The Bourne Academy Lesson Planner
Teacher Group Assistant/Technician / Observer Subject
Date Period
Context of the lesson (eg prior learning, specific information about students etc):
Please see class data, seating plan and notes attached / Expectations of Teaching Assistant / NA:
This lesson is likely to be inadequate where any of the following apply:
· Students, including SEND students and those for whom the pupil premium provides support, are making inadequate progress
· Students cannot communicate; read or write; apply mathematics as well as they should
· You do not have sufficiently high expectations and fail to engage or interest students, including SEND students
· Learning activities are not sufficiently well matched to the needs of students
When planning your lesson, ask yourself:
Does my planning show about 25% of my input and 75% of students actively learning?
Have I used data & assessment information to plan for the progress required of each student?
Do my learning objectives reflect what I actually want students to learn?
Have I planned for high quality opportunities for students to learn independently and collaboratively?
Have I planned for good behaviour?
During your lesson, make sure that:
All students are showing evidence of progress and learning in their oral work
All students show evidence of learning and progress in their books
You have high expectations of oral communication – don’t accept first answer a student gives
You insisted that students’ written work is well presented
You use praise effectively (focused and personalised)
Is written work marked in line with the Literacy and Presentation Policy? / P Tick if YES
This lessons’ Learning Objective/s
Outstanding lesson starter
Outstanding lesson hopper
Outstanding lesson mini plenaries:
60 / Lesson Content
/ Key Open Questions:
How will I assess students’ progress accurately during the lesson and tailor teaching accordingly?
How will I check for any lack of understanding?
Was this lesson outstanding?
· All students made rapid and sustained progress in this lesson
· I had consistently high expectations of all students. I planned and taught a lesson that enabled students to learn exceptionally well
· I systematically and effectively checked students’ understanding throughout the lesson, anticipating where I might need to intervene and did so with notable impact on the quality of learning
· I taught reading, writing, communication and mathematics skills highly effectively
· I generated high levels of engagement and commitment to learning in the lesson
· My marking is of a consistently high quality, and constructive feedback from me ensures that pupils make rapid gains.
· I used well-judged and inspirational teaching strategies, including setting appropriate homework that, together with sharply focused and timely support and intervention, matched individual needs accurately.
Thomas Peacocke Community College Lesson Planner