Future Business Leaders of America

Alabama Chapter

TO: Alabama Future Business Leaders of America Chapter Advisers

FROM: Lisa Weeks, State FBLA Adviser

Alexis Crane, State President, Vicky Crane, State Officer Adviser

Austin Knight, State Secretary, Cindy Davis, State Officer Adviser

Colton Bullard, District 1 VP, Linda Roberts, State Officer Adviser

Alex Goodwine, District 2 VP, Deana Goodwine, State Officer Adviser

Alex Norwood, District 3 VP, Debbie Andress, State Officer Adviser

Connor Williams, District 4 VP, Stephen Byrd, State Officer Adviser

Elise Chandler, District 5 VP, Amber Brown, State Officer Adviser

Abby Freeman District 6 VP, Marsha Mitchell, State Officer Adviser

DATE: July 30, 2015


Please find the attached 2015-2016 Alabama FBLA Blueprint for Success. The goal of the Blueprint for Success is to encourage active chapters, help local chapters develop their programs of work, and assist chapters and members in achieving recognition and awards at the state and national level. The Blueprint for Success is aligned with the FBLA Creed.

Chapters and members achieve recognition for their work in various ways:

·  Alabama Blueprint for Success—a chapter can be recognized in an Achievement, Excellence, or Outstanding category.[1] Criteria for these levels are detailed under Blueprint Guidelines.

·  Alabama FBLA Outstanding Chapter Recognition Award—codes A1 – A36 in the Outstanding Chapter column in the tables below indicate steps toward attaining this level of recognition.

·  National FBLA Outstanding Chapter Recognition Award—codes N1 – N31 in the Outstanding Chapter column in the tables below indicate steps toward this level of recognition.

·  National Business Achievement Awards (individual member awards)—codes F1 – F24, B1 – B30, L1 – L23, and A1 – A26 in the Business Achievement Awards column in the tables below indicate steps toward attaining this level of recognition.

Please do not hesitate to contact your District Vice President with any questions regarding completion of the Blueprint for Success. Thank you in advance for your dedication in making Alabama FBLA the best. We are looking forward to a successful 2015-2016 year.


Join our Remind! account to stay updated with important dates and reminders to keep on track while completing your chapter’s Blueprint for Success. In order for you to receive reminders, text the keyword @bamafbla to
81010. Remind! is a no-reply communication platform that does not collect personal cellphone numbers.

