This week’s story is ‘The Enormous Turnip’ (Pages 274-275 of 365 Fairy tales book)
Please return this homework on Monday 9th May
Read the story with your child as often as you can over the next week.
This is the talking homework
Here are some suggested questions you might like to talk about (not write) over the next two weeks.
· What did the Farmer plant?
· How did the Farmer help his seeds to grow?
· Who was the first person to help the Farmer?
· How do we know that the turnip tasted nice?
· What tools do you think would have helped the Farmer to get the turnip out of the ground?
This is the writing homework
1. Can you make a sentence with these verbs? Write it down in your book.
· pulled
· watered
2. In the story the turnip tasted ‘delicious’. Write a list of adjectives that could be used instead of ‘delicious’.
Please feel free to let your child draw a picture to accompany their written work too.