Panhellenic Council

The University of Arizona


P.O. Box 210017

Tucson, Arizona 85721-0017

Office: (520) 621-0759

Panhellenic Executive Board Application

I would like to invite you to become a part of the legacy at the University of Arizona. This is an exciting and crucial time for the Greeks on our campus and strong leaders are required to push this community forward.

The Panhellenic Council is the governing body of the fourteen Panhellenic sororities at the University of Arizona. The executive board is comprised of six executive officers with a proposed two additional officers; five of which are elected, and one of which is appointed by the current Panhellenic Executive Board. The Panhellenic Council meets bimonthly with the Panhellenic Chapter delegates to discuss current Greek issues and upcoming events for the entire community. The board is responsible for local Panhellenic operations, in accordance with the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) policies and procedures.

The Panhellenic Council is involved with the formation of and involvement in various programs throughout the year, including: New Member Symposium, New Student Orientation, Fall and Membership Recruitment. The Panhellenic Executive board also serves as a liaison to the UA administration and the Dean of Students Office. The positions can be time consuming, but the experience is rewarding and exciting. Serving as a Panhellenic Executive Officer is a wonderful way to meet students from other chapters, gain a different perspective of our Greek Community, and achieve the skills necessary to become an effective leader.

Each officer serves regular office hours throughout the academic year and must reside in Tucson over the summer months to plan for upcoming events. In addition, board members have the opportunity to travel, both to Orange County for the AFLV Conference and to Indiana for the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI).

Please fill out the following application online at by 5 PM by Friday, October 30, 2009. Elections for the Panhellenic Positions will be held on November 3rd, 2009, at 6:00 pm in the location TBD in the SUMC. Candidates will be required to give a 5 minute presentation on the following topic: “My Vision for Panhellenic and How I Will Bring That Vision to Life.” At the end of the each presentation, the delegates present at the election will have the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates.

Thank you for your interest in the Panhellenic Council! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the application or elections process.


Dani Loversky

2009 Panhellenic President

office: (520) 621-0759

Eligibility Requirements For President(as outlined in the Panhellenic Constitution)

-Must be a junior or senior that has been a Recruitment Counselor, Chapter President or Chapter Executive Officer with proven leadership experience.

-Must be able to fulfill 10-15 hours per week (5-10 office hours, the rest additional meetings)

-Must live in Tucson during the summer months and be available 10-20 hours per week

-Must be a junior, or senior, depending on position qualifications

-Must be a full time University of Arizona undergraduate; and be a UA student in good standing

-Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

-Must be able to disaffiliate from your chapter and have the ability to function in a comprehensive and unbiased manner

Eligibility Requirements For Other VP Positions (as outlined in the Panhellenic Constitution)

-Must be a sophomore, junior or senior with leadership experience.

-Must be able to fulfill 10-15 hours per week (5-10 office hours, the rest additional meetings)

-Must live in Tucson during the summer months and be available 10-20 hours per week

-Must be a full time University of Arizona undergraduate; and be a UA student in good standing

-Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

-Must be able to disaffiliate from your chapter and have the ability to function in a comprehensive and unbiased manner

Application Requirements

1. Please complete the application online

2. Enclose a resume.

3. Letter of recommendation from a Chapter Advisor, Corporation Board Member, Inter/National Officer, Field/Chapter Consultant or advisor of another organization. Please UPLOAD on orgsync


This position oversees the Panhellenic Association and its executive council


-Must be a junior or senior that has been a Recruitment Counselor, Chapter President or Chapter Officer with proven leadership experience.

-Must be comfortable in leadership roles, including, but not limited to: planning meetings, public speaking and coordinating events.


  • Oversee all executive board members, PHC exec meetings and preside over all PHC meetings
  • Liaison to J-Board, Dean of Students, Health Promotions, Alumni Association, OASIS, Task Force, Student Union Advisory Board and Tucson Alumnae Panhellenic.
  • Meet weekly with the Panhellenic Advisor.
  • Required to attend all functions sponsored by Panhellenic and over see all PHC activities and operations.
  • Review, approve and sign all Panhellenic Council checks and contracts involving the U of A Panhellenic Council.
  • Responsible for Award applications with the help of everyone on the council.
  • Serve as media contact for PHC.
  • Serve as member ex-officio of all Panhellenic Council committees with voice but not vote.
  • Coordinate the fall semester Panhellenic Council officer elections.
  • Carry out appropriate functions during all recruitment periods serving as a member of the Panhellenic Recruitment Team (Panhellenic Council).
  • Live in Tucson during the summer to coordinate Panhellenic activity planning by participating in New Student Orientations.
  • Report to the Panhellenic Advisor as required to the National Panhellenic Conference Area Advisor.
  • Attend President’s Forum every month.
  • Serve as Expansion Committee liaison.
  • Maintain weekly office hours.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date President's file.
  • Train her successor.
  • Perform all other duties pertaining to this office.


