Tilbury Local Action Group
Tilbury Community Led Local Development Programme 2017-2021
Tilbury Local Action Group
Community Led Local Development Programme 2017-2021
Partnership Opportunities with Thurrock Borough Council
Expression of InterestForm
On behalf of Tilbury Local Action Group, Thurrock Borough Council submitted a Stage 1 application in August 2016 for the Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Programme. This included a strategy for Tilbury. We have now been invited to proceed to the Full Application stage. In order to strengthen our application, there is a need to identify organisations that would be likely to apply for CLLD funding to deliver relevant support. If successful, the programme will commence from approximately April 2017 (contracting and set-up) and October 2017 (delivery).
The European Social Fund (ESF), together with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) form part of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), managed by the Department for Communities and Local Government (ERDF), and the Department for Work and Pensions (ESF). Together through CLLD, ESIF is commissioning a programme that will deliver the Tilbury CLLD strategy which responses should reference appropriately.
Your activity needs to complement existing government programmes to address the five issues for priority action as set out atsection 6 in the strategy.
If your organisation is interested in seeking European funds through the CLLD programme and working with Thurrock Borough Council on this project opportunity, then please complete this form and return it via email to
Deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday 6th January 2017.
Please note that completion of this form does not constitute a contractual agreement between Thurrock Borough Council, the Accountable Body for the Tilbury CLLD Programme, and your organisation. Additional application stages will need to be completed spring / summer of 2017 if this programme is confirmed. Thurrock Borough Council will discuss & agree the type and scope of activities to be delivered with individual organisations prior to entering into any partnership agreement.
We would like applicants to fill in as much of the form as possible. However, please do not be put off if you are not able to supply all the information. Guidance for completing this EOI is provided at each section, with further advice on scoring and methodology provided at the end of the form.
1.Organisational Information
Organisation name:Name & job title / role of main contact:
Contact email:
Contact telephone/mobile number(s):
Website address:
Organisation status / (plc, ltd co., charity, etc.):
Company registration number
Or Registered charity number
Years of trading:
Quality Standards and Accreditation: If you have these, please indicate here:
If your application is accepted, do you agree for Thurrock Borough Council to conduct a site visit at your premises prior to the start of delivery activity?Yes/No
1.2Proposed resources to deliver against the CLLD programme
How many staff does your organisation employ in total (including associates)?
How many volunteers support your organisation?
Names of experienced staff that will deliver on this contract (please confirm that you agree to submit their CVs if requested)
Proposed / potential delivery locations (& addresses) in Tilbury / Number of staff that would be based at this location (please specify whether they are admin/support staff, tutors/trainers etc.) / Number of people who can be comfortably accommodated at delivery location / Facilities available at location (e.g. disability access, Wi-Fi, crèche)
2.Proposed delivery of Tilbury CLLD programme elements
Please complete this section with reference to the strategy:
Which of the following objectives and actions of the Tilbury CLLD Programme will your organisation address? Please identify below;include a description of which aspects of the action you wish to specialise in where relevant. Please indicate whether you would wish to deliver action fully yourself or as part of a consortia with other providersStrategic action and sub-action / Global value of programme element (figures shown includethe match funding at 50% of total shown)
Associated ESIF outputs which must be delivered* / Please Tick to indicate those you wish to deliver.
Where applicable please describe how you wish to focus on just element(s) of this sub-action for example ‘NEETs’, ‘Drugs and Alcohol Treatment’, ‘Debt Management’, ‘SME support’
Strategic Action A: Support Local People to access local jobs and develop their skills
Proposed sub-action 1: Employment readiness and skills support delivered in Tilbury aimed at individuals facing specific barriers to employment or training / This would cost £700k with upto 50% (£350k) available for investment: refer to section 3.5, and will help 245 people over the five years of the strategy
Proposed sub-action 2:Training and support delivered in Tilbury for people who are currently in work but are looking to develop their skills and progress / This would cost £250k with upto 50% (£125k) available for investment: refer to section 3.5, and help 87 people over the five years of the strategy.
Proposed sub-action 3:Further promotion of and outreach through existing services / costing £50k with upto 50% (£25k) available for investment: refer to section 3.5,
Strategic Action B: Tackle the barriers facing people furthest from the labour market
Proposed sub-action 1: Bespoke training, mentoring and work readiness activity delivered in Tilbury to support individuals who face multiple and complex barriers to employment or training; and / These complementary streams of work would cost £2.51m with upto 50% (£1.25m) available for investment: refer to section 3.5, and will help 466 of the highest need households over the five years of the strategy.
Proposed sub-action 2: building local capacity to deliver personal advocacy and local service brokerage to address physical and mental health, social care, substance abuse, chaotic lifestyle issues as barriers into work
Proposed sub-action 3:Further promotion of and outreach through existing services / costing £50k with upto 50% (£25k) available for investment: refer to sec 3.5,
Strategic Action C: Stimulate local businesses, SMEs, micro-enterprises and social enterprises
Proposed sub-action 1: A new business advice and support programme and; / This will cost £0.3m with upto 50% (£150k) available for investment: refer to section 3.5, and support 100 new SMEs, social enterprises and micro-enterprises across the five years of the strategy
associated small start-up grants scheme
Proposed sub-action 2: Dedicated provision of education, training, advice and support, delivered in Tilbury, to existing businesses around digital, tendering and procurement, business planning, low carbon, marketing and other business needs. / This will cost £0.4m with upto 50% (£200k) available for investment: refer to section 3.5, This will be split approximately £0.2m (£100k avail) for general support training, advice and support; £0.1m (50k avail) for procuring specialist support for e.g. digital skills development; and £0.1m (£50k avail) for small grants and will help 40 businesses across the five years of the strategy.
