Present – Councillors Ashley Bubb (Chairman),Peter Wenham, Ann Davies, Clive Richards, Rosemary Harradine, Ashley Mills, Carole Birch, Sharron Hogben , District Councillor Heather Taylor, Julie Cronin (Clerk), caretaker Alan Webster, and seven members of the public.
4585. Apologies for absence.
Councillor Carmel Hummerstone, Franchesca Leitch, Louise Murphy and Ashley Mills.
Public Questions.
A resident asked that minute 4573 from 7th February be amended to include the remark she made on cyber bullying. Also requested to see the accounts the Councillors had access too, and that CCC Monitoring Officer had said that the public could see them.
4586. To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests and Voluntary Announcements of Other Interests on any agenda items and a reminder to think of any changes to the DPI register held at CCC, such as change of job or home
4587. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 7thFebruary 2018.
RESOLVED – Peter Wenham proposed, Clive Richardsseconded all who were at the meeting agreed.
4588. Chairman and Councillors’ Reports –
4589.County and District Councillors’ Reports –Cllr Taylor advised thatthe new Fish & Chip shop in the High Street had been granted permission, and they hope to be opening in June this year.
She advised that the next RAMP meeting was on at CCC next week if Councillors wish to attend. She also advised that Kent Fire Brigade are giving away free defibrillators.
4590. Community Warden and Police Officers’ Reports - NONE
4591. Village Caretaker’s Report – Alan reported that the mushrooms in Park View have a graffiti tag on them, which he will remove with the appropriate cleaners.
He also reported that he gritted some of the footpaths in the High Street and Serco followed behind doing the same job
4592. Clerk’s report –Advised that the minibus rear passenger side window had been broken somehow. That HNCA had kindly had a look at their CCTV footage and could not see how it was broke, they provided SPC with a report and some still photos.
The insurance company had been informed and arrangements have been made for it to be fixed but wouldn’t be until next week. The caretaker had removed the broken glass and repaired for now, but users have booked the use of the minibus over the next few day.
Also Hersden BMX club has advised that they have been chosen to hold a Regional meeting this year and will also have at least one other meeting on the 10th June 2018 beforehand.
AGREED – Okay to use for the supermarket trips as Alan can stay with the minibus. Cancel the Kidz Klub on Saturday to use, and the clerk has agreed to drive the vehicle for Saturday night when it’s booked so that it is not left unattended.
BMX request on next month’s agenda.
4593. To discuss and agree Cemetery role and training. –
RESOLVED – Councillors in attendance all agreed that the receptionist can take on the Cemetery role and take part in suitable training when it arises to learn all the legal side of it.
4594. To discussCCTV for the Park. –To discuss CCTV cameras from CCC to help deal with any anti-social Behaviour. Cllr Heather Taylor advised that the cameras are battery powered and that a designated person must be the one to review the footage or CCC can do.
RESOLVED – All agreed to contact RAMP to apply for a camera and decide on a site that’s suitable, possibly near the MUGA Court. Cllrs also asked if prices could be sought for our own cameras.
4595. To discuss and agree (subject to planning permission) a permanent site for the Beacon.
To discuss where the Beacon could go as the Church have declined for it to be placed in Milner Memorial Ground. Cllr Ann Davies has looked at Bakery Green as the other option. The current sign we have on there could be attached to the Beacon frame.
RESOLVED – All agreed to ask CCC and Planning about erecting the Beacon on Bakery Green.
4596.To discuss and agree on fencing to Centenary Woodland.
Councillors discussed the hiring and the buying of fencing.
RESOLVED – All agreed to buy the fencing from Heras Mobile in Sittingbourne at £538 plus VAT.
4597. To discuss cutting down 2 trees in Milner Lane.
A resident had emailed in requesting if he could remove the 3 trees, now, from the boundary of his fence in Milner Lane. Two of which are not faring well after being lopped by us late last year, at his request.
Cllr Ann Davies has been to have a look at the trees and has said they do look unsightly and will not regenerate. They are also not native to this country.
AGREED – All agreed to let the resident remove the trees at his own cost after consent from the Vicar of the church.
4598. To discuss and agree on charging for a driver for the minibus.
RESOLVED – The Councillors discussed and agreed to carry on with the provision of a driver for local groups, associations and all private hire will have to supply their own driver.
a) To approve payment of accounts presented at this meeting.
RESOLVED – February’s accounts presented. Cllr Ashley Bubb Proposed to accept all, Cllr Ann Davies seconded and all agreed.
b) To report on monies received
RESOLVED –February’s monies paid. Cllr Ashley Bubb Proposed to accept all, Cllr Peter Wenham seconded and all agreed.
4600.Any other matters of an urgent or special nature.
To put on next agenda request for the KCC youth bus to be parked on Park View Playing Field.
To put on Facebook that Dog Poo signs are available from the office.
Cllr Rosemary Harradine said that the Aire-sur-las-Lys annual reunion is happening on Saturday 12th May in Sturry & Fordwich this year, and the committee have asked for a donation towards holding the event. The Aire-sur-la-Lys town are also asking for a musical representation from Sturry for the WW1 100yr Armistice Anniversary.
They also wondered if they could put leaflets in our magazine.
Cllr Heather Taylor also reminded the Council about the National Grid Grant money.
RESOLVED – Send Aire-sur-la-Lys an application form for a donation for the next meeting. Cllrs thought it may be better that the flyers they want to slip inside the magazine may be difficult to do and be much easier to put an advert it.
Chairman closed the meeting at 19.52 hours.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………