ATTD 5130/Assignment 4

PB 9


Goal No. 1: I will obtain my teaching certification so that I will have the necessary qualifications to teach in Texas.


  • Pass required UNT courses
  • Pass TExES exam

Rationale: The DentonIndependentSchool District requires proper certification of its teachers within one-year of the commencement of required coursework in order to continue teaching.

Steps to Complete and Pass Required UNT Coursework:

1)Complete and pass courses in-progress (ATTD 5130, ATTD 5130, and ATTD 6030).

2)Complete and pass remainder of required courses listed in Deficiency Plan (ATTD 5110, ATTD 5120, and ATTD 6030).

3)Attend Summer T & I Conference as required by Deficiency Plan.

Steps to Pass TExES exam:

1)Attend TExES review sessions provided by UNT.

2)Take and pass TExES.

Required Resources for Goal No. 1:

  • Money to pay for UNT classes
  • Mentor for instructional internships (ATTD 6030)
  • Coordination of time


UNT Coursework:
ATTD 5130, ATTD 5140, and ATTD 6030 / In 3 months
(3 months completion time) / May 2007
UNT Coursework:
ATTD 5110 and 5120 / In 5-6 months
(2 months completion time) / August 2007
Attend Summer T&I Conference / In 5 months
(one week) / July 2007
UNT Coursework:
ATTD 6030 / In 10 months
(4 months completion time) / December 2007
Attend TExES review sessions / In 8-9 months
(two Saturdays) / October &/or November 2007
Take and pass TExES / In 10 months
(one day) / December 2007

Goal No. 2: I will maintain my State Bar of Texas license so I can provide better lesson plans including updated information on criminal justice and criminal law.


  • Stay current on annual State Bar dues
  • Attend mandatory 15 hours of CLE (Continuing Legal Education seminars)
  • Implement updated information in lesson plans

Rationale: Maintaining my State Bar license with an emphasis on criminal law brings credibility to the development of Denton ISD’s pre-law program and brings new and updated information to my lesson plans.

Steps to Stay Current on Annual State Bar of Texas Dues:

1)Each June, pay annual State Bar of Texas dues currently in the amount of $235. Keep information updated.

2)Prior to June 1st, determine whether exempt from required Attorney Occupational Tax of $200.

Steps to Attend Mandatory 15 hours of CLE:

1)Each August, register for and attend the Advanced Criminal Law CLE offered in the DFW area. (Approximate cost: $550)

2)Attend Denton County Bar Association sponsored CLE luncheons and workshops during the summer months.

3)Search TexasBar CLE website for upcoming seminars, which include criminal law topics.

4)After attending CLE, determine which information should be incorporated into lesson plans.

Steps to Implement Updated Information into Lesson Plans:

1)Evaluate and incorporate updated information from Advanced Criminal Law CLE.

2)Evaluate and incorporate updated information from Denton County Bar seminars.

Required Resources for Goal No. 2:

  • Money to pay for State Bar Dues and CLE seminars
  • Available time (plan around school calendar and in summer months)


Determine status of required Attorney Occupational Tax / In 4 months
(4 months completion time prior to June) / May 2007
Ensure State Bar of Texas information is correct and pay dues / In 4 months
(Due by end of June each year) / June 2007, 2008, and 2009
Attend State Bar of Texas Advanced Criminal Law CLE / In 6 months and annually each year
(one week) / Usually held in August of each year
Evaluate and incorporate updated information received from Advanced Criminal Law CLE / Within a month after CLE / September 2007, 2008, and 2009
Attend Denton County Bar Association luncheons and seminars / In 4 months
(Ongoing throughout each summer) / June, July, August of 2007-2009
Evaluate and incorporate information from Denton County Bar seminars / By the end of the summer / August 31, 2007, 2008, and 2009
Search Texas Bar CLE website for upcoming seminars with criminal law topics / Conduct a search at least once per quarter
(four times a year) / January of each year
April of each year
July of each year
October of each year

Goal No. 3: I will supplement my curriculum so that I can enhance my teaching in order to increase my students’ performance, knowledge, and understanding of the material.


