9/1/2016CCSE Committees 2016-20171


Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
College Faculty Council
Membership: The CFC will consist of one tenured representative from each department. That representative will be elected by the permanent, full-time faculty (instructors, lecturers, tenure track, and tenured) of that department.
Term: 3 year term staggered / Hassan Pournaghshband [hpournag] 2015-2016
Past chair Dick Gayler [dgayler] (2015-2016) / CS: Dick Gaylor [dgayler] 2015-2017 chair 2015-2016
IT:Richard Halstead-Nussloch (rhalstea) 2015-2018 chair 2016-2017
SWEGD Hassan Pournaghshband (hpournag) 2016-2019
Undergraduate College Curriculum Committee
Membership: one representative from each department in the College.
Term: 2 year term staggered / Ben Setzer [bsetzer] (2015-2016) Past chair Susan VandeVen (svandeve) (2015-2016) / Susan VandeVen [svandeve] 2015-2017 chair (2016-2017)
Richard Gesick [rgesick1] (2015-2017)
Dick Gayler [dgayler] (2016-2018)
Graduate College Curriculum Committee
Membership: one representative from each department in the College.
Term: 2 year term staggered / Dan Lo (2015-2017) / Ying Xie [yxie2] (2016-2018)
Paola Spoletini [pspoleti] (2015-2017)
Lei Li [lli13] (2015-2018) chair (2016-2017)
College Tenure and Promotion Committee
Membership: Two tenured faculty members from each department. No person can participate in more than one stage of the review process (e.g. the department T&P and the college T&P at the same time). Term: 2 year term staggered / SWEGD: Hassan Pournaghshband (2015-2016)
IT: Dan Lo (2015-2016) / CS: Victor Clincy (2015-2017) chair (2016-2017), Patrick Bobbie (2015-2017)
SWEGD: Hassan Pournaghshband (2016-2018) Dick Gaylor (2016-2018)
IT: Ed Jung (2015-2017), HishamHaddat (2016-2018)
Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
Computing & Software Engineering Awards Committee
2-year termstaggered.One representative from each department in the college. The representative must be a tenured faculty or tenure track faculty who have completed the third year review / CS: vacant
IT: Jack Zheng
SWEGD: vacant

Departmental Representatives

Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
Faculty Senate
Membership: each instructional department elects one rep lecturer, senior lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor with less than 50% admin responsibilities. Eligibility to participate in elections of the department’s Senator is restricted to the full-time tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and temporary faculty of the department, excluding the department chair.
Term 3 years / Richard Halstead-Nussloch 2015-2016 / CS: Alan Shaw (2015-2018)
IT: Ming Yang (2016-2019)
SWEGD: Paola Spoletini(2015-2017)
PLA Coordinators all three from the same department need one per department / SWEGD: ManijehChavoshi (mchavosh), IT: Becky Rutherfoord (britherf) CS: Ken Hoganson (khoganso)
Part-Time Faculty Representative / CS Abdullah Faruque
IT Barbara McNamara
SWEGD Enda Sullivan

Departmental Committees

Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
CS Department Faculty Council (DFC) 2 year term / Ying Xie (2015-2016) / Jose Garrido (2015-2017),
Kai Qian (2015-2017),
Patrick Bobbie (2016-2018) Chair 2016-2017
SWEGD:Department Faculty Council (DFC) 2 year term / Hassan Pournaghshband(2016-2018) chair (2016-2017)
Allan Fowler (2016-2018)
Chao Mei (2016-2018)
IT:Department Faculty Council (DFC) 2 year term / Rich Halstead-Nussloch (2015-2016) / Ming Yang (2015-2017) chair(2016-2017), Lei Li (2015-2017), Jack Zheng (2016-2018)
CS Program Coordinators / BAACS - Ken Hoganson (khoganso)
BSCS Dick Gayler (dgayler)
MSCS Dr. Ying Xie[yxie2]
IT Program Coordinators / BASIT & BSIT Susan VandeVen (svandeven)
MSIT Lei Li [lli13]
SWEGD Program Coordinators / BSCGDDRongkaiGuo (rguo)
BSSWE Jonathan Lartigue (jlartigu)
MSSWE Dr. Paola Spoletini (pspoleti)
CS T&P Committee 3 year term / Ken Hoganson (2015-2016) / Jose Garrido (2015-2018),
Kai Qian (2015-2017),
CC Hung (2016-2019) Chair 2016-2017
Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
IT T&P Committee 3 year term / Frank Tsui, (2015-2016) / Ming Yang (2015-2018)
Rich Halstead-Nussloch (2015-2017) chair(2016-2017)
Ying Xie (2016-2019) and Jose Garrido (2016-2017) to evaluate Ming's case
SWEGD T&P Committee 3 year term / Sheryl Duggins (2016-2017) Chair 2016-2017
Jose Garrido (2016-2018),
Ming Yang (2016-2019)
CS: Department Curriculum Committee (DCC) / All CS Full time faculty
HishamHaddat chair (2016-2017)
IT Department Curriculum Committee (DCC) / Susan VandeVen chair (2016-2017)
Lei Li
SWEGD Department Curriculum Committee (DCC) / Jonathan Lartigue, Paola Spoletinichair (2016-2017), RongkaiGuo
CS Search Committee / Yong Shi, Selena He, Edward Jung, HishamHaddat, Patrick Bobbie
IT Search Committee / SusanVandeVen, Jack Zheng,
HossainShahriar, Lei Li (chair), Patrick Bobbie
SWEGD Search Committee / SherylDuggins, PaolaSpoletini, RongkaiGuo, Chao Mei, Susan VandeVen