This position oversees the Panhellenic Association and its executive council


-Must be a sophomore, junior or senior that has been a Recruitment Counselor, Chapter President or Chapter Officer with proven leadership experience.

-Must be comfortable in leadership roles, including, but not limited to: planning meetings, public speaking and coordinating events.


  • Preside over all meetings that the President is not present for.
  • Implement delegate training at the first Panhellenic delegate meeting
  • Distribute all information in regards to Parliamentary Procedure.
  • Inform all chapters of study skills and academic educational seminars.
  • In charge of Academic chairs and meeting with them monthly. Along with planning the Scholarship Banquet and helping the other councils with doing the Wildcat Ad each semester.
  • Award scholarship certificates to all chapters with GPA above the all women’s average.
  • Award chapter with the highest new member class GPA/most improved.
  • Select applicants for “Panhellenic Academic Scholarships”
  • Hold regular meetings with scholarship chairs from each chapter.
  • Design and create an informational handbook for Scholarship Chairs.
  • Work with VP of Programming to develop and implement monthly programming on scholarly achievements and success.
  • Announce the events of the University of Arizona Panhellenic Council to the campus community and to the community at large.
  • In charge of Sister Sororities, changing them each school year.
  • Review and update the constitution and bylaws on a semester basis.
  • Determines chapter of the month.
  • Maintain weekly office hours.
  • Maintain a complete notebook of flyers, publications and articles as part of the VP Internal file.
  • Train her successor.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


This position oversees the Panhellenic Association and its executive council


-Must be a sophomore, junior or senior that has been a Recruitment Counselor, Chapter President or Chapter Officer with proven leadership experience.

-Must be comfortable in leadership roles, including, but not limited to: planning meetings, public speaking and coordinating events.


  • Coordinate all Panhellenic recruitment periods.
  • The Director of Recruitment shall know and follow the Standing Rules for Membership Selection and the NPC Unanimous Agreements and any other rules that directly or indirectly relate to recruitment periods and events.
  • Prepare, copy, and distribute minutes of all discussion and decisions made at the Panhellenic Recruitment meetings.
  • Propose the type of parties, dates of recruiting, duration of parties, registration fees, Standing Rules for Membership Selection and other facets of recruitment to the Panhellenic Council or the Panhellenic Recruitment Committee (as appropriate) for approval through the PRC. In formulating these proposals, consult with the Executive Board and/or the Panhellenic Advisor.
  • Coordinate recruitment finances with the VP of Finance, including the recruitment budget, income, expenditures, and chapter fee schedules during the finance seminar.
  • Distribute and summarize the evaluations of recruitment by different groups, including but not limited to: chapter recruitment chairs, alumnae, recruitment counselors, Panhellenic officers, new members within one month after the formal recruitment period.
  • Prepare the PNM Booklet.
  • Provide training for ICS Computer System with Chapter Recruitment Chairs.
  • Participate in New Student Orientations
  • Define objectives for recruitment with the help of the Panhellenic Advisor and the Executive Board.
  • Coordinate the Spring Information Meeting
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date VP Membership file.
  • Live in Tucson during the summer and work in the Panhellenic office an average of ten (10) hours per week to coordinate recruitment registrations for fall. Report illness and vacations to the Panhellenic Advisor, to whom supervision is delegated for the summer break. Make arrangements to delegate responsibilities during absences.
  • Maintain weekly office hours.
  • Train her successor.
  • Remain in an advisory capacity for two months after her successor takes office.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


This position oversees the Panhellenic Association and its executive council


-Must be a sophomore, junior or senior that has been a Recruitment Counselor, Chapter President or Chapter Officer with proven leadership experience.

-Must be comfortable in leadership roles, including, but not limited to: planning meetings, public speaking and coordinating events.


  • Coordinate and facilitate all Panhellenic programs and activities.
  • Responsible for all sponsorship and fliers to promote programs
  • Co-Chair the Cat Walk Committee, in conjunction with all council liaisons
  • Co-Chair the Greek Week Committee, in conjunction with all council liaisons, including appointing members of the executive board.
  • Submit all contracts for the President's signature and maintain a complete record of all contracts.
  • Assist in the administration of the Panhellenic recruitment program as outlined in the Panhellenic Recruitment Rules.
  • Plans House Director’s Luncheon during Work Week.
  • Plans Fall and Spring New Member Symposium with VP of Programming from NPHC, IFC, and USFC.
  • Maintain weekly office hours.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date VP Programming file.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


This position oversees the Panhellenic Association and its executive council


-Must be a sophomore, junior or senior that has been a Recruitment Counselor, Chapter President or Chapter Officer with proven leadership experience.

-Must be comfortable in leadership roles, including, but not limited to: planning meetings, public speaking and coordinating events.


