TI 89, 92+, Voyage 200 Emulator (Flash Studio)

(updated by Sean Bird, Jan 7, 2009)

(For an 84 emulator I recommend TI-SmartViewTM

Installation Instructions

1. Double click on the “zipped” file: FlashStudio 1.1.42 (5491 KB)

OR double click on the icon for FlashStudio 1.1.43 (the updated version) & skip to step 3.

(From the TI site I think this may be an older version than the above link.)

2. Double click on the Flash Studio 1.1.42 icon.

3. Proceed through the installation. Restart your computer as the installation requests.

4. You will also need to install Microsoft VM (I labeled the program “needfor89em”

Operating Instructions

1. Double click on the Flash Studio icon on the desktop.

2. File New Project

Select the appropriate icon. Here I chose TI92 Plus – Flash Application. Template – NO

Name can only be 8 characters so I used: 92+Flash. Notice the folder where the project is being stored. Select CREATE.

3. Click on “Simulator” “Load Flash Object…”

(If you have a black or gray link cable you can link directly from your calculator. You must go to LINK Settings and check the “Enable simulator to calculator link”. Even if it is check off you would do well to uncheck it, click OK, then check it and click OK again.)

4. Find the appropriate APP. Here we will use the Study Card Application. Then “Open”

5. Next click on “Simulator” “Load Ram Object…”

6. Pick the Study Card stack. Here I will choose “fracadd1”. Then “Open”

7. You can add more than one object and you can place them into Archive, too.

8. Let’s place “fracden1” into the Archive.

9. “Simulator” “View Simulator”

10. If the calculator appears and is working, then you are ready to go.

If not, you need to press: “HALT”,

then “RUN”. Try this whenever it seems to not be working properly.

(Avoid Reset unless for some reason you want a blank calculator, in which case just open a NEW PROJECT calculator. I.e. repeat the operating instructions. If you accidentally reset then try not to save it.)

11. The calculator should look like:


12. Proceed with key strokes as a regular calculator.

13. Be sure to SAVE the Simulator when you are finished:

Select “Simulator”, “Save Image…”

(If the prompt for #14 doesn’t come up then it didn’t save it)

14. Save it with the same name that you saved it at the beginning.

(For some reason the .clc needs to have the same name as the .FSO and they need to be in the same file as the .exe with the same name.

The default is for it to save to

C:\Program Files\TI Education\TI Flash Studio\Projects\ )

To close you may do step 15-17,OR press Alt+F4, OR press

15. “File” “Save All”

16. “File” “Close Project”

17. “File” “Exit”

18. To Reopen a project: Open

TI Flash Studio,

“File” Either “Open Project…” or just select the file from the ones listed

OR try openingC:\Program Files\TI Education\TI Flash Studio\Projects\ and select the folder and executable file that you named earlier.