John A. Macdonald / Conservative / 1867-1873 / Pacific Scandal
Alexander Mackenzie / Liberal / 1873-1878 / Lost Election: Depression
John A. Macdonald / Conservative / 1878-1891 / National Policy
John Abbott / Conservative / 1891-1892 / Ill
John Thompson / Conservative / 1892-1894 / Deceased
Mackenzie Bowell / Conservative / 1894-1896 / Cabinet Split
Charles Tupper / Conservative / 1896 / End of Mandate
Wilfred Laurier / Liberal / 1896-1911 / Internal Policy
ManitobaSchool Question
Boer War
Alaska Boundary Dispute
Naval Issue
Lost Election: Reciprocity
Robert Borden / Conservative / 1911-1920 / WWI
Arthur Meighen / Conservative / 1920-1921 / Lost Election
W.L. Mackenzie King / Liberal / 1921-1926 / Resigned (King-Byng Crisis)
Arthur Meighen / Conservative / 1926 / Lost Vote of Confidence
W.L. Mackenzie King / Liberal / 1926-1930 / Lost Election
R.B. Bennett / Conservative / 1930-1935 / Lost Election
W.L. Mackenzie King / Liberal / 1935-1948 / Resigned
Louis St. Laurent / Liberal / 1948-1957 / Lost Election
John Diefenbaker / Conservative / 1957-1963 / Lost Election
Lester B. Pearson / Liberal / 1963-1968 / Resigned
Pierre Elliott Trudeau / Liberal / 1968-1979 / Lost Election
Joe Clark / Conservative / 1979-1980 / Lost Election
Pierre Elliott Trudeau / Liberal / 1980-1984 / Resigned
John Turner / Liberal / 1984 / Lost Election
Brian Mulroney / Conservative / 1984-1993 / Resigned
Kim Campbell / Conservative / 1993 / Lost Election
Jean Chrétien / Liberal / 1993-2003 / Resigned
Paul Martin / Liberal / 2003-2006 / Lost Election
Stephen Harper / Conservative / 2006-
-Thomas Greenway: Premier of Manitoba during the ManitobaSchool Question
-Clifford Sifton: Minister of the Interior, against Laurier’s reciprocity
-Henri Bourassa: Left Laurier’s Liberal party due to Canada’s participation in the Boer War and the Naval Issue; didn’t like conscription in WWI
-J.C. Eaton, R.J. Christie, and William van Horne (CPR): also against Laurier’s reciprocity
-Teddy Roosevelt: US President who threatened to take the disputed Alaskan land by force
-WWI Entente leaders: Prime Ministers Herbert Henry Asquith and David Lloyd George (BR), Tsar Nicholas Romanov II (RUS), President Raymond Poincaré (FR), President Woodrow Wilson (US)
-WWI Central Power leaders: Kaiser Wilhelm II (GER)- flees to Netherlands, Emperor Franz Joseph (A-H)
-Duke of Connaught: Governor General of Canada during WWI
-General Sir Arthur Currie: Canadian General during WWI
-Major General Samuel Hughes: Canadian Minister of Militia and Defence during WWI
-Inadequate webbing
-Boer War shoes turned to slush
-Mac Adam Shovel
-Ross Riffle (short Magazine Lee Enfield replacement)
-General Sir Julian Byng: British General of Canadian Army during WWI
-Field Marshall Sir Douglas Haig: lead two-week bombardment at the Battle of the Somme (many casualties sacrificed for little land), sacrificed many troops at Passchendeale (Ypres, Belgium)
-King George V: King of Britain and Canada
-Archduke Franz Ferdinand: assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia, Austria-Hungary by the Black Hand
-Lusitania: US ship sink in USW
-Zimmerman telegram: from Germany’s ambassador in US to it’s one in Mexico (talks of war with US to distract them from Europe)
-Flander Field, Ypres, Belgium: German u-boat bases
-Home Front: recycling, rationing, war industry, income tax, victory bonds, GST
-Parliament Buildings burnt 1916
-Halifax Explosion: TNT on a French freighter that collided with a Norwegian steamer exploded (biggest man-made explosion)
-Treaty of Brest-Litvosk (Russia gave up)
-Saarland: German area rich in coal occupied by France
-Rhineland, Germany: demilitarized after WWI
