PROPOSAL – final (pending approval at March 11, 2008 meeting)

Date: March 10, 2008

Three issues were presented for consideration to C/P Daniel Davis, C/M Jack Webb and C/M Ray Holt pertaining to the contract between the COJ and SMG for the Jacksonville Equestrian Center and the relationship to NFES.

Those issues for discussion and review were:

1.  Access to the trails.

2.  Access to JEC by Duval County groups.

3.  Fundraising efforts of NFES.

At the February 11, 2008, meeting in the conference room of City Council Chambers at City Hall the following was the outcome:

1.  Access to the trails is in process and imminent with Parks and Recreation and Public Works taking the lead.

2.  Members of the NFES board (past and present) have held discussions with Lesa Williams, Facilities Manager of JEC with SMG and a proposed agreement follows.

3.  The issue of fundraising has been tabled at this time for discussion later at the suggestion of C/M Webb.

Based on conversations and negotiations between the parties and other local and/or non profit groups we respectfully submit the following proposal.

I.  As to the trails: The trail system should be under the jurisdiction and supervision of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with Dept of Interior. An opening date for the trails is requested by NFES as soon as determined so members, equestrian clubs and the public can be notified of this long awaited opportunity with a possible PR event to increase public support. Monthly meetings and/or updates are requested of Parks and Recreation as to the status and anticipated opening.

II.  As to the matter of non profit use: JEC schedule permitting, “civic and non profit organizations” located in Duval County (as per the SMG contract with COJ #13.3) have the opportunity to reserve for their use the two outdoor competition arenas (150x300) for both weekdays or weekend days at no charge for educational and/or approved not for profit events based on availability of the Center. Events would be scheduled through SMG. At each monthly meeting of NFES, JEC/SMG would provide a list of all applicants along with the status of their application. Available dates would be publicized at the earliest opportunity via the JEC website and thru the Center management. All events would be Not for Profit. Revenues raised at such an event could be applied to the actual cost of the event to the non profit user only (ie. instructors, clinicians, etc). Stall fees and any other event needs would be the responsibility of the Non Profit at the normal facility rates. Proof of non profit status, Duval County Residency and liability insurance naming COJ and SMG as the management required. Event groups would be responsible for leaving the facility in condition in which it was received as per the pre-event walk thru and would be responsible for any damages to the facility. All groups are responsible to enforce facility rules and policies during all events which will be provided upon reservation of their event date. Priority in scheduling would be given to new users so that the arena times would not be monopolized by any one group.

III.  As to the matter of practice days: The current policy of personal use whereby a person can reserve practice time as JEC scheduling allows at $15 per horse will be expanded to include night use of the inside arena by reservation as the JEC schedule permits. A liability release and proper health papers (current Coggins) will be required. Groups consisting of a minimum of 10 or more may also secure available practice days and nights at $15 per horse based on availability and JEC schedule permitting.

IV.  As to the matter of rent forgiveness or funding assistance: The current policy of TDC grants and Mayors Rent Forgiveness ($750 max) will remain in place. The TDC representative will work with each organization to apply the Festival Fund Program where applicable. This grant program ($5000 max) is available through COJ if the event meets the criteria (multi-cultural, open to the public, involves advertising, etc). This assistance program information will be available thru a weblink from the JEC website.

V.  As to the matter of NFES use and relationship with JEC: NFES will receive use of the main arena, two outdoor arenas, 100 stalls, warm up areas on one (1) agreed upon weekend per year. This weekend use would be for fundraising purposes only. An amount equal to 75% of the proceeds would need to be forwarded thru NFES to the COJ toward their private/public partnership to support the capital campaign. The remaining 25% will be retained by NFES for administrative or other needs. All management and staffing per City requirements, additional stabling, cleaning, insurance and other fees per rate schedule would apply as normal. NFES would be responsible to apply for TDC Festival grant. If the grant was not received to cover the facility rental, rental fees would be waived.

VI.  As to the renewal of the above agreement: All components of this agreement being mutually agreed upon and in practice, this agreement will be re-examined by the combined committee of NFES, COJ, SMG and participating parties in one (1) year beginning May 1, 2008 and ending April 30, 2009.

VII.  JEC and NFES will provide local user groups with a Customer Satisfaction Survey for feedback. All such Surveys will be provided and reviewed at each monthly NFES meeting.