ERPlite Pro:: Shop Floor Traveler Tracker


Shop Travelers are an integral part of the production and repair processes. Shop Travelers are the documents created from sales orders and RMA’s that keep track of what products need to be created/repaired and what steps are needed using specific procedures and materials. ERPlite Pro software keeps track of all operations and materials required for production and when making and revising shop travelers, updates and adjusts inventory.

Travelers can be printed out and passed from workstation to workstation as each production step is taken care of, or internally created in the computer and signed off electronically at each step in the process. When a Sales Order is entered into the system, each item , that requires a Traveler, is then added to the list of Travelers to be created. This automatically ensures products on approved Sales Orders are scheduled for production.

Shop Traveler Management Form

After creating the SO, click the “Generate Travelers” button….

A popup window shows the Traveler number…..

The first two letters are for Traveler Order…to be consistent with ERPlite nomenclature :: SO, WO, PO.

The next xxxx digits are the origninating SO number.

A TO is created for each line of the SO (that has a rounting list), thus in TOxxxx-y, the y is the SO line number.

Open the Traveler Manager via the switchboard :: Mfg Orders >> Traveler Manager. The following is the form on which all of the shop travelers are displayed. …

There are the following buttons for creating, editing, revising, or deleting a Shop Traveler:

· Edit - Opens an existing Shop Traveler for editing, when editing a Shop Traveler the changes made are saved to the original Shop Traveler.

· Delete – Actually, this is not a button, but an MS Access feature. Right click on the left edge “record selector”, and select “Cut”… Deletes the shop traveler from the system. You may re-create the traveler later if you wish.

· Lot Split - Lot split lets you easily split a Shop Traveler into multiple Shop Travelers. This is very useful if you have a customer that wants a large order split into several deliveries over a span of time. When clicked it opens up the "Router Traveler Lot Splitter" screen where you enter in how many lots you would like the Shop Traveler split into. (Note: this feature is not yet operational but will be added soon).

Traveler Operations Edit Form

The following screen is the Edit/Print Traveler Tracker screen.

This Traveler Tracker gets its operations (routing list) data from the Itemmaster….

From this Tracker screen you can see things such as job number, order numbers part numbers and so forth, these entry fields are automatically pulled from the Sales Order and the Itemmaster Routing tab. Descriptions of each part and notes to go along with the production of each part can be added to the Shop Traveler and will be printed when the Shop Traveler is printed.

The initial schedule is computed from todays date and the Itemmaster setup and runtimes (for labour….assumed to be in days, for this version.).

If you change the start date for the first operation (to say 9/1/2012), then the schedule for the operations start and end dates will be recalculated using the Itemmaster setup/runtimes.

You can then edit any other start/end dates to modify the schedule from the default values.

Clicking the “Completed box” shows the status of the project, and prevents the start/end dates for that operation from being edited.

Note that the default notes from the Itemmaster can be edited before printing the Traveler.

There are the following buttons for printing the Shop Traveler and changing inventory counts…

· Print Traveler opens the Traveler for preview and printing

· Manage Inventory autopopulates and opens the selected inventory management form :: Materials Management, Inventory Transfer, Work Order :: so that the individual operations can create/consume assemblies/materials using the ERPlite form designed for that purpose. (this feature will be implemented soon).

· Traveler Status In addition to creating and printing the Traveler, status changes are entered on this form by checking operations “Completed” and if necessary, changing start/end dates. Thus, any time need, the Traveler can be viewed in ERPlite to see the operations completed, and the expected Operation and Project completion date.
