This Release, dated INSERT, is given by the Releasor(s) INSERT, referred to as “I”, to INSERT, referred to as “You”.

If more than one person signs this Release, “I” shall mean each person who signs this Release.

1.RELEASE.I release and give up any and all claims and rights which I may have against you. This releases all claims, including those of which I am not aware and those not mentioned in this Release. This Release applied to claims resulting from anything which has happened up to now. I specifically release the following claims:


2.PAYMENT.I have been paid a total of $ INSERT, in full payment for making this Release. I agree that I will not seek anything further including any other payment from you.

3.WHO IS BOUND.I am bound by this Release. Anyone who succeeds to my rights and responsibilities, such as my heirs or the executor of my estate, is also bound. This Release is made for your benefit and all who succeed to your rights and responsibilities, such as your heirs or the executor of your estate.

4.SIGNATURES.I understand and agree to the terms of this Release. If this Release is made by a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or any other entity formed under the laws of the State of New Jersey, its appropriate corporate officer has executed same.

Witness or Attested by:



State of ______, County of ______: ss.:

Be it Remembered, that on ______, 200____ , before me the subscriber, personally appeared ______, who I am satisfied, is/are the persons named in and who executed the within Instrument, and thereupon he/she/they acknowledged that he/she/they signed, sealed and delivered the same as his/her/their act and deed for the uses and purposes therein expressed.


A Notary Public of the State of _____

My Commission Expires: ______

State Of ______, Countyof ______:

I CERTIFY that on ______, 200____, ______., personally came before me and acknowledged under oath, to my satisfaction, that:

(a)this person was the subscribing witness to the signing of the attached instrument; and

(b)this instrument was signed by ______(title of officer – i.e.: VP/Pres/Sec/Trea) of ______(name of corporation), the entity named in this instrument, and was fully authorized to and did execute this instrument as the act of the entity; and

(c)the subscribing witness signed this proof under oath to attest to the truth of these facts; and

(d)this instrument was executed as the act of the entity named in this instrument.


Subscribing/Attesting Witness

Signed and sworn to before me on this

______day of ______, 200___

