Checking in on the Checkoff

October 5, 2007


FOREIGN MARKETING, as defined in the Beef Promotion & Research Act, means promotion, research, consumer information and industry information conducted in foreign markets. This includes checkoff-funded market development and promotional programs worldwide.

We Care – Checkoff-funded consumer advertising supports the “We Care” program in promoting a positive image of the U.S. beef industry worldwide. In Japan, the beef “We Care” caravan recently visited 10 retail outlets in Tokyo, Nakayama and Hiroshima, serving bite-sized grilled U.S. meat samples from the We Care kitchen car outside of stores and promoted U.S. beef at meat counters inside. According to the U.S. Meat Export Federation, U.S. beef sales jumped 170 percent during the week of the caravan visits.

Growing the Mexican Market – Checkoff-funded carcass utilization research was key to the success of recent interactive seminars to help the Mexican catering industry utilize the round and chuck-eye roll from these traditionally low-end cuts. To grow long-term demand, the checkoff is supporting a new focus on point-of-sale promotion in restaurants and at retail is aimed at cementing repeat customers and broadening outreach into new regions of the country.

Opening Opportunities in the Middle East – Toward opening new avenues for low-cost, high-profit U.S. beef from underutilized cuts, more than 150 chefs, foodservice personnel and importers/distributors attended checkoff-funded seminars in Cairo, Beirutand Dubai. Texas Beef Council Consultant Chef Jay McCarthy introduced a variety of new U.S. beef cuts, such as shoulder clod, chuck-eye roll, top butt sirloin, tri-tip, flank steak, brisket and short ribs, demonstrating that these cuts can be as good as traditional middle meats and even more profitable for any foodservice operation. Sales of middle meats in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are on the rise.

European Union Potential– Promotion of U.S. beef in German retail outlets – funded in part by the beef checkoff – is creating new excitement in the European Union as more U.S. cattle are qualified for export under USDA’s Non Hormone Treated Cattle program. Customers in Germany bought up U.S. beef once they tasted it at a recent USMEF promotion at Metro Cash & Carry stores, which are similar to Costco stores in the United States.

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