END OF COURSE EVALUATION (2015 Assignment #30)
Student name………………………………………………………………………..
The Academy reviews and revises its courses every year in light of newly emerging requirements plus the previous year’s experience of teaching its courses and assessing the students’ work. Another important input into this process is the experience of students themselves. This is why we invite you to make constructive comments about your learning experience. By the term “constructive comments” we mean bringing to our attention anything that you think we need to review and that we can, in fact, do something about. The Academy operates only through its fees and donations.
Below is a fairly detailed questionnaire to fill in and send back to us. This is the type of information that we need to have to help us with our course review. Please send it back within a week after Week 9 of your course.
Please give pertinent examples. We need to be clear as to exactly what needs reviewing and whether a problem is systemic or due to particular individuals or was a one-off event.
- Does the Handbook need reviewing?
- Does the Course program (e.g., term-long duration and dates, timetable of lectures, due dates for assignments, retreats, etc) need reviewing?
- Do the subject descriptions (content, assignment requirements, assessment criteria, etc) need reviewing?
- Do the instructions regarding what is required for the various assignments need reviewing?
- Do the course resources (course notes, textbooks, photocopied material, handouts, recommended reading lists, etc) need reviewing?
- Does the turn around time for assessing assignments need reviewing?
- Do the assessments (in terms of usefulness of feedback) need reviewing?
- Do the Office opening hours need reviewing?
- Does the system for taking messages need reviewing?
- Does the response time to phone messages, emails, and correspondence need reviewing?
- Does the clarity of responses to questions and queries need reviewing?
- Does accessibility to the Director and staff need reviewing?
- Does the training framework need reviewing?
- Does how each course of lectures fits into the training framework need reviewing?
- Does the explanation as to what will be covered in the course of lectures need reviewing?
- Does the content of the lectures need reviewing?
- Does the structure of individual lectures need reviewing?
- Does the presentation style of the lecturers need reviewing?
- Does the technology used for presentations need reviewing?
- Does the layout and ambience of the lecture room need reviewing?
- Does the balance of duration of lecture time and breaks need reviewing?
- Does the time allowed for comment and questions need reviewing?
- Does accessibility to the lecturers need reviewing?
- Does the explanation as to where VERBATIMS fit into the training framework need reviewing?
- Does the explanation as to what is expected in a VERBATIM need reviewing?
- Does the content and/or structure of the VERBATIM pro-forma need reviewing?
- Does accessibility to the trainer need reviewing?
- Does the explanation for having spiritual formation (the theological reflection section in Verbatims, retreats, reading and meditating on set texts about personal spirituality, spiritual journaling, Scripture subjects, writing Rites and Services, etc) in the courses need reviewing?
- Do the number and range of spiritual formation opportunities need reviewing?
- Do you have suggestions for further spiritual formation?
- Do any individual spiritual formation opportunities need reviewing?
- Does anything need reviewing?
- Do any of the arrangements for pastoral visiting need reviewing?
Do you have any messages you would like passed on to individual academy lecturers or office staff?
Send to
PO Box 775
Stones Corner QLD. 4120
MACCM. Level 2 Course evaluation #30.7/29/159:11AM. GS. v.2.