Thomas Flack Trust Fund
Guidance For Applicants
Mole Valley District Council is the trustee for the Thomas Flack Trust Fund which was set up to offer funding for the general benefit of the inhabitants of Leatherhead, Ashtead, Bookham and Fetcham.
Applicants must show that their organisation or project will benefit residents in the above geographic areas. Funding is not available for the benefit of an individual.
Generally, funding is available for:
- Capital projects that will provide permanent facilities for local people
- Initial revenue contributions to assist the start-up of new initiatives provided arrangements are in place for funding in future years which does not rely on Grant Aid from the Trust
The Council will not normally provide grant support to organisations with unencumbered reserves exceeding 50% of annual running costs but no grant will be refused solely on the basis of the size of an organisation’s reserves without reference to the appropriate Committee.
The Council will consider whether an application will contribute to at least one of the priority themes of the sustainable community strategy. (See attached summary sheet).
Preference will be given to applicants that can demonstrate they have community support and work collaboratively with other agencies, organisations and individuals.
Application Process
Applications to the fund need to be completed on Mole Valley District Council’s Thomas Flack Trust Fund application forms. There are two forms available, one for projects needing less than £2,000, and one for projects needing more than £2,000.
The forms are available from Pippbrook reception or the Leatherhead Helpshop. The forms and guidance notes are also available to download on MoleValley’s website at
The deadline for receipt of completed applications for 2008 is 1st September 2008.
Supporting Information
To consider an application, the working group will need the following supporting information: -
- Copies of your last two years’ accounts, or income and expenditure figures
If this is not available, eg for a newly formed organization, please call Clare Ritchie, Funding Information Officer, for advice
- Where appropriate, evidence that your organisation has adequate insurance cover for its activities, including an appropriate level of public liability insurance
- A copy of your policy on child protection/vulnerable adults (where appropriate)
Grant Decisions
All applications for funding are considered by the Thomas FlackWorking Group which is made up of elected Councillors. This group then makes recommendations for presentation to the Executive in November 2008. The Executive makes the final decisions on grant applications.
A short report is required at the end of the project, or at the end of the financial year. This report should include:
- A brief summary of the project and its aims
- Information on whether these aims were achieved
- Details of who benefited from the project
- Information on the “legacy” of the project (i.e. continuing benefits to the local Community)
For very small grants for specific projects or activities, a short letter explaining how the grant funding was used will suffice.
If you need any further information please contact Clare Ritchie, Funding Information Officer on 01306 879392 or email .
MoleValley Community Plan 2006-2016
The Community Plan is the framework document that sets out the long-term vision for MoleValley.
MoleValley Community Planning Group
The Community Planning Group for Mole Valley, (also known as the Local Strategic Partnership or LSP) has a broad cross-sector membership of senior and influential individuals from key service providers such as health, police and fire, plus community and voluntary groups, businesses in the area and local government. This is the group responsible for the development of the sustainable community strategy, the Mole Valley Community Plan 2006 – 2016.
The Community Plan has the following vision:
"The needs of those who live and work in the District are met, the environment, prosperity and distinctive character of MoleValley are sustained and problems that reduce the quality of life are tackled."
This vision is underpinned by key areas, or 'themes' where consultation with residents and workers in the District, has identified the need to make a step change, These themes are:
Affordable Housing
Young People
Waste and Recycling
There are also two other key areas that fundamentally affect quality of life.
Health & Social Care
Developing Stronger Communities
The full plan (Community Plan 2006-2016) is available to view or download from the Council’s website at