1 / Complete all of the tasks listed on the "Required" page and 10 additional items on the "Optional" pages to receive a certificate at the State Leadership Conference. (Achievement Level)
2 / Complete all of the tasks listed on the "Required" page and 15 additional items on the "Optional" pages to receive a certificate and a ribbon at the State Leadership Conference. (Excellence Level)
3 / Complete all of the tasks listed on the "Required" page and 25 additional items on the "Optional" pages to receive a ribbon, lanyards, plaque, and recognition at the State Leadership Conference, and preferential reserved seating at Opening session at SLC, plus a $100 stipend for National Leadership Conference. (Outstanding Level) Chapters completing the Blueprint for Success-Outstanding Level are eligible to submit application for the Alabama FBLA Outstanding Chapter Award.
4 / Refer to the Chapter Management Handbook to verify tasks needed to accomplish goals of receiving National Chapter/Member Recognition Awards for example: Membership Madness, Business Achievement Awards, etc.
5 / ·  Documentation may extend from April 18, 2015 – March 9, 2016.
·  Check all boxes beside the activities you have completed.
·  Place the task code and corresponding task description in the top, right corner of each page of documentation. (Example: R7 – Celebrate FBLA Week and/or American Free Enterprise Day.)
·  Must have at least one page of documentation for each task.
·  Copies should be sent rather than important documents.
·  No items may be attached to any page in the report.
6 / The Alabama FBLA Blueprint for Success is due in state office by March 9, 2016. Mail to:
Ms. Lisa Weeks
Alabama Department of Education
P. O. Box 302101
50 North Ripley Street
Montgomery, AL 36130-2101
Code / Tasks / Due Date / Suggested Documentation / Outstanding Chapter / Business Achievement Awards
R1 o / Conduct a planning session for newly elected local chapter officers to include a program of work and budget. (See the Local Chapter Organization section of the Chapter Management Handbook) / Copy of Agenda and completed Program of Work Form / N2, N3, N12, N20, N21
A1 / F11, A5
R2 o / Submit five paid professional members. / March 9 / List of Paid members / N7 / B24, L17, A18
R3 o / Increase membership in the local chapter by 10% or increase last year’s membership numbers by 10 or have 100% membership in one Commerce and Information Technology class. / February 15 / Membership Achievement Form/100% Participation Form (in Chapter Management Handbook) / N1, N4
R4 o / Make a $100 donation to the ALABAMA FBLA-PBL Foundation. Mail checks to Mrs. Lisa Weeks. / January 31 / Copy of Check / A33
R5 o / Register at least 10 members, or at least 10% of chapter membership to compete and/or attend the 2015 Alabama FBLA State Leadership Conference. / March 9 / Registration Form / N30
A8, A9
R6 o / Participate in a project that benefits the March of Dimes and helps meet our state fundraising goal of $65,000 and send March of Dimes Report form and donation to:
Linda Gross
March of Dimes
71 Market Place
Montgomery, AL 36117 / March 25 / March of Dimes Report Form and Copy of Check / N14, N 15
A21, A22 / F1, F5, B5, L2, L8
R7 o / Celebrate FBLA Week and/or American Free Enterprise Day. / February / Photos/Letters/
Newspaper Articles / N24, N28, N29
A2, A3 / F3, B4, B7, A3, A4
R8 o / Document a minimum of 25 cumulative community service hours with at least 10% of your chapter participating in planning and/or service. / March 9 / Rosters, Photos. and/or Community Service Award / N5, N14, N15 / F1, F4, B5, L5, L8
R9 o / A minimum of three members completes one level of the Business Achievement Awards in the current school year. / March 9 / Copy of Certificate/Copy of confirmation email
R10 o / At least three FBLA members gain industry credentials for the current school year in an approved Commerce & Information Technology cluster grid. (MOS, MTA, Adobe, etc.) / March 9 / Copy of Certificate / F16
I believe education is the right of every person.
Code / Tasks / Due Date / Suggested Documentation / Outstanding Chapter / Business Achievement Awards
O1 o / Have at least three members complete the FBLA Knowledge Quiz with a score of 100 percent. (See Adviser’s area www.fbla-pbl.org) / List of completers / F9
O2 o / Plan and present the FBLA-PBL Emblem Ceremony at a local chapter meeting or event. / Copy of Program/Agenda or Presentation/Photo(s) / N12 / B6
O3 o / Hold an FBLA Recruitment Poster Contest using the 2015-2016 theme, “Connect”. / Photo(s)/Award/Poster / A3 / B2
O4 o / Teach a Computer 101 class or a social media class to individuals in your local community. / Photos or Newspaper Event or Press Release / N12
A5 / B5
O5 o / Have at least one member recite the FBLA Creed at a chapter meeting or event and explain his/her understanding of this creed as it relates to his/her future and to the business world in a memo to local chapter adviser. / Photo/Memo / F22
O6 o / Prepare an agenda for four or more chapter meetings. / Agendas / N3
A1 / B17
O7 o / Plan and hold an induction ceremony for new officers/members. / Program / N16
A1 / B6
O8 o / Sponsor a bullying or cyber bullying awareness activity. / Photo(s)/Flyer/Press Release / A5 / B10
