ear, air, ire
ear / desire / impairedair / weary / inspired
fire / fairest / fearlessly
hear / enquire / impairment
chair / clearing / requirement
/ee/ sound ei after c (i before e except after c rule)
ceil / deceit / receivingreceive / conceive / deceitful
ceiling / perceive / perceiving
deceive / conceit / conceited
/ay/ sound spelt ei or eigh
rein / neigh / weighedvein / weight / reining
veil / sleigh / eighteen
eight / reindeer / neighbourly
short vowel /u/ with o spelling
won / worry / Mondaymonth / wonder / wonderfully
tongue / monkey / nothingness
oi_e and ou_e when /s/ or /z/ sound is at the end of the word
mouse / noise / invoicehouse / blouse / rehouse
voice / grouse / inhouse
choice / ounce / greenhouse
poise / pounce / fieldmouse
/ue-oo/ spelt ou
youth / troupe / woundedthrough / coupon / youthful
wound (injury) / routine / groupings
group / throughout / routinely
mousse / Goulash / acoustic
Diagraphs kn, gn
know / knife / kneelinggnu / knight / gnashing
knew / known / knighthood
gnaw / gnash / unknown
knee / gnome / kneecap
knit / knock / knowingly
knob / knead / unknowingly
Prefixes de, pre, in, con
indoors / instead / preferredconvoy / control / installed
pretend / prevents / constructed
detect / prefix / introducing
deflect / destruct / deconstruction
ph and gh for /f/ sound
laugh / laughter / draughtycough / enough / diagraph
phone / pamphlet / elephant
tough / phonics / microphone
phrase / graphics / pharmacy
er and est (teach with superlatives and comparatives)
- double the consonant after a short vowel (bigger, fittest)
- on words that end with e, remove the e before adding the suffix (nicer, largest)
- words that end with y, change the y to i before adding suffix (happiest, angrier)
harder - hardest / fitter - fittest / angrier - angriest
smaller - smallest / nicer - nicest / easier - easiest
longer - longest / softer - softest / happier - happiest
fuller - fullest / larger - largest / noisier - noisiest
louder - loudest / floppier - floppiest / nosier - nosiest
bigger- biggest / sincerer - sincerest / cosier - cosiest
court - caught / bored – board / groan – grownnight – knight / wail -whale / wood – would
their – there – they’re / ate – eight / aloud – allowed
your – you’re / wait – weight / disgust – discussed
you - ewe / waist – waste / lessen - lesson
suffixes tion, ful, sive, less, ous, tive, ate
nation / relate / interpretationration / relation / respectful
bashful / successful / imperative
passive / intrusive / reiterate
harmless / bottomless / conversation
native / enormous / colourfully
porous / gorgeous / cautiously
jealous / responsive / interpretively
Vowels after w
- /or/ spelt with ar or al (walk, wart)
- /o/ spelt with a (want, wash)
- /u/ spelt with o (worry, wonder)
- /er/ spelt with or (worthwhile, worm)
walk / worry / wonderful
wart / wonder / worrying
want / worthwhile / unwanted
wash / warmer / washable
won / washing / wanderer
work / wanted / waddling
worm / wander / swaddling
s for /sh/ sound(sugar, sure)
sure / pressure / insurancesugar / surely / assurance
issue / censure / reassured
tissue / unsure / reassurance
tch after short vowel for the /ch/ sound
itch / hatch / stretcheswitch / clutch / watchful
stitch / twitching / watchfulness
watch / scratches / twitchiness
I’ve / doesn’t / would’vewe’ve / we’re / couldn’t
she’s / you’re / wouldn’t
wasn’t / they’re / shouldn’t
haven’t / they’ve / should’ve
possessive apostrophes, including ‘its’ exception (girl’s –singular vs girls’ - plural)
singular / pluralgirl’s / girls’
boy’s / boys’
person’s / peoples’
bunny’s / bunnies’
leaf’s / leaves’
author’s / authors’
researcher’s / researchers’
ch for /k/ Greek origins
ch for /sh/ French origins
echo / scholar / technicalschool / machine / character
ache / charade / chemistry
anchor / brochure / chandelier
chaos / chorus / chaperone
scheme / choir / orchestra
chef / stomach / technology