Specific risk assessment VERA: 910A – Group indoor event in a controlled venue
Branch: / Contact: / Venue:Specific risk assessment: / Group indoor eventin a controlled venue (e.g. museum, marine centre etc) / RA No: / VERA: 910A
Person completing RA: / Type of event: / Date:
Injury: / Anxiety/ stress, back/head injury, bruise/ cut, burn, choking, fatality, fracture, puncture wound, sprain/strain, suffocation
People at risk: / PwMS: / Y/N / Vulnerable person: / Y/N / Volunteer: / Y/N / Escort: / Y/ N / Lone worker: / Y/N / Public: / Y/N
This risk assessment should be completed where a Branch is running an event for a specific group of individuals in a venue where the group activities conform with the venue’s activities e.g. a museum, marine centre etc.Please see generic risk assessment VERA: 901 for accompanying notes.
To complete the risk assessment:
- Look at each statement and answer it Yes, No or N/A
- If all the answers are Yes or N/A, fill in the first line of the Action Plan on the last page; stating “No action needed” sign and date to indicate when the assessment was completed
- If there are any ‘No’s’ fill in the actions needed, person responsible and completion date in the Action Plan
- Once outstanding actions are complete, the responsible person must sign and date the last column as each action is completed
Hazard / Prevention / Y/ N/ NA
1 / Documentation
(Risk Factor – 3 Low) / Events activity listed on MS Society “Summary of insurance cover”
If no; Branch/ event organiser has contacted MS Society insurers
Venue insurance details checked annually to ensure in date and venue specified
If needed, appropriate disclosure check completed for MS Society – VERA: 901 section 1h for details
1a / Information from the venue (RF – 3 Low) / Venue informs group of:
- emergency (fire, first aid incident, etc.) arrangements and facilities
- participants’ responsibilities and what action to take in case of an emergency
- any animal or other risks and what action to take
- catering arrangements
2 / Transport
(RF – 3 Low) / Correct transport risk assessments completed where Branch using own transport
Car park has sufficient disabled spaces or adequate drop-off points
Car park is well lit and signposted with public walkways clearly marked
3/ 5 / Fire,first aid and emergencies
(RF – 4 Medium) / Branch has provided the organisers with a full list of attendees (HSV: 111A for details)
Accidents/ incidents reported using appropriate form (HSV: 122/ 123),returned as instructed on form
7 / Welfare facilities
(RF – 2 Low) / Suitable and sufficient disabled lavatories, washing and changing (where required) facilities available
Clear signage indicating where facilities are located
Where individuals need regular assistance or personal care, they bring a carer with them
If no; Branch to arrange care assistants to assist members when needed
Where the group event includes under 16’s they must be accompanied by their parent or guardian
All participants provided with a copy of HSV: 910 Volunteer information card
Action Plan
Branch: / Contact: / Type of event:
Hazard No. / Action Needed / Responsible Person / Completion Date / Signed/ dated for completion
Please ensure that once actions are complete they are signed off and dated and the LNO is informed
JDRev: 4March 2015 Page 1 of 3