Thornridge Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date5/4/2016 / Meeting Time12:40pm / Meeting LocationTR LibraryMeeting Called By / Type of Meeting STC committee
Facilitator Mr. Walton / Note taker L. Willis-Moss / Timekeeper D. Biesiada
D. Augustynowicz / B. Beilfuss / R. Bell / D. Biesiada / K. Dixon
J. Drake / A. Edgerton / P. Fritz / L. Joseph / W. Meder
C. Morris / M. Norwood / T. Ortberg / C. Pegues / L. Pietraszewski
M. Skawinski / A. Thomas / J. Walton / L. Willis-Moss / J. Anderson
I. Moore / M. Davidson / Additional Attendees:
Agenda Topic:Appoint Norm Monitor
PresenterAmy Edgerton
Discussion-Random number generator
Conclusions–Daniel Biesiada will be the Norms Monitor
Agenda Topic:STC Initiative/Project Report
Presenter(s)A. Edgerton
The presenters from Institute day reported how the breakout group sessions went.
Most groups reported the sessions were productive.
Should the CLOs generated during institute day be evaluated using the rubric?
Is there a need for summer work to continue working on CLOs?
Action Items / Support Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Solicit staff members to evaluate the CLO based on the rubric. / James Walton
Leah Pietraszewski
Jackie Anderson / ?
Agenda Topic: Survey Committee Report
There were a lot of requests for time.
Most of the comments were positive.
A lot said they want this to continue (not another initiative that is abandoned.)
Action Items / Support Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
How will we communicate the survey results to staff? Email results with big take a ways. / James Walton
Leah Pietraszewski
Jackie Anderson / ?
Agenda Topic: Vacancies
PresenterAmy Edgerton
There are vacancies 4 teachers, 2 Faculty association leaders.
There are copies of the application.
The subcommittee will make recommendations and the STC members will vote on those members.
There should be a new member mentoring process. The structure and goals of the STC should be communicated to the new members. Some of the documents from last year should be given to the new members.
Action Items / Support Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Distribute applications
STC members will vote and drop off their votes with Amy or Mr. Walton. / LeahPietraszewski, Dan Biesiada,
Lisa Joseph / May 12, 2016
Agenda Topic: Meeting Dates for 2016-2017
Presenter Amy Edgerton
Color date voting.
Day: 1st Wednesday of the month, 2nd Wednesday of the month, new suggestion with rationale.
Time: Same time 12:40 - 2:25 p.m., new suggestion with rationale.
Results: 1st Wednesday of the month -- 12:40 - 2:25 p.m.
Agenda Topic: Summer Work
Presenter Amy Edgerton
There were meetings last summer for specific trainings. CEC stated that was a one time process and they did not plan for additional summer training.
Agenda Topic:
Presenter:Dan Biesiada
Discussion Norm:Avoid interrupting others when speaking.
ConclusionsMost of us did follow this norm. Few interuptions.
Agenda Topic: DTC report
Presenter: Mr. Beilfuss
There are subcommittees working. The last meeting was spent on the subcommittees working.
Action Items / Support Items / Person Responsible / Deadline
Agenda Topic: Parking Lot
Presenter Mr. Walton
Agenda Topic: Plus/Delta/Rx
PresenterMr. Walton
Plus – Snacks
Good decisions
We are way we wanted to be at this time. (maybe even ahead)
For Institute day we applied good instructional principals that appear to have worked.
CEC has seen teacher leaders being developed.
Delta –
Rx –