
This week in the Parish

February 13 - 19, 2017
Mon / Feb 13 / 1:00pm Senior’s Cards
1:00pm Resurrection Choir Practice
5:30pm Alpha Team Training
6:30pm Spanish 1st Communion Course
7:00pm Small Groups
7:15pm Prayer Group
Tue / Feb 14 / 9:30am Rosary Making
7:00pm Spanish Prayer Group
7:30pm RCIA
7:30pm 9am & 11am Choir Practice
Wed / Feb 15 / 9:30am Wednesday Bible Study
7:00pm Spanish Choir Practice
7:15pm 7pm Choir Practice
7:30pm CWL General Meeting
Thu / Feb 16 / 9:30am Mom’s Group
9:30am Small Groups
6:30pm Spanish Youth
7:00pm Divine Mercy Study
7:00pm Small Groups
8:30pm Men’s Holy Hour
Fri / Feb 17 / 7:15pm Spanish Prayer Group
Sat / Feb 18 / 3:45pm 5pm Choir Practice
6:30pm Couples for Christ


God of love and hope be with us as we remember our parishioners and all those who are sick and in need of our prayers, especially:

Jordan Prufer, Neil Hartwell, Gerald O’Dwyer, Zach Berini, Eileen Murphy, George Dorn, Denise Bazinet, Murray Porter, Ferdinand Wolff, Holly Flegal, Garey Cameron, Peter Leano and Irene Monteith.

Avacyn Dickenscheid
into our Holy Spirit Parish Community
through the Sacrament of Baptism
celebrated on February 12th, 2017.

Share the Healing and the Hope
St. Thomas More Church, 15 Templebow Rd NE
Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 at 7pm
Join us for Mass and Sacramental Anointing for
Cancer patients, their families and caregivers.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at the Beverly on February 14th at 10:30am Mass and at Providence Care on February 15th at 11:00am Mass.
No Youth Group meeting on Thursday, February 16th. See you all on the 23rd.

The Resurrection Choir will practise on Monday, February 13th, at 1:00 p.m., in the sanctuary.

Holy Spirit Parish MEN’S HOLY HOUR
this Thursday, February 16th, 2017
Hour of Prayer will be 8:30pm – 9:30pm
with confessions available starting at 8:00pm
Men of any age are invited. The Hour consists of
Eucharistic Exposition Silence Lesson
Reading Benediction Fraternity
This Sunday, February 12th after the 9AM and 11AM Masses, the Knights of Columbus will be:
Hosting a Pancake Breakfast - proceeds are going to the Parish Coffee & Fellowship Ministry. Fresh buttermilk pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausages, with strawberries and whipped cream toppings for the pancakes!!! Coffee and real orange juice included.
Selling Grocery Cards (Safeway/Sobeys, Co-op and Superstore) in the Gathering Area. The Knights of Columbus receives a commission which we then donate to charity. Cash/cheque only please.
Holy Spirit Seniors Group invite you to the Stage West Matinee Musical Comedy "Drinking Habits" on Wednesday, March 22nd. Buffet at 10:30 a.m. Performance at 12:15 p.m. Cost is $55 per person (all ages). For tickets, call Paul Thompson at 403-259-4635.
The THIRD preparation session for the Sacrament of First Eucharist is this Sunday, February 12th @ 10:00 am. Check in at the gathering area for instructions. Children and Parents please go to your classes with your Catechist.
FIRST preparation session School Aged Baptism for Non-Baptized children (6 and up) starts on Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 @ 6:30 – 7:30 pm, please meet in Mark I / II rooms.
Weekday Masses
Chapel of the Annunciation

Mon / Feb. 13 / 8:30am / John Walsh RIP
Tue / Feb. 14 / 8:30am / Intentions of Jeannine Hodgan
The Beverly / 10:30am / Deceased members of Haroldson Family
Wed / Feb. 15 / 8:30am / Jim Look RIP
Providence Care / 11:00am / Harold & Elsie Jackson RIP
7:00pm / Emma Morrison RIP
Thu / Feb. 16 / 8:30am / Francisca R. Abuan RIP
Fri / Feb. 17 / 8:30am / Roman Bilous RIP
2:45pm / Divine Chaplet and Benediction
Weekend Masses

Sat / Feb. 18 / 5:00pm / Intentions of Holy Spirit Parishioners
7:00pm / Spanish Mass
Sun / Feb. 19 / 9:00am / Alicja Palucka RIP
11:00am / Pilar Domo-Sumalbag RIP
7:00pm / John Scotson RIP
Our Lady Of Peace 11:30am Patrick Dooley RIP
Ever wondered why/what Divine Mercy really is or how to explain it to others?
As part of our continuing celebration of the past Jubilee Year of Divine Mercy, Holy Spirit Parish is hosting a 10 part video series titled “Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told”. So join us as we learn from saints how to better understand and appreciate Divine Mercy on Thursday nights from 7:00-8:30pm in the chapel. The interactive sessions are February 9, February 16, February 23, March 2, March 9, March 16, March 23, March 30, April 6, and April 20. The cost is $10 per participant to cover the cost of the DVD series.
Let us pray in thanksgiving for
Bishop Frederick Henry
who led us for many years through
trying times
when the spirit of the world
threatened Christian values.
May the presence of the Holy Spirit
be his source of strength, and
may he continue to be an inspiring
example of defending these values.
May the Lord, our God, protect him
and may he experience peace
and happiness in his retirement.
Sixth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
February 12th, 2017
Throughout human history, one of the norms that guided people was that their word was their bond. Although more people today feel free to not honor a commitment when it no longer suits them, we are called to live differently. For Jesus teaches clearly that our “yes” is to mean yes and our “no” is to mean no.
INSTALLATION OF BISHOP WILLIAM T. MCGRATTAN on Monday, February 27th in St. Mary’s Cathedral at 7:30pm. Due to fire code regulations, admittance is by ticket only. As of February 7th, the tickets are sold out. Parishioners may also view the Mass live online at our Parish on Feb. 27th, 7:30pm via the Diocese’s website or in your home.

LOST during Mass – Irreplaceable ladies bridal ring set, possessing immense family importance, meaning and history. If found, please call the Parish office 403-251-3381. Thanks so much for your attention.

Holy Spirit CWL is sponsoring

·  a Cupcake Sale for Valentines Day. Purchase a cupcake for your sweetheart after Mass on February 11th and 12th.
·  the Socks and Underwear drive for the months of January and February. Please donate new socks or underwear for men, women or children. The red collection bin is in the gathering area.
Thank you for your generosity.
The next General Meeting is this Wednesday, February 15th at 7:30 pm.
Reminder: 2017 memberships are due.