or download some pictures to put on the back page of your review. / Interview a family member, friend, staff at Northside (besides me) whom you consider happy. Write a 1 page entry describing what makes this person happy, what you have learned from this person, and how you plan on incorporating what you have learned into your life.
Commit a random act of kindness every day for a week 7 days…not just school week of 5 days). Write about your experience: what did you do, how did it make the other person feel, how did it make you feel, etc.? Do not write “happy” in your response to these questions. Give more depth, such as “I was having a bad week and helping this person made me look at things differently, etc.” / Once again (2nd journal on this. Either do this again, or try it for the first time)Face your fear (in a healthy way of course). Find a fear of yours that you would like to work on (must not involve putting yourself in great physical/psychological peril). Is it heights, speaking in front of others, asking that special someone out? Face your fear in a way that you deem comfortable, perhaps by taking your first steps toward addressing it. It may be talking with somebody as to how you can approach it, or it may involve directly facing it. Write a one page entry about it. The goal of this activity/entry is not to get you to conquer your fear immediately, but to get you to appreciate the process and self-reflect on it. / Find a movie funny movie that would be ideal to watch at the end of a stressful week. Write a review of the movie. Also, find at least three different concepts from our class (any concept since the beginning of the year) that are present in the movie. Describe the scene and explicitly state how the scene embodies the concepts.