Glynwood Newsletter

Issue 179 June2017

Diary Dates


Monday 5thBack to School

Thursday 8thSchool closed – General Election

Friday 9thGlynwood Games (am – Yrs 5/6 pm Yrs 3/4)

Monday 12th Early years/ KS1 sports afternoon

Monday 12th –

Friday 16thYear 1 Phonics screening check

Thursday 15thKS2 sports afternoon

Friday 16thNon uniform day – see Friends of Glynwood below

Monday 19thSchool closed – occasional day

Tuesday 20thNSPCC in school – non uniform day

Wednesday 21stEarly Years - colour carnival in aid of CHUFF

3.00pm headlice info session for parents with school

nurse in the community room

Thursday 22ndYear 3 to visit Washington Wetlands

Friday 23rdWear Yellow for CF

Summer Fair 1.30pm

Monday 26th –

Friday 30th Welcome Week at Joseph Swan for Year 6s

Wednesday 28thYear 1 – visit to Gibside

Year 2 – visit to Marsden Beach

Thursday 29thYear 4 – visit to Housesteads

Friday 30thGateshead schools Athletics Festival


Monday 3rd JulyReception to Gibside

Monday 3rd – Friday 7thSCIENCE WEEK

Wednesday 5th2pm – Nursery afternoon group graduations


Thursday 13thYear 6 performance – 1.30pm & 6pm

Friday 14thRecords of Acheivement to Parents

Monday 17th1.30pm – Reception Red Group graduations

Tuesday 18th1.30pm – Reception Blue Group graduations

Wednesday 19th10.30am – Nursery morning group graduations

PM - Talent Show

(children only – no adults due to space restrictions)

Leavers disco – 6pm

Thursday 20thSports assembly 1.30pm

Friday 21st Leavers assembly 1.30pm

Break up for Summer Holidays


Monday 4thschool closed – staff training day

Tuesday 5thChildren return to school.


Following a review of our security we have decided to remove the push button facility at the main entrance. In order to monitor who is in/out of our building only a member of staff will be able to allow entrance and exit.

Governors Report

The Governors have approved the installation of additional doors in our main entrance area – restricting access through to the corridors to further improve our security. These should be in place by September.

Sponsored Read

Thank you to everyone who supported the school council’s sponsored read to date we have received £799.60. If you still have sponsor money to send in please do so no later than Friday 9th June. The council members are looking forward to selecting new reading books for our library.

School Uniform

Now is a good time to start ordering your school uniform for September. You can do this by going on the ‘shop’ tab on the parentmail app - ordering and paying online, or you can go traditional and get an order form from the school office.

As we did last year we would like to offer a small selection of school uniform for next year to those children who are entitled to free school meals – this will be funded from the pupil premium budget that we receive from the government. If you have not handed in your form yet – please do so before Friday 9th June

Parents Council/ Friends of Glynwood

The summer fair will be held on Friday 23rd June at 1.30pm

If you would like to book a table, please speak to a member of the office staff - £6 per table.

The next meeting of the group will be Monday 12thJune at 9am in the Angel room.

We are now accepting donations for the tombola and raffles. Thank you for your support.

  • As usual we will be having a no uniform day before the Fair, (Friday 16th June)– we ask that children in Key Stage 2 donate a bottle, this could be a bottle of wine, sauce, shampoo, juice etc. and that children in Key Stage 1 and Early Years donate a bar of chocolate. Everything collected will then be used at the fair as prizes etc.

PE Lessons

Please remind your child to bring their PE kitall children in Years 1 to 6 should bring their kit to school on a Monday and take it home to be washed on a Friday. No Football kits please!!!.

Children must wear blue school t- shirts and black/navy shorts.

Blue school t-shirts can be bought from the school office at £4.00 each. Children should also have trainers or sandshoes to change into for PE lessons.


Can we please remind you that it is important that earrings are removed or covered for school.

After School Club/ Breakfast club

Both clubs are proving very popular, but we would like to remind parents that sessions should be paid for either in advance or on the day the session is taken. Non payment puts both services at risk.

Updated School Website

Please check the website regularly for updates from your child’s class and particularly the calendar feature, which will show upcoming events and important dates.

House Events

At the request of the school council we have ordered school house t-shirts for the children – these are available from the school office for £5.00 each.


I am sorry to have to report further complaints from both local residents as well as some of our own parents/ carers about poor parking in the streets around the school site. I am aware of more than one ’near miss’ where a child or parent has been hit, usually by car doors as they are coming to and from school. We would of course encourage as many as possible of you to walk to school, use the Baptist church car park on Southend Road or park a little further away from the school site. I do not want to be in the position when I am having to report to parents the serious injury of one of our children which could have been avoided if only we were all a little more organised.

School Bank

Remember our school bank is open in the AngelRoom each Wednesday morning before school. You can save a little or as much as you wish and then collect your money at the end of term to spend on Christmas presents or holiday activities. Get Saving!!!

Do you shop online?

Please help to raise funds for the school when shopping on-line, go to and support “Glynwood Primary School”. A small % of the purchase value will be donated to the school at no extra cost to you.

You can now order school uniform, pay for school trips etc. through the parentmail app. The number of items available at the moment is restricted and depending on the ease of use and reports back from parents – we may look to extend the number ofitems you can pay for in this way in the future