Steps to Throwing a Football:

Throwing & Catching Activities

Throw and Catch – Varying Distances

One partner will start on sideline

Three cones will be distanced at 10 feet apart

Second Partner will move from short throw Intermediate throw  Long throw

(In two minute intervals)

Throw and Catch While Moving

Partners will repeat first activity but add movement

The partner who is throwing will throw the ball in a different direction each time.

Passing direction options:

Short - (Receiving partner will have to quickly move forward)

Far – (Partner will have to move backwards/backpedal)

Left or Right

Refined Skill-


Passing and Receiving with an Active Defender:

Use this activity to enhance throwing and catching activity and to prepare for football event by adding a defender.

Throw and catch in partners

A third person will be added to act as a defender

The defenders role is to block passes, to avoid completion

Each blocked pass is a point for the defender

Switch positions every two minutes

Three Pass Patterns:

In groups of three, one player will be the quarterback, one receiver, and one as a defender.

The quarterback and receiver will discuss their strategy to out beat the defender and complete a pass.

One point for each complete pass to both the quarterback and receiver.

Two points for any pass that is intercepted.

Switch player positions each round.

Skill Challenge

Ultimate Football

  • Assemble two teams
  • There are two end zones on each end of the gymnasium
  • This activity is better played outside because there is more playing surface
  • Start with all the players on the offensive team behind their end zone. The players then take 5 steps and pass the football. The defensive players may not make contact with any offensive player. A dropped or intercepted pass results in the other team getting the football.
  • Catch the pass and take only 5 steps or hold the football for 5 seconds. Once a player catches a pass, the offensive player tries to advance the football down the field and over the goal line.
  • The player can only take 5 steps or hold the football for five second before they have to score or pass the ball to a teammate.
  • Turn the ball back over to the other team after team scores or violates a rule