University Standing Committees

Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
Academic Standing Committee, ASC (permanent) – assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Registrar: One elected representative from each degree granting college.Meets six times a year. Term: 2 years / Rashaad Jones (rjone192) 2015-2016 / Jose Garrido (2016-2018)
President's Athletics Oversight Council (permanent)— assignedto theUniversity Counciland advisoryto the President A permanent faculty per each degree granting college, elected by the senators of the college; Term: 3 yearsMeetings: This board must meet at least once each regular academic semester / Chi Zhang (czhang4) 2015-2016 / Chao Mei (cmei) 2016-2018
Distance Learning Advisory Committee, DLAC(permanent)— assignedto theFacultySenateand advisoryto theFacultySenateand theProvost/VPAA Two representatives each from all degree granting colleges Term: 2 yearsMeetings: A least once per semester. / Svetlana Peltsverger , 2015 – 2016 (speltsve) / Bob Brown , 2015 – 2017, (rbrow211), Chi Zhang (2016-2018)
Diversity& InternationalFaculty/StudentsCommittee, DIFSC(permanent)— assignedto theFacultySenateand advisoryto theFacultySenateand theChief Diversity Officer. One from each degree granting college Term: 2 yearsMeetings: Once per semester / Paola Spoletini (pspoleti) 2015-2017
Centers and Institutes Standing Committeean advisory review body to the office of the Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs. One (1) tenured faculty representativefrom degree granting academic colleges. Term: 2 years. 2016-2017 term – one year / Vacant
EducationAbroad Advisory Committee, EAAC (permanent) — assignedto theFacultySenateand Advisory to the Director of Education Abroadand Exchange Programs.Tenured, tenure track or full-time permanent faculty, one elected from each degree granting academic college. Faculty elected to serve on this committee should have demonstrated previous involvement and commitment to Education Abroad and/or Global Learning. Term: 2 yearsTwo-year committee membership cannot be renewed for a second consecutive term.
Meetings: at least twice per semester / Patrick Bobbie (pbobbie) 2015-2017
Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
FacultyAwardsCommittee, FAC (permanent)— assignedto theFaculty Senateand advisoryto theProvost/VPAA
Oneteachingfacultyfromeachdegree-grantingcollegeelectedby the college’srepresentativesintheSenate.
Meetings: Will meet at least once each year.Term: 2 years / Hassan Pournaghshband (hpournag) 2015-2017
Faculty Foundation Award Committees (permanent) – assigned to the Associate Vice President for Faculty
One teaching faculty representative from each degree granting college elected by the college; only faculty with the rank of professor may serve on the Distinguished Professor/Early Career Awards committeeTerm: 2 yearsThere are six committees
1) University Distinguished Professor Award and Early Career Award / Hassan Pournagshband / Jose Garrido (2016-2018)
2) Outstanding Teaching / Ming Yang / RongkaiGuo (2016-2018)
3) Outstanding Professional Service and Outstanding Community Engagement Award / Allan Fowler / Dawn Tatum (2016-2018)
4) Outstanding Research/Creative Activity Award and Outstanding Book Award / Kai Qian / Dan Lo (2016-2018)
5) Outstanding Diversity Faculty Advocate Award; / Rashaad Jones / Jack Zheng (2016-2018)
6)Madhuri and Jagdish N. Sheth Distinguished Faculty Award for Global Achievement Award / Dan Lo / Paola Spoletini (2016-2018)
FacultyDevelopmentCommittee, FDC(permanent)— assignedto theFaculty Senateand advisoryto theProvost/VPAA
Oneteaching or research facultyfromeachdegree-grantingcollegeelectedby the college’srepresentativesintheSenate. Term: 2 years Meetings: Will meet at least once each semester / ManijehChavoshi (mchavosh) 2015-2017