-J.S. Woodworth: MP from CCF party (later NDP) after the Winnipeg General Strike
-Chanak Crisis (before WWII): Canada did not offer to help Britain against Turkey
-“On to Ottawa Trek”: an orderly march by thousands of unemployed men
-Regina Riot: people died (RCMP vs people)
-Franklin D. Roosevelt inspired Bennett’s New Deal
-Social Credit Party: Alberta
-Premier Mitchell Hepburn (Liberal): Premier: “Sons of Mitch’s” during the General Motors Strike
-Union Nationale: Quebec: Maurice Duplessis (le chef): Padlock Law (exploited anti-communist feelings)
-WWII leaders: Prime Ministers Chamberlain and Churchill (BR), Presidents Marshall Petain and Charles de Gualle: vive la Québec libre (FR), Presidents Roosevelt and Truman (US), Mackenzie-King and Meighen (CAN), Emperor Benito Mussolini (Italy), Emperor Hirohito (JAP), Joseph Stalin (USSR), and Fuhrer Hitler (GER)
-Gouzenko: Soviet cipher clerk who defected to Canada (espionage on atomic bomb)
-Marshall Plan: aid European Nations (prevent Communism)
-Truman Doctrine: Contain, halt, and respond to Soviet attempts to spread communism
-MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction (deterrence)
-Louis St. Laurent: Korean War: Canada went for collective security (General MacArthur (US) wanted to go beyond North Korea and attack China)
-Diefenbaker: strained relationship with Kennedy (Nuclear weapons issue)
-NATO: results: RCAF forces in West Germany, France, and Belgium; WARSAW pact
-Early Radar Warning: Pine Tree Line, Mid-Canada Line, Distant Early Warning
-North American Air Defence Agreement: unified air defence with US (Colorado)
-Atomic Bomb: nuclear fission, Hydrogen bomb: nuclear fusion
-US Senator Joseph McCarthy: Subcommitee on “un-American activities” (witch-hunt)
-CanadaDeuterium Uranium: created electricity
-Sputnik I: USSR
-NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Alouette (CAN)
-Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles
-Multiple Independence Re-Entry Vehicles: multiple warheads on one missile
-Avro Arrow: Dienfenbaker cancelled (replaced with anti-aircraft missiles)
-Cuban Missile Crisis: NATO nuclear missiles in Turkey WARSAW nuclear missiles in Cuba (Diefenbaker: Canada not immediately on military alert)
-Suez Crisis: Egypt President: Nasser; Pearson sent UN force to Suez (Nobel peace prize)
-Apartheid policies in Rhodesia and South America (left UN)
-John Humphrey: Universal Declaration of Human Rights Canadian Charter
-Marshall McLuhan: Global Village
Chernobyl Accident (radioactive materials released)
-Mikhail Gorbanchy: Glastnost (open dialogue) and Perestroika (restructuring)
-Premier Jean Lesage: Hydro Quebec, Department of Education, Department of Cultural Affairs, Pension Plan; Masters in our own House
-Premier Rene Levesque: Parti Quebecois (left Liberal leadership)
-British Trade Minister James Cross and Quebec’s Labour Minister Pierre Laporte: kidnapped by Fonte du Liberation de Quebec
-Québec Premier Robert Bourassa(Liberal)
-Reform party:PrestonManning: Petro-Canada and National Energy Plan
-Richard Bouchard: BQ
-Stagflation: recession and inflation
-Oil Crisis: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela); high demand, low supply (prices 3X); subsidized OPEC oil
-Canada Development Corporation (purchase foreign controlled businesses)
-Petro-Canada Act (Crown Corporation) and NEP: Alberta cut supplies
-Foreign Investment: lose political independence; lose profit from raw materials, brach plants close first, more jobs, better technology, and large projects
-Free trade: weaken economy; cross-border shopping, business goes to US, small companies go out of business, bigger market, larger economic power, world-wide investment