Vermont Horse Shows Association Board Meeting
Sunday December 9th, 2012 at the home of Martha Heavisides, Brookfield, VT
Attendees: Marge Alden, Maureen Aldrich, Shelly Edson, Martha Heavisides, Therese Lussier, Bethany Towne, Rita Towne, Loretta Wilson
Members in Attendance: Raymond Hatin, Cheryl Lupien, Heather Reynolds
Meeting called to order at 1:14 p.m.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from October 7th meeting handed out. Motion to accept by: Therese Lussier, second by Maureen Aldrich. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report: $10,379.77 current balance in VHSA account. Payouts since Annual Meeting: $275 Everything Equine, $9.95 website payment, $25.41 Staples, $38.51 meeting recorder. Reminder of significant expenses coming up soon. Motion to accept by: Marge Alden, second by Therese Lussier.
Presidents Report: We are in good shape for the banquet. Still waiting to hear back from the Caledonia County Fair. Would really like to finish the non-profit so we can take advantage of the benefit of the program that is available and would be a great source of income this year. Motion to accept by: Martha Heavisides, second by Loretta Wilson.
Old Business:
Non-Profit: Maureen Aldrich will contact her lawyer friend to see if she is still available to help us file. Discussion about possibly finding a lawyer to investigate all non-profit options. All members agreed to table this item until January meeting, so Maureen has a chance to speak with her friend and report back status. January will have to be a long meeting in order to deal with rulebook changes and non-profit.
Other: None
New Business:
Audit: The audit was completed by Martha Heavisides, Therese Lussier and Rita Towne. All was in order and approved by the Audit committee.
Norm Trophy: Shelly showed a picture of trophy in Hodges Badge Company Inc. Trophy is $300. All approved of the choice of trophy. Marge Alden wanted to be sure the trophy is silver and not chrome, as the chrome does not last. Discussion in regards in what to award as a keeper trophy. Martha Heavisides suggested leather halter with brass plate engraved with year and award information, as halter horses was what Norm was known for. Discussion of different ideas instead of halter. Loretta Wilson called this year’s winner and asked which she would like a bowl or a halter. She chose the halter. Bethany Towne reminded all that we have to keep finances in mind. Shelly Edson stated we would have $800 remaining after paying for trophy and that had to be used for many years for keeper award. All members agreed to a leather halter with custom plate as keeper award.
Show manager meeting: February 9th, 201312 p.m.: No discussion, just information for members that show managers meeting will be before awards banquet at CapitalPlaza.
Banquet: February 9th, 2013CapitalPlaza. 1:00 p.m. hors d’orves, 2:00 p.m. dinner, 3:00 p.m. awards.
Banquet Program: All agreed to selling sponsorship ads. Sponsorship form will go out with newsletter and banquet reservation form. Jade Premont will help Martha Heavisides with program layout. Ad deadline will be January 15th.
Banquet awards: Martha Heavisides is using local company for Jackets. Jackets will be used as 1st Grand Champion award with plates/trays as 2nd Grand Champion award. Martha went to Black Diamond sale. Factory seconds were all that were affordable. Martha couldn’t find jackets without visible flaws and the only color was pea soup green. Year end awards need to be quality. Vests will be 1st Reserve Champion and plates/trays as 2nd Reserve Champion award. Discussion around prizes for 3rd -6th place. Bethany Towne reminded all that if you do it one year you have to do it every year and that just because there is money to do it this year, there may not be in future years. All agreed to not do prizes for 3rd-6th place. We also have coolers that are left over from VHSA Benefit show. Shelly Edson has ordered all the ribbons. A 30 inch Chatham Ribbon in Championship colors.
Speaker at Banquet: Decision was made to not have a speaker at the banquet. Discussion about what people would like to see for a speaker. Discussion about all the diseases surfacing. March meeting suggested as a possibility for having a speaker.
Silent auction at Banquet: Martha Heavisides has several donations for auction. All agreed to go out and solicit at least one donation for the auction. Martha Heavisides has covered the Town of Williamstown.
Banquet decorations: Same as last year. Shelly Edson, Martha Heavisides and Trish Newland to decorate the night before.
Finalize menu: Baked cheese stuffed shells with white alfredo sauce, chicken with apples, buttery mashed Yukon gold potatoes, chef’s fresh seasonal vegetables and cheesecake for dessert.
Newsletter: Martha Heavisides will send out newsletter containing Annual meeting minutes, banquet reservation form and sponsorship form, asap.
Prize list editor: Bethany Towne
Dates and places for 2013 shows: 3 shows if possible. Discussion of dates and places. Lyndonville, Barton due to saturation of shows in the Northwest corner of the State. Tunbridge was discussed as a possible location, as well as other areas to cover and possibly draw in more exhibitors. Decided phone calls to Tunbridge and other places to inquire about grounds fees and was tabled until January meeting.
NEHC: All agreed VHSA is not ready to host a NEHC affiliated show in 2013. We need to fill a NEHC delegate position. Rita Towne is interested. Next meeting in Marlboro, MA.
Drawing $100 winner for VHSA Benefit Shows: Miranda Wright
Rule book: Tabled until January meeting. We will use projector and go over complete rulebook and all changes.
Everything Equine demo: Sponsorship for EE is $500 to $1,000. Shelly Edson will be receiving information for what you get for sponsorship. Discussion about doing demo on showing: what judges are looking for etc.
Other: Rita Towne discussed youth scholarships and youth achievement awards. Rita used AMHA programs as an example. Rita will get website address and e-mail it out so all could review AMHA’s program.
Cheryl Lupien was voted in as a new board member. Welcome Cheryl!
Promotional items: Sweatshirts, water bottles, travel mugs.
50/50 raffle: All agreed to do it for the banquet.
Next meeting date: January 20th at Hilltop Inn.
Adjournment: 4:10 p.m. Motion to approve by Loretta Wilson, seconded by Martha Heavisides. All approved.
Respectfully submitted by: Martha Heavisides, VHSA Secretary