13thAugust 2014
ACB/14/02925/FULLcomments due 27/08
Roecroft Lower School, Buttercup Road, SG5 4PF
Central Bedfordshire Council
Erection of part two storey and part single storey nursery unit with entrance canopy and outdoor covered area
Town Council comment:
BCB/14/02697/FULLcomments due 18/08
21 Arlesey Road, SG5 4HB
Mr J McGuinness
Erection of two dwellings and detached garages
Town Council comment:
Recent site application history:
-Application for erection of 4 no. 2 bedroom bungalows with associated parking and landscaping. Town Council comments: Object on the following grounds: the proposal would constitute overdevelopment of the site; it would be opposite a busy junction and would create another crossroads within a very short distance of another busy crossroads; the vehicular access to the site would cross a busy route to school; there would be insufficient off street parking for the current and proposed dwellings; ground levels on the plan are shown incorrectly and this may cause engineering problems regarding foul drainage; there is restricted access for emergency vehicles to the site; question whether there is adequate turning space on site once parking allocations are in use; this form of backland development contravenes the Stotfold Town Plan; question whether in line with general planning guidance and the Stotfold Town Plan, has adequate provision been made for disabled persons, particularly when using wheelchairs. Application refused 12/12/11
-Demolition of existing dwelling, followed by erection of 4 x 2 bedroom bungalows with associated access, parking and landscaping. Town Council comments: Object on the following grounds: the proposed development would be cramped, constitute overdevelopment of the site, and be incongruous with the surroundings. The proposed parking layout for, in particular plots 2 and 4, does not seem most practical because to exit from the site drivers would need to be in a forward direction. Given the topography of the site and access onto a busy road (Arlesey Road) with its junction with Vaughan Road, this would effectively create a crossroads. We query the width of the parking spaces, they appear to be the minimum requirement, but with bungalows attracting more elderly and less agile residents, they would require more parking space for doors to be fully opened. Due to the proximity of the proposed development to a busy junction, it would be impractical for visitors to park on Arlesey Road, therefore provision should be given for visitor parking on site. The rear properties would be below the level of the mains sewer on Arlesey Road, and would therefore require pumping up to the road level. We note that on the north-west corner of the building to be demolished, there is a survey mark for Ordnance Survey Datum, and query if there would be a requirement to notify the Ordnance Survey for this to be removed from its location. We express disappointment that so many fruit trees are being removed and ask that a requirement is made for fruit trees to be included in the soft landscaping within the development. Please note that we are writing separately to request that the Section 106 monies allocated to recreation, cemetery, etc are directed to Stotfold Town Council, as this is not mentioned in the application documents. Application refused 18/03/13 Appealed and appeal dismissed
CCB/14/02582/FULLcomments due 03/09
Rear of 116 – 120 Hitchin Road, SG5 4HT
Mr Houghton
Erection of new dwelling
Town Council comment:
Recent site application history:
-Change of use from B1 (Light Industrial) to use as a vehicle repair garage B2 (General Industrial) Retrospective. Town Council comments: No objections Permission granted 12/06/14
-Erection of new dwelling. Town Council comments: No objections Application withdrawn
DCB/14/02059/FULLcomments due21/08
3 Trinity Road, SG5 4EG
Mr K Betts
Single storey rear extension
Town Council comment:
ECB/1401589/FULLcomments due 27/08
The Pig & Whistle, 40 Brook Street, SG5 4LA
Demolition of existing PH and redevelopment of the site as 7 No. houses with associated landscaping and parking
Town Council comment:
Revised plans are now to be considered for this application previously considered by the Planning Committee - previous comments:Object on the following grounds: the proposal constitutes overdevelopment of the site; the design of the proposed dwellings is inappropriate for the area and does not reflect the style and design of dwellings in the locality, construction materials should also closely match adjacent properties; due to the number of beds within the height of the dwellings proposed parking within the site is considered inadequate; as part of the planning gain we would expect an additional street light to be installed within footpath no. 11 at the rear eastern corner of the development plot, adjacent to Hallworth Close, and a second light to be installed at the rear/east corner of plot no. 7; ongoing maintenance of this end of footpath no. 11 must be determined; there is no obscure glazing provided, and so proposed dwellings would overlook adjacent dwellings; should this application be approved, suitable health and safety precautions must be taken, in particular in relation to dust control as there two neighbours in very close proximity with health problems that will be exacerbated by demolition dust; also should developers wish to carry out pile driving, we request that the developer undertakes a prior geological survey.