  • Seek opportunities to bring more “colorful” lessons to the “black and white” material in course textbooks
  • Make contacts in the legal community

Rationale: A better curriculum will benefit the graduates of the legal/pre-law program by allowing them to be more informed as they pursue employment or continue studies in the legal field.

Steps to Seek Opportunities to Bring “Color” to Courses:

1)Invite guest speakers to class.

2)Implement updated information from CLE seminars. (Follow TEKS for course)

3)Take courthouse and/or law offices field trips.

4)Create projects, including mock trials, which implement current cases as hypothetical fact basis.

5)Visit a successful legal studies department in another school district. (Like The Academy at Irving ISD)

6)Search websites and catalogs for topic specific resources. Research such resources. (videos, literature, etc.)

Steps to Make Contacts Within the Legal Community:

1)Maintain membership in Denton County Bar Association membership. (Dues approximately $100/year)

2)Contact members of Denton County Bar Association and members of the Denton County Criminal Defense Bar (defense attorneys, assistant district attorneys, judges, etc.)

3)Contact members of law enforcement agencies with which had previous working relationships.

4)Collaborate with experienced criminal justice/law instructors.

Required Resources for Goal No. 3:

  • Money to pay for Denton County Bar Association membership and State Bar CLE seminars
  • Law enforcement personnel
  • Local attorneys and judges
  • Substitute teacher to cover classes while at The Academy at Irving ISD
  • Time for planning


Develop basics of curriculum for each class (core lesson plans) / During 1st year / December 2007
Renew Denton County Bar Association membership each August / In 6 months
(Annually) / August 2007, August 2008, and August 2009
Solicit guest speakers from Bar associations or law enforcement agencies at the beginning of each semester (one per semester) / During the 2nd year
(ongoing thereafter, at the beginning of each semester) / January 2008
August 2008
January 2009
August 2009
Implement updated information to lesson plans (lectures, projects, and mock trials) after attending CLE seminars, reading legal journals / During 2nd year
(at the beginning of each semester) / January 2008
August 2008
January 2009
August 2009
Visit The Academy at Irving ISD legal studies department / During 2nd year / Spring 2008
Collaborate with experienced criminal justice instructors / During 2nd year / Spring 2008
Field trips to courthouse and/or law offices / During 3rd year / Spring 2009
Search for and use topical resources on websites and catalogs (videos, literature, textbooks) / Ongoing
(Begin toward the end of the 1st year) / Winter 2007

Goal No. 4: I will promote Denton ISD’s Criminal Justice/Pre-law program in order to build a strong legal program.


  • Increase participation in Legal and ProtectiveServicesAcademy at the Denton ISD’s Advanced Technology Complex (ATC)

Rationale: By promoting and building the Criminal Justice/Pre-law program, Denton ISD will touch more students who will have gained specific knowledge in determining whether to pursue a career in the legal field.

Steps to Increase Participation in the Legal and ProtectiveServicesAcademy:

1)Collaborate with other ATC program instructors who have successfully built their program from the ground up.

2)Solicit members to participate on Advisory Board and meet during the year to evaluate curriculum.

3)Participate in DISD high schools’ elective fairs to encourage 9th and 10th graders to take Introduction to Criminal Justice and Pre-law Careers and to explain the natural transition into pre-law courses at the ATC during 11th and 12th grades. (Career counselors will know exact dates.)

4)Make presentations at DISD middle schools, in particular 8th graders.

5)Attend ATC open houses.

