Minutes of Windsor Oak’s Board Meeting

March 13, 2018

Present: Wayne May, Charlie Patterson, Bob Fritsch, Bill Harding, Wanda Moen, invited to attend, Charles Talley, Jerry Schlaff.

Secretary Report: Bill read the minutes of February 13 Board meeting. There were no additions or corrections. Bob moved to accept as read, Charlie seconded. Carried.

Treasury Report: Bob reported for Jan.2018 financials.

Bank Accounts: Operating Acc’t. $89,376, Reserve/Money Market $259,620 making a total of $348,996.

MTD/YTD Net Income: $8,629 versus a Budget of $5,035 for a positive gain versus budget of $3,594. This net gain versus budget was achieved despite the posting of Retention Pond clean-up invoice from First Line Stormwater Solutions dated 12/18/17 but posted in Jan.2018.

Accounts Receivable: Unusually high balance for the month. It appears that Cedar Management did not receive payments on time or is not posting dues payments in a timely matter. The BOD should encourage residents to pay by Auto Draft(ACH) to avoid late payments and penalties.

Turkey Dash: Bob reported there were no complaints from homeowners from the 2017 Turkey Dash. Additional police presence were a contributing factor in a non-invasive event. The Organizer, Gary Schwake, will be contacted to request that this continues for future events and that the Board is notified annually.

Landscape: Wanda received word from US Lawn that there will be no mowing on slopes in order to preserve the new grass growth. There are 17 units that still need to be inspected by Thomas Pest Control. Since Thomas has not finished inspections there will be a delay in putting down pine needles and fascia washing. Some have reported that their Holly bushes seem to be dying. Since they are primarily located on the north side it is likely the cold temps has caused this. There is evidence of green in the stems giving hope they will be saved.

AMC: Jerry reported that 11 units are not allowing Termite inspections inside. After discussion about this, Bob moved a proposal to amend the rules and regulations in the green book by adding no. 16 on page 21(Repair/Replacement Responsibilities) that will state that it is the Homeowners responsibility to allow access into their unit for Termite inspection. Failure to allow access will be subject to fines. Charlie 2nd the motion. Unanimously Carried. Fascis siding cleaning will be delayed until after the Pollen season about the end of May. Some water valves in the boxes outside each building have been found to be disintegrating when repairs were being made. To replace piping and 4 valves in each box will cost in the range of $1300 to $1400 per box. Repairs are to be done on 2 boxes now and possibly 4 more by ends end.

Items: Wanda reported on treatment of trees on Ludwell. There are 18 Oak trees whose roots need attention and tops that need trimming out. The cost for this work would be around $12,000.

Charlie stated that the City Transportation Department had not gotten back to him regarding speeding cautions on Elm Lane in order to avoid crashes into our brick wall. A motion was made by Bob to close the Board meeting in order to move into Executive Session. Seconded by Wanda. Carried.

President, Wayne May Secretary, Bill Harding