EconomicDevelopmentand CommunityEngagementCommittee, EDCEC(permanent)— assignedto theFacultySenateand advisorythe Vice President for Economic and Community Development Membership: One teaching faculty from each degree-granting college. Meetings: Once a semester. Term: 2 years / Richard Halstead-Nussloch (rhalstea) 2015-2017
Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
General Education Council, GEC (permanent) — assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Associate Vice President for Curriculum
One representative elected from the College of Computing and Software Engineering.Term: 2 years / Ashley McClure (amcclur6) 2015-2017
GraduatePoliciesand CurriculumCommittee, GPCC(permanent)— assignedto theFaculty Senateand advisoryto theVice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate College.
two faculty members with full provisional graduate faculty status elected by graduate faculty from each degree-granting college with graduate programs. No more than one of the elected faculty members from each college may be a graduate program director or graduate program coordinator. Term: 2 years / Guangzhi Zheng (gzheng) 2015-2016 / Paola Spoletini (pspoleti) 2015-2017 Selene He (jhe4) 2016-2018
InformationTechnologyAdvisoryCommittee, ITAC(permanent)— assignedto theFaculty Senateand advisoryto theFacultySenateand theVice President for Operations. one representative from each degree-granting college, with IT background/interest Term: 2 years / Kirk Inman (kinman2) 2015-2017
Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Research with Human Participantsappointed by the VPR in consultation with college deans, for staggered three-year terms / Paola Spoletini (pspoleti) 2016-2019
Library Advisory Committee, LAC(permanent)— assignedto theFacultySenateand advisoryto the FacultySenateand theProvost/VPAA.One undergraduate faculty representative elected from each degree-granting college
One graduate faculty representative elected from each college with graduate programs Term: 2 years / CC Hung (chung1) 2016-2018 and ManijehChavoshi (mchavosh) 2016-2018
President’sPlanning& BudgetAdvisoryCommittee, PPBAC (permanent)— assignedto the University Counciland advisoryto theuniversityPresident. one teaching faculty member from each degree-granting college selected by the senators from that college operating as a caucus Term: 2 years / Dick Gayler (dgayler) 2015-2017
Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
UndergraduatePoliciesand CurriculumCommittee(UPCC)— assignedto the FacultySenateand advisoryto theFacultySenateand theProvost/VPAA. Two elected from each degree granting college Term: 2 years / Lei Li (lli13) 2015-2016 / Dennis Franklin (dfrank15) 2015-2017 , Susan VandeVen (2016-2018)
University Faculty Committee on Global Engagement, UFCGE(permanent)— assignedto theFacultySenateand advisorythe Vice Provost for Global Affairs and CIO. One faculty elected or appointed from each college. Faculty representatives should serve terms of three-years with the possibility of consecutive renewal. / Edward Jung (ejung4) 2015-2018

Other committes

Committee / Past members / Current Member/s
Staff Senate Term: 3 years / Ashley McClure (amcclur6) 2015-2018
Montepulciano committee appointed by the Dean one per college / Paola Spoletini (pspoleti)
Safety Council / Christine Bryant (cbryan78) / Kirk Inman (kinman2), Hossain Shahriar (hshahria) (chair 2015-2016), Jennie Vitty-Rogers (jvittyro), Ming Yang (myang8), Jim Rutherfoord
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Panel / Bob Brown
SoTL Funding Committee One member per College elected from the full-time teaching faculty. Term: 3 years and may be renewed.Meetings are held twice a semester during Fall and Spring semesters.. / Allan Fowler (2016-2019)
URCA Undergraduate research Term: 3years and may be renewed. Any full-time teaching faculty with undergraduate research experience is eligible / Jack Zheng (2015-2018)
Adult Learning Committee (PLC) Who elects: volunteer / Jim Rutherfoord (2015-2016) / Becky Rutherfoord