O9 o / Promote “No Texting While Driving”. / Photo(s), Flyer/Agenda / A5
O10 o / Submit a National Officer Candidate / Application / A20
O11 o / Any other activity that is unique to your chapter. / Flyer/Photo/Agenda
I believe the future depends on mutual understanding and cooperation among business, industry, labor, religious, family, and educational institutions, as well as people around the world. I agree to do my utmost to bring about understanding and cooperation among all of these groups.
Code / Tasks / Due Date / Suggested Documentation / Outstanding Chapter / Business Achievement Awards
O12 o / Partner with a local business/corporation to participate in a chapter activity. / Photo(s)/Letter / A8
O13 o / Host an end-of-the-year banquet to recognize outstanding FBLA members. / Agenda / B6
O14 o / Recognize the achievement of FBLA members. / Agenda/Sample Certificate/Photos / B6
O15 o / Form a committee for FBLA March of Dimes for your local chapter. / List of committee members / A21 / F5, L2
O16 o / Complete the requirements for at least one chapter recognition program listed in the adviser’s area of the FBLA website. (Outstanding Chapter Recognition, Market Share Award, Local Recruitment of Chapters Award, ECO Chapter Project, Professional Division Membership Recognition—Check for specific deadlines for each award.) / See Chapter Mgmt. Handbook / A28
O17 o / Spotlight members at a local School Board Meeting or local government agency. / Photo, agenda
Code / Tasks / Due Date / Suggested Documentation / Outstanding Chapter / Business Achievement Awards
O18 o / Offer technical or other assistance to a local business or organization. / Photo, letter(s)
O19 o / Conduct a partnership with business activity. / Summary of Activities / N21
A24 / B1 A6
O20 o / Create an FBLA display in your school or community to publicize chapter activities to stakeholders. / Photo(s)/Press Release / F2, B2
O21 o / Prepare a recruitment brochure for your local chapter. / Brochure / B21
O22 o / Any other activity that is unique to your chapter. / Flyer/Photo/Agenda
I believe every person should prepare for a useful occupation and carry on that occupation
in a manner that brings the greatest good to the greatest number.
Code / Tasks / Due Date / Suggested Documentation / Outstanding Chapter / Business Achievement Awards
O23 o / Sponsor an activity that honors the Armed Forces or veterans. / Photo(s)/Letters/Cards / A4 / F6, B5
O24 o / Prepare a Local Chapter Annual Business Report (submit with State materials). See guidelines and rating sheet. / Report Cover / A24 / A16
O25 o / Promote Financial Literacy among the Commerce/Information Technology Classes. / Photo(s)/ Handouts/ Lesson Plans / A5
O26 o / Have at least one team of FBLA members compete in “The Personal Finance Challenge”. Go to the following website www.financechallenge.org for details. / Registration
O27 o / Generate over $500 for your local chapter. / Summary of events/Activity Report / N27
O28 o / Apply for the Alabama FBLA Foundation Scholarship. / October 31 / Registration Form / A34
O29 o / Submit an application for a National FBLA Scholarship to National FBLA Office. (See deadline in Chapter Management Handbook) / Application (See Chapter Management Handbook) / A23
O30 o / Enter at least one FBLA Presentation Event at State Leadership Conference (see Competitive Events Online Reference Guide) / February / Copy of Registration Form / A24, A27, A30
O31 o / Create and maintain a chapter website/webpage/or social media. #AlabamaFBLA #CoolestCTSOinAlabama / Chapter Website URL/ / N31
A3 / B29
O32 o / Prepare a presentation highlighting the “Benefits of FBLA” to present to students in business classes. / Outline of Presentation / N17
A3 / L3
O33 o / Have at least one member attend at least three local chapter meetings and prepare a one-page paper that includes the date of each meeting and a bulleted list of meeting highlights. / Activity Report / F18
O34 o / Partner with local businesses to participate in “Take a FBLA Member to Work” day for a job shadowing experience. / Photo(s)/Invitation / N22 / L13
O35 o / Have at least 10 members or 10% of membership participate in a local College and/or Career Fair. / Photo(s)/Press Release/Agenda/List of Members / A4
O36 o / Host a guest speaker in a Commerce and Information Technology classroom or at a FBLA meeting to discuss career opportunities. / Activity Report/Photos/Agenda / N21
A5 / F20, A8
O37 o / Any other activity that is unique to your chapter. / Flyer/Photo/Agenda
I believe every person should actively work toward improving social, political, community, and family life.
Code / Tasks / Due Date / Suggested Documentation / Outstanding Chapter / Business Achievement Awards
O38 o / Provide a meal or service for a family in need/donate to a local food bank. / Photo(s)/Receipt / N12
A5 / B5
O39 o / Sponsor a school-wide toy and game recycle project. Donate gently used toys and games to a homeless shelter or to younger children who can use them. / Photo/Press Release / N19 / B5
O40 o / Have at least one member participate in Membership Madness or Membership Mania. / Copy of Form (See Chapter Management Handbook) / L17, A18
O41 o / Coordinate an activity with another local FBLA chapter or another local CTSO. / Activity Report / N16
A5 / A24