Registration Form – Payment of Casual Workers

This form should be used to register the details of University of Sheffield casual workers. Please complete the form using clear, block capital letters.

Before you complete this form you must read the Registration Agreement for Casual Workwhich is available from By completing this form you accept that you have read and accepted all of the terms and conditions in the Registration Agreement for Casual Work. Please note: if you are an existing employee of the University of Sheffieldthe terms and conditions of engagement are those set out in the Registration Agreement for Casual Work, and are therefore different to those of a University employee.

  • Sections A – C

Once you have completed these sections you should sign, date and return the form to your department for processing (either by hand or via email).

  • Section D

This section is to be completed by your department.

NOTE: All workers are required to provide evidence that they are eligible to work in the UK. If this information is not provided Human Resources will be unable to register you for casual work.

Section A – About You

Personal Details:

Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms):

First Name(s)(as shown on your passport):

Family Name:

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy): Gender (M/F):

Address (where we will send your payslips and P45/P60):

Post Code:

Student Registration Number (if applicable):

National Insurance Number:

You will need a National Insurance Number (NINO) to work in the UK. If you do not already have a NINO, please contact HMRC on 0845 600 0643 or visit their website:

Contact Details:

Telephone Number:


You must provide your email address for pension auto-enrolment purposes.You will be automatically enrolled into a pension scheme if your monthly earnings at the University are above £786.67 and you are aged between 22 and 65 years. You can choose to opt out should you wish to do so. Please see the Registration Agreement for Casual Work for further information )

Section B – Your Payment Details

In line with HMRC regulations, all earnings are taxed at source. In order for the correct Tax Code to be applied to your earnings, please read and tick () one of the following:

  1. This is my first job since last 6 April and I have not been receiving taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit or a state or occupational pension.
  2. This is now my only job, but since last 6 April I have had another job, or have received taxable Jobseeker’s Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or taxable Incapacity Benefit. I do not receive a state or occupational pension.
  3. I have another job or receive a state or occupational pension.

Please indicate the type of UK account in which you would like to paid ():

Current Account Building Society

Account Holder(s):

Bank/Building Society Name:

Bank/Building Society Address (including post code):

Sort Code:

Account Number:

Building Society Roll Number:

Overseas bank account - beneficiary details – see guidance note below

Account holder(s): / Name of bank:
Account number: / Bank code number:
(eg ABA routing code, Canadian transit, BSB)
IBAN number: / Swift (or BIC) No.:
(compulsory for all EU bank accounts)
Bank address:
Bank country: / Bank currency:

Overseas bank account - intermediary details (if applicable) – see guidance note below

Name of bank: / Account number:
IBAN number: / Swift (or BIC) No.:
(compulsory for all EU bank accounts)

Guidance Note:

(i)beneficiary bank account –This is the bank account that will receive the payment. This must be a personal bank account bearing your name.

(ii)intermediary bank account – if the payment needs to go through another bank account before it reaches the beneficiary bank account. This is usually required if your bank does not have the ability to receive payments directly from a UK bank.

Section C – Equality Monitoring

To enable the University to meet its statutory reporting requirements to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), it is necessary to record the following data for all those engaged in work at the University.

Data is collected and stored in line with the Data Protection Act for further information see

The following information is required from the individual, to be used for statistical analysis only and will be treated in the strictest confidence

Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were originally assigned at birth?

Yes/ No/Prefer Not to Say (please delete as appropriate)

What is your Nationality: ______

Ethnic Origin:

Ethnic Origin Category (mark one X)
White / Chinese
Gypsy or Traveller / Other Asian background
Black or Black British - Caribbean / Mixed - White and Black Caribbean
Black or Black British - African / Mixed - White and Black African
Other Black background / Mixed - White and Asian
Asian or Asian British - Indian / Other Mixed background
Asian or Asian British - Pakistani / Arab
Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi / Other Ethnic background
Not Known / Prefer not to say

Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person? Yes/No(please delete as appropriate)

If yes, please indicate the type of disability or disabilities:

Disability (mark those that applyX)
A specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D / A social/communication impairment such as Asperger's syndrome/other autistic spectrum disorder
General learning disability (such as Down's syndrome) / A long standing illness or health condition such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy
Deaf or serious hearing impairment / A mental health condition, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder
A disability, impairment or medical condition that is not listed above / A physical impairment or mobility issues, such as difficulty using arms or using a wheelchair or crutches
Blind or a serious visual impairment uncorrected by glasses / Prefer not to say

What is your religion?

Religion (mark oneX)
No Religion / Muslim
Buddhist / Sikh
Christian / Spiritual
Hindu / Any other religion or belief
Jewish / Prefer not to say

What is your sexual orientation?

Sexual Orientation (mark oneX)
Bisexual / Heterosexual
Gay man / Other
Gay woman/lesbian / Prefer not to say

Your Signature

I confirm that the information provided in Sections A, B and C is correct, and that I have supplied original documentation for the University’s Eligibility to Work check.

I have read, understood and acceptthe Terms and Conditions stated in the Registration Agreement for Casual Workers

Signature:Date (dd/mm/yy):

The University recognises four campus trade unions to collectively represent staff. If you would like to be contacted by the trade unions regarding membership please confirm your consent to the University to provide your personal data, including email address, to the recognised trade unions so they may contact you directly by ticking the box.

Section D – For Departmental Use Only

Please mark to describe nature of work being undertaken:

Type of work
Teachers/Lecturers/ Demonstrators / Porters/Security
Technicians / Cleaners
Researcher / Bar & Catering Assistants
Invigilators/Markers / Bar & Catering Managers/Chefs
Researchers/MDH Professionals / Fitness Instructors/Coaches
Secretarial/Clerical / Lifeguards
Events/Marketing / other (please give details below)

If other, provide details in the box provided

Please give the grade and point of the proposed work: Grade: Point:

please see the following link for further information:

To comply with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 you should ask all workers to provide documentation to confirm their eligibility to work (ETW) in your department at interview, or prior to commencing work. For further guidance on suitable forms of documentation please visit the HR website

If you are engaging a casual worker with a Tier 4 student visa please provide a screen shot of the semester dates for their period of study.

PLEASE NOTE: Human Resources will not be able to process this form until clear, relevant ETW documentation is received.

Authorised Signatory

I confirm that the requirements of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 have been met, and that the claimant is eligible to work. I haveattached the evidence required for registration. I have also attached a scanned copy of the original documentation, on which I have signed and printed my name and dated.

I confirm that I have discussed the Registration Agreement for Casual Work with the Worker and that they understand their responsibilities as set out in this document.

I confirm that the claimant has informed me that they have read and accept the terms and conditions in the Registration Agreement for Casual Workers.

Signature: Date (dd/mm/yy):

Print Name:

Department: Faculty:

Completed forms should be emailed directly to HR . You may also choose to keep a copy for your own records.