Thomas Maloutas (1953), General Secretary of Research & Technology, studied Architecture and Geography in Paris and obtained his doctorate at the Université Paris-X-Nanterre (1982). He is Professor of Human Geography & Thematic Cartography at the Geography Department of Harokopio University. He was a researcher at the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) (1983-1995) and taught as Professor of Urban Social Geography at the Department of Planning, University of Thessaly (1995-2009). He was also Director of the Institute of Urban & Rural Sociology at the EKKE (2001-2012) and President of EKKE (2010-2013). Between 2011 and 2012 he was the coordinator of the Synod of Presidents of Greek research centres.

In 2006 and 2014 he was invited professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques (FNSP) in Paris; he was invited for talks and seminars in most Greek and in many foreign universities including UCL-Bartlett, Berkeley, University of Michigan, De Paul University, State University of New York at Buffalo, Brown, City University of New York – Graduate Center, University of Dortmund, University of Lisbon, University of Utrecht, INALCO/Paris, Université de Liège, University of Seoul, University Autonoma of Barcelona, Center for European Studies – Harvard University, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Berlin), Universitad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico etc. He was invited researcher (chercheur étranger de haut niveau) at the lab ESPACE [UMR 5651] of the Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse and IRESCO (Institut des Recherches sur les Sociétés Contemporaines) / CNRS. He served as national representative at the Social Sciences and Humanities committee of GD Research (2010-2011) and the Governance and Citizenship committee of FP6 (2003-2004). He was member of the Board of Research Committee 21 (Urban and Regional Development) of the International Sociological Association (2006-2013) and of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Social Survey.

His published work comprises 15 books and edited books, a large number of papers in referred journals, many book chapters and several other publications in five different languages. It also comprises electronic applications for accessing, elaborating and mapping census data. For a full list of publications and access to their content: Since the mid 1980s his work on Urban Social Geography is inspired by the French New urban Sociology and, later, by discussions on social polarisation and divided cities in the era of globalisation. His focus is on Greek cities and, in particular, on the process of post-war urbanisation and on the transformations of the social and spatial structures of Athens in the last 30 years.