Thomas Township Board Meeting April 2014
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8215 Shields Drive, Saginaw, MI 48609
April 7, 2014
7:00o’clock p.m.
1.The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Weise.
2.PRESENT:Weise, Weber, Ryder-Petre, Thayer, Brosofski, Radewahn
ALSO PRESENT:Fire Chief, Michael Cousins; DPW Director, Rick Hopper; Township Attorney, Otto Brandt; Finance Director, Deidre Frollo; Director of Community Development, Dan Sika; Township Manager, Russell Taylor; Parks and Recreation Director, John Corriveau; Chief of Police, Steve Kocsis; Deputy Clerk, Betsy Wietfeldt and 5 interested parties.
3.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
4.Motion was made by Brosofski, seconded by Ryder-Petreto approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
5.It was moved by Thayer, seconded by Weber to approve the consent agenda, with a correction to New Business “C” the person making the motion and support was incorrect It was moved by ThompsonRadewahn, seconded by Ryder-PetreThompson to approve the request to construct a sidewalk on parcel 28-12-3-27-1009-000, contingent upon the construction of the new senior living facility. Motion carried unanimously.
A.Approval of Township Board Minutes from the regular meeting 03/03/2014;
B.Expenditures consisting of;
General Fund $243,294.13 Public Safety-Fire Department 31,035.36
Fire Apparatus 0.00
Public Safety-Police Department 34,407.50 Public Safety-Drug Law Enforcement .90
Downtown Development Authority 787.21
Parks 128,230.43
Parks Capital Improvement Fund 0.00
Road Revolving Fund 0.00
HSC Grant Administration 0.00
Sewer Fund 123,927.34
Water Fund 265,767.82
Municipal Refuse 58,043.11 Watermain Extensions 0.00
HSC Expansion 0.00 Tax 7,756,249.17
C.Approve the hiring of Connie Watt as the Code Enforcement Officer/Planning Assistant.
D.Approve the hiring of Al Fong as a Thomas Township Police Officer.
E.Appoint Otto Brandt the Township Municipal Law Attorney for 2014/2015.
F.Appoint the Masud Labor Law Group as the Township Employment Law Attorney for 2014/2015.
G.Appoint SPI Innovations as the Township Computer Services Provider for 2014/2015.
H.Appoint Wolgast as the Township Architect for 2014/2015.
I.Appoint Spicer Group as the Township Engineer for 2014/2015.
J.Approve the revisions to the Code Enforcement/Planner job description.
K.Approve the Department goals for 2014/2015.
L.Approve the promotion of Building Inspector Neil Froncek from probationary status to permanent part time status.
6.Communications-Petitions-Citizen Comments:
7.Public Hearing
8.Old Business
9.New Business:
A.It was moved by Brosofski, seconded byThayer approve Resolution 14-07to approve the annual Investment/Withdrawal Authorization Resolution
Ayes: Weise, Weber, Ryder-Petre, Brosofski, Thayer, Radewahn
Nays: None
Absent: Thompson
B.It was moved by Weber seconded by Radewahn to approve Resolution 14-06 the Fee’s Resolution for 2014/2015.
Ayes: Weise, Weber, Ryder-Petre, Brosofski, Thayer, Radewahn
Nays: None
Absent: Thompson
C.It was moved by Radewahn, seconded by Ryder-Petre to award the bid for the purchase of a Kubota RTV utility vehicle for the Parks Department to Lingle Equipment in the amount of $11,446.00. Motion carried unanimously.
D.It was moved by Brosofski, seconded by Thayer to award the bid for the paving of roads in Roberts Park to Pyramid Paving in the amount of $52,868.00. Motion carried unanimously.
E.It was moved by Weber, seconded by Ryder-Petre to approve the amendment to the Park Fund Capital Improvement Plan. Motioncarried unanimously.
F.It was moved by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Radewahn to award the bid for the purchase of two replacement pumps for Gloucester Lift Station to Kennedy Industries in the amount of $15,040.00. Motion carried unanimously.
G.It was moved by Brosofski, seconded by Thayerto award the bid for the purchase of AMR Water Meters, DTA Collection Units and Software from SLC Meters. Motion carried unanimously.
H.It was moved by Weber, seconded by Radewahnto approve a 60 day notice to Lamar Advertising to remove the billboard from the Township property known as 6640 Gratiot Road. Motion carried unanimously.
I.It was moved by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Thayer to approve Ordinance 14-Z-01, an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding omitted items from the original publication. Motion carried unanimously.
J.Motion was made by Radewahn, seconded by Brosofski to approve Ordinance 14- Z-02, amending Chapter 12, North Business District, Chapter 14, Gratiot Road Design Guideline Overlay District and Chapter 16, Great Lakes Tech Park Overlay Zone to amend pillar height. Motion carried unanimously.
K.Motion by Weber, seconded by Brosofski, to approve the four year SEIU Labor Agreement from 04/01/2014-03/31/2018.
L.Motion was made by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Thayer to award the bid for the drain replacement in Fire Station One to Wolgast in the amount of $20,475.00. Motion carried unanimously.
10.Report of Officers and Staff:
A.Supervisor’s Report:None
B.Clerk’s Report:None
C.Treasurer’s Report: None
D.Manager’s Report: None
E.Receive and file Community Development Reports.
F.Receive and file Finance Departments Reports.
G.Receive and file Fire Departments Reports.
H.Receive and file Police Departments Reports.
IReceive and file Parks and Recreations Reports.
J.Board Member Reports: None.
K.Receive and file DPW reports.
11.Executive Session:
12.It was moved by Brosofski, seconded by Thayerto adjourn the meeting at 7:34p.m. Carried unanimously.
Edward Brosofski, Clerk