We will also create a small grants scheme for business growth
Proposed sub-action 3: A shopfront improvement scheme to match-fund the capital costs of physical improvements to the condition and display of local shopfronts / This will cost £0.1m with upto 50% (£50k) available for investment: refer to section 3.5, and will help 33 shops across the five years of the strategy
Strategic Action D: Improve local infrastructure for residents and businesses
Proposed sub-action 1: A new fit-for-purpose cycling hub, including renovation of a building, stock and equipment purchase, business infrastructure and the delivery of training to local people / We have allocated £0.6m with upto 50% (£300k) available for investment: refer to section 3.5, this will deliver support that will move people closer to work to 260 individuals across the five years of the strategy
Strategic Action E: Encourage local civic action, pride and volunteering as routes into work
Proposed sub-action 1: A programme of outreach and capacity building to enable residents to volunteer and take other forms of civic action that will enable them to gain job-relevant skills and experience / We have allocated £0.5mwith upto 50% (£250k) available for investment: refer to section 3.5,this will deliver support to 260 people across the five years of the strategy.
* The ESIF outputs shown are over the whole delivery phase of the programme 2017-2021. At the contracting stage April-September 2017 delivery partners will work with Thurrock Borough Council to determine the activities / inputs that they will provide that will lead to delivery of these outputs, for example number of guided learning hours, number of volunteering hours, etc.
3.Delivery Experience
Please complete this section with reference to the strategy:
3.1 With a particular focus on the area(s) you have identified in section 2 above,please provide a short description of your organisation, including your background and what you feel are your key strengths relevant to the delivery under one or more of the above 5 CLLD strategic actions– including any particular specialism that you bring to a partnership, including any experience of ESF/ERDF delivery. (Maximum 500 words).3.2Do you hold data or have access to information on any of the groups of people that the CLLD strategy is aimed at supporting? For example information on job seekers, people accessing local health and social care and associated services, people accessing training opportunities, etc.
3.3Please describe what you would like to do if you are successful, what ideas you bring; and what help and support you would need to deliver your projects(Maximum 500 words).
3.4 Please provide information on customer groups that you have previously worked with, e.g. Black and Minority Ethnicity (BME), learners with a disability or learning difficulty, ex-offenders, lone parents, migrants with English language needs etc. and what specific arrangements you have made to accommodate these (maximum 500 words). Please make relevant to the Tilbury CLLD Strategy, specifically addressing the needs and challenges set out in sections 3 and 4 of the Strategy document
3.5 Potential delivery partners will be required to bring at least 50% match funding in order to participate; this can be through staff time and other in-kind contribution (non-cash), though must be identified clearly at this stage and ‘clean’ in other words not tied to delivery of other projects or programmes. Whilst not required at this stage, please show clearly how you will address this, with particular reference to delivery of the outputs selected at section 2 above? How will you demonstrate that the CLLD-funded activity is new/bespoke and does not duplicate existing provision?
In order to support Thurrock Borough Council’s due diligence process, please confirm that you would be prepared, if requested, to provide audited accounts of your organisation for the last three years or other financial statements, and that you are prepared to time-sheet for staff time particularly where this is being claimed as match funding contribution, and fully record participant engagement as stipulated under ESF / ERDF terms.If not, please state the reasons for this
5.Training support provision
5.1Please provide information on the subject areas you have delivered training and support, where relevant (maximum 500 words)5.2Please provide us with an indication of the number of customers you would be able to support at any time(i.e. maximum capacity)
Thurrock Borough Council will seek to work with organisations that can deliver a high-quality service for this programme. Partners should have existing infrastructure to deliver in Thurrock and a proven ability to deliver relevant training, support, advocacy etc. that supports the progress of people towards sustainable outcomes including education, volunteering, employment or work with training.
Assessment Criteria and Methodology
Thurrock Borough Council will select appropriate partner organisations by applying a fair and transparent process. Completed EOI forms will be assessed by a panel representing the Local Action Group, subject to formal qualitative evaluation using methodology and criteria outlined below.
On behalf of the Local Action Group,ThurrockBorough Council will identify appropriate partner organisations that are able to demonstrate the required capacity, delivery capabilities and geographic coverage. Successful and unsuccessful providers will be notified.
Weighting: Scores will be weighted in terms of importance as per the table below:
Section and criteria / Scores 0, 1 or 2 / Weighting3.1 Experience & key strengths / 0 / 1 / 2 / 25%
3.2 Access to information on target groups / 0 / 1 / 2 / 20%
3.3 Innovation in delivery or partnership models / 0 / 1 / 2 / 15%
3.4 Evidence of engagement of under-represented / hard to access groups or communities / 0 / 1 / 2 / 15%
3.5 Match funding including bespoke offer for CLLD that does not replicate / duplicate / 0 / 1 / 2 / 15%
Focus of proposal to Tilbury and/or existing presence within Tilbury (1.2, 3.1, 3.3) / 0 / 1 / 2 / 10%
NB: All received EOI forms that score 0 (zero) on any of the scored sections will automatically be
eliminated from the process and not be considered further.
A panel representing Tilbury Local Action Group will assess all responses to identify appropriate delivery partners that are able to demonstrate the required capacity, delivery capabilities and geographic coverage. Successful and unsuccessful providers will be notified.
Thank you.
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL
On behalf of Tilbury Local Action Group. 08/12/2016
CLLD is funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)
Tilbury CLLD programme 2017-21: Expression of Interest / Page 1Version 1.0