Welcome to SLS 1101 – The College Experience

3 credits

Instructor Name: Kelly Rich 727-394-6030

Contact Information:

Office Hours: by appointment

Office Location: PW706 Seminole campus SPC

Instructor Web Page:


  • Dean of Social Sciences: Dr. Joseph Smiley, Tarpon Springs Campus LY-250

Phone: 727-712-5851

  • Department Chair/Campus: Douglas Rivero Seminole campus
  • Department Web Page:

Structure of this course:

This course has a very unique structure in that you will have multiple support staff in place to assist you in your reaching your goals. . The individuals involved are dedicated to helping you be successful. Please reach out to the appropriate individual for assistance. They are:

The SLS 1101 Instructor: The role of your SLS 1101 instructor is to grade and provide feedback on your assignments in this course as well as support and guide you throughout the semester.

The Academic Advisor: The role of the cyber academic advisor is to review, provide feedback, and eventually approve your academic plan (your MLP assignment). This process can be time consuming and require several revisions of your My Learning Plan (MLP). The best success occurs when you start this assignment early.

A large part of the course content will come from the textbook that you can either access online (e-Text) or in hard copy. You will need a Pearson Access Code so please make sure you purchased the text that had it included.

Two important assignments in this courseare designedto help you focus your career goals (FOCUS 2) and complete an accurate learning plan (MLP). The MLP assignment will require approval by an academic advisor to ensure accuracy and full credit for the assignment. In the other modules you will complete written assignments, discussions and quizzes based on the online course readings and textbook chapters. You can read the e-text available in the course or the textbook if you purchased the bundle. The MLP assignment is extremely important and may take some time to complete. Please do not get frustrated – we are here to help you, however,in order to be successful you must try your best and use the resources available to you.

Course Description

This course provides students with the information and skills needed to succeed in their studies, including setting academic goals, managing time and financial resources to meet those goals, and developing an awareness of personal learning styles. Students also build thinking, listening, reading, study skills, note-taking, test-taking, and information literacy skills. The course also includes discussions on stress management and career development. Throughout, students will apply criticalthinking skills to solve problems and evaluate situations.

Course Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Create long- and short-term goals that align with personal mission statements
  • Create an academic learning plan incorporating time management skills
  • Create long- and short-term financial goals
  • Solve problems using critical and creative thinking
  • Incorporate effective learning strategies that align with learning preferences
  • Create class notes using active listening techniques
  • Create reading notes using active reading techniques
  • Utilize strategies for studying for and taking a test
  • Incorporate strategies to appropriately communicate with diverse audiences, including peers, instructors, and teams
  • Evaluate sources for reliability, credibility, currency, and accuracy
  • Create a stress-management plan
  • Create a career exploration plan

Course Materials

Keys To Success updated version ISB 9781323763162

Course Components

SLS 1101 The College Experienceis made up of numerous graded assignmentsand ungraded activities. Within your course, you will have access the Pearson My Student Success Lab Learning Path and support materials for important practice and activities.


The following table shows the graded assessment types contained within this course and the assigned weighting to determine the final course grade.

Graded Assessment Types / Points
MLP / 100
Focus 2 / 50
Written Assignments 13 X 20 points each / 260
Discussion Assignments 12 X 10 points each / 120
Quizzes 12 X 20 points each / 240
Course Survey / 10
Extra Credit Opportunities 4 X 10 points each = 40
Total / 780

Letter grades for the course will be based on the following grading scale:

Letter Grade / Points / Percentage
A / 702-770 / 90%–100%
B / 624-701 / 80%–89%
C / 546-623 / 70%–79%
D / 468-545 / 60%–69%
F / 467 and below / <60%

Course Participation

Unlike a traditional classroom-based course, you do not need to show up to class at a specific time every day to earn your class participation grade in an asynchronous online course. Instead, you need to complete the online lesson presentations, assignments, quizzes,and discussions by the due dates specified by your instructor. The due dates are foundin the course calendar.

Online Etiquette

The objective in an online discussion is to be collaborative,not combative. Please proofread your responses carefully before you post them to make sure that they will not be offensive to others. Use discussions to develop your skills in collaboration and teamwork. Treat the discussion areas as a creative environment where you and your classmates can ask questions, express opinions, revise opinions, and take positions just as you would in a more traditional classroom setting. Please be sure to proofread your submissions, submit college-level work and avoid text language or slang.

Additional Important Information

Please refer to the Start Here Module in your course for the eText, Syllabus Addendum, Academic Honesty Policy, important dates and student support information.

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