6)Visit a legal studies department in another school district to learn about success strategies. (Like The Academy at Irving ISD)

Required Resources for Goal No. 4:

  • Substitute teacher for observation day(s) at The Academy at Irving ISD
  • Successful CATE instructor
  • Time for planning


Collaborate with successful CATE instructor / During 1st and 2nd year
(ongoing) / Prior to Fall 2007 through Spring 2008
Solicit and bring together Advisory Board to meet a minimum of twice a year to review curriculum / In 2 months
(ongoing , to meet at least once per semester) / April 2007
October 2007
Participate in Denton ISD high schools’ elective fairs / Currently
(each Spring during course selection period) / March 2007
March 2008
March 2009
Present to Denton ISD middle schools, in particular, 8th graders (usually February) / Currently
(Each Spring, thereafter. One night per school completion time) / February 2007
February 2008
February 2009
Attend ATC open houses (at least two per semester) / Ongoing throughout each semester
(2-3 hours per open house) / Spring 2007 x 2
Fall 2007 x 2
Spring 2008 x 2
Fall 2008 x 2
Spring 2009 x 2
Fall 2009 x 2
Visit The Academy at Irving ISD legal studies department / During 2nd year
(in conjunction with Goal #3) / Spring 2008

Goal No. 5: I will become more proficient in giving presentations during lectures so that I can enhance student performance and learning.


  • Become more proficient in Power Point

Rationale: By becoming more proficient in Power Point, I can give better lectures and presentations to my students by supplementing or creating Power Points aligned with the topic.

Steps to Become More Proficient in Power Point:

1)Contact campus computer technician for information regarding campus or district Power Point training.

2)Search for Power Point training sessions at conferences and seminars I attend.

3)Take Power Point course offered by local community college or city recreation department.

4)Solicit Power Point assistance from CATE business instructors.

Required Resources for Goal No. 5:

  • Computer with Power Point software
  • CATE BCIS instructor
  • Money to take continuing education courses


Contact campus computer technician for information on campus or district Power Point training/register for such training / During 1st year / December 2007
Look for and attend Power Point training sessions at conferences and seminars I attend / During 1st year
(Summer T & I Conference and ongoing thereafter) / July 2007
Register for and take Power Point course offered by NCTC or Corinth City Recreation Department / During 2nd year / July 2008
Solicit Power Point assistance from CATE BCIS instructors / Currently and ongoing / May 2007

Goal No. 6: I will become a professional educator so that I will gain confidence in teaching and guiding my students in class and toward their future legal careers.


  • Participate in professional development activities

Rationale: The better I become at being a criminal justice/law instructor, the better my students will perform and will have a foundation base upon which to build their pursuit in studies and/or employment in the legal field.

Steps to Participate in Professional Development Activities:

1)Join a professional teacher’s association or organization.

2)Attend all district in-service training.

3)Attend at least one professional development conference each year.

4)Register for and take at least two continuing education seminars per year through either my district or a professional teacher’s association.

5)Meet with Advisory Board at least twice a year to review curriculum and keep it current.

6)At end of teacher certification coursework, evaluate whether to continue classes to pursue a Master’s degree.

7)Mentor a new teacher.

Required Resources for Goal No. 6:

  • Money for professional teacher’s association membership, conferences, and possible tuition for Master’s degree
  • Persons willing to serve on Advisory Board
  • A new teacher


Join a professional teacher’s association / Within next three months / May 2007
Meet with Advisory Board to meet a minimum of twice a year to review curriculum / In 2 months
(ongoing , to meet at least once per semester) / April 2007
October 2007
April 2008
October 2008
April 2009
October 2009
Attend all district in-service training / Ongoing throughout school year
(one day) / February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
(repeat for years 2008 and 2009, adding Fall in-service training)
Attend professional development conference / In five months
(one per year) / July 2007
By July 2008
By July 2009
Attend professional development seminars other than district in-service training / Begin 2nd year / Spring 2008
Fall 2008
Spring 2009
Fall 2009
Determine whether to pursue Master’s degree / In 10 months / December 2007
Mentor a new teacher / During 3rd year / Spring or Fall 2009