  • Assume responsibility for the assessment and collection of chapter dues and fines.
  • Maintain accurate records of all Panhellenic expenditures, projected expenses, and current balances in all Panhellenic accounts through a budget.
  • Be responsible, along with the President, Recruitment Director and Panhellenic Advisor, for the presentation of the Panhellenic Council and Recruitment account budgets. The approval by the Panhellenic Council, the Panhellenic Advisor and the VP of Finance is needed. The VP of Finance is responsible for providing a copy of the budget.
  • Receive all payments due to the Panhellenic Association, including recruitment fees and dues, and issue receipts accordingly.
  • Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills due by the Panhellenic Association.
  • Sign all Panhellenic Council and Recruitment account checks and be responsible for the counter-signatures.
  • Submit a complete financial report at the end of each month to the Panhellenic Council.
  • At the close of her term in office, submit an audit report to the Panhellenic Council.
  • Assist in the administration of the Panhellenic recruitment program as outlined in the Panhellenic Recruitment Rules.
  • Prepare and Distribute all Fall and Spring bills to the Chapters.
  • Make all WRGLC travel arrangements
  • Participate in New Student Orientation
  • Phone, Clock, Copier, Computer, and van rentals for recruitment
  • Organize hotel amenities during recruitment
  • Maintain weekly office hours.
  • Maintain complete and up-to-date financial records as part of her VP Finance file.
  • Train her successor.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.



-Must be a sophomore, junior or senior with proven leadership experience.

-Must be comfortable in leadership roles, including, but not limited to: planning meetings, public speaking and coordinating events.

VP Risk Management:

  • Attend all meetings of GAMMA as a representative from the Panhellenic Council
  • Educate the Greek community on GAMMA policies and regulations.
  • Work with the VP of Internal Affairs and the Panhellenic Advisor to coordinate informal judicial conferences arising from reported violations.
  • File and report necessary correspondence with the national chapter of GAMMA.
  • Update the Panhellenic Council on any change in GAMMA policies and regulations.
  • Attend yearly GAMMA training and retreats.
  • Assist in the administration of the Panhellenic recruitment program as outlined in the Panhellenic Recruitment Rules.
  • Liaison to the Health Advocate Program
  • Work with planning an implementing programming such as Take Back the Night, and Sorority Safety Night
  • Create passive and active programming in association with a variety of health, wellness and safety issues.
  • Organize, attend and preside over Social Chair Roundtable and Risk Manager Roundtable meetings
  • Serve as the student liaison to any risk management related committees at the request of the university
  • Maintain weekly office hours.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date Vice President's file.
  • Train her successor.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.

VP Communications:

  • Be responsible for keeping Panhellenic files, rosters and directories up-to-date and accurate.
  • Take minutes and attendance at all meetings of the Panhellenic Council.
  • Type and distribute the minutes for all meetings of the Panhellenic Council.
  • E-Mail Panhellenic Council minutes to Chapter Presidents, Advisors, and NPC Advisor after the Panhellenic meetings.
  • Be responsible for all correspondence by the Panhellenic Council.
  • Bi-annually review the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules and make recommendations to the Panhellenic Council for amendments.
  • Serve as the Panhellenic Council Liaison to the Rho Lambda Honor Society announcing all meetings and events relating to the organization.
  • Prepare the Chapter, Executive Board and House Director’s Manuals.
  • Serve as the Panhellenic Council Liaison to the Tucson Alumnae Panhellenic Association.
  • Act as liaison with the 3 other Greek councils
  • Assist in the administration of the Panhellenic recruitment program as outlined in the Panhellenic Recruitment Rules.
  • Be responsible for Panhellenic Council publications and public relations.
  • Responsible for publishing a monthly Panhellenic newsletter.
  • Maintain weekly office hours.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date VP Communication file.
  • Train her successor.
  • Perform any other duties usually pertaining to this office.

Required Dates and Times

ALL OFFICERS must be available every Tuesday from 5-8pm both Spring and Fall 2010

Delegate Meetings will be held every two weeks on Tuesdays at 6pm

President’s Forum will be held on the first Tuesday at 5pm every month

January 10th -11th : Council Leadership Retreat

January 30th : Chapter President and Advisor Retreat

February 28th : New Member Symposium

April 7th-11th : AFLV Leadership Conference

April 18th – 25th : Greek Week

Must be in Tucson in the Summer Months

Fall – CATwalk, NM Symposium, Recruitment, Sorority Safety Night, Scholarship Banquet

Please Complete the Application Online answering the following questions:

1. What do you believe makes you an effective Greek Leader?

2. What are the three most pressing issues facing our Greek Community at the University of Arizona? What do you believe can be done to remedy these problems?

3. What do you think the role of a Panhellenic Officer should be?

4. How would you respond to a student or officer who fails to fulfill their obligations?

5. What is the most challenging situation you have faced as a leader? How did you handle this challenge?

6. How do you think you currently positively represent the community?

7. For your number one ranked position, what would you do to improve or grow this position?

Please Limit Answers to 100 Words Each

The application is available at