Job title: Business Manager / Service area:
Post number: / Division: Schools
Grade: 8 / Section/team: Crosby Primary School
Overall purpose of job:
To play a key role as the business manager of the school, with responsibility for all aspects of the school excluding the children’s education. This includes premises management, health and safety, school administration, human resources and finance. Responsible to the Head Teacher and the Governing Body.
Post holders will be expected to be flexible in undertaking the duties and responsibilities attached to their post and may be asked to perform other duties, which reasonably correspond to the general character of the post and are commensurate with its level of responsibility.
Main responsibilities:
Premises Management
·  Line manage caretakers to ensure the school remains safe and clean
·  Liaise with maintenance services for day to day repairs and occasional larger projects
·  Seek quotes for capital projects as requested by the Head Teacher
·  Maintain records of premises checks (e.g. legionella, play equipment, emergency lighting, etc.)
·  Prepare and implement a rolling programme of maintenance and refurbishment of the premises (including furniture)
·  Ensure appropriate SLAs in place (provide advice to the governing body as appropriate)
Health and Safety
·  Ensure compliance of the school with the health and safety policy and statutory requirements (e.g. fire safety, COSHH)
·  Be pro-active in ensuring the school and its processes are safe at all times
·  Liaise with appropriate bodies (e.g. LA Health and Safety, Fire Officer, Safeguarding Group, Resources Group)
School Administration
·  Line manage the finance officer, admin assistants and non-teaching assistant(s) (induction, training, appraisal, oversight)
·  Ensure the school is complaint with information governance policies and the data protection act, with appropriate back-ups in place
·  Ensure appropriate licences are in place
·  Ensure appropriate insurance is in place, and the management of claims as they arise
·  Ensure efficient storage of appropriate documentation (both hard and electronic copies)
Human Resources
·  Ensure appropriate and accurate records are held for all staff
·  Maintain an up to date and accurate Single Central Record
·  Implement the school staff absence policy, monitoring staff absence, and reporting to the governing body; including return to work interviews for all staff members
·  Collect and maintain all relevant payroll information; sickness claims; overtime claims; annual leave; absence records
·  Organise appropriate cover for staff absence (both emergency and longer term cover). Liaise with Deputy Head Teacher and appropriate agencies.
·  Liaise with LA Human Resources re appointments and contractual changes (using Top Desk)
·  Support the Head Teacher with recruitment, pre-employment checks and on-going checks
Finance and Resources
·  Line manage the Finance Officer to ensure compliance with all financial management regulations
·  Ensure an accurate and up to date inventory is kept, including the contents of the safe, with appropriate back ups
·  With advice from HT and governors, set the 3 year budget plan and advise on different financial scenarios
·  Monitor expenditure and budget in accordance with financial regulations and audit requirements in order to apply best practice, and report to the governing body
·  Support the financial functions of the school as required (e.g. fulfilling the functions of the finance officer if required)
Knowledge, skill and experience:
·  Knowledge and experience of school financial and administrative systems
·  Knowledge of employment regulations
·  Ability to interpret and apply financial; health and safety; information governance regulations and guidelines including working within appropriate legislative frameworks
·  Experience of a variety of applications including SIMS, FMS and Top Desk
·  Understand and apply the principles of Best Value
·  Excellent verbal and written communication skills
·  Knowledge of Safer Recruitment principles
Creativity and innovation:
·  Creative solutions to staffing and premises issues
·  Development of methodical and efficient systems and procedures for self and others to follow (e.g. health and safety monitoring)
·  Negotiate with suppliers and contractors
Contacts and relationships:
·  Daily-HT to discuss current and future issues
·  Daily-LA officers to discuss current and future issues (e.g. Human Resources, Payroll, maintenance services)
·  Daily-wider school staff (particularly premises, admin and non-teaching staff)
·  Monthly-governors with regard to budget monitoring and implementation of other policies (e.g. health and safety; information governance; staff absence)
·  Weekly-contractors and suppliers
Decision making:
·  Day-to-day prioritisation of tasks and solutions to routine issues
·  Judgement and discretion when dealing with non-routine matters (e.g. in relation to premises; staffing or other issues)
·  Supporting staff who are being line managed on their day-to-day priorities and tasks
Responsibility for resources:
·  Shared with HT and governing body approximately 3 million pounds per annum
·  Approximately £700 per week cash and cheques
Work demands:
·  Deadlines for producing documentation for the Head Teacher and Governors has to be met and may be given at short notice.
·  Interruption to duties to answer queries from all school employees are a feature, as are constant interruptions from telephone calls.
·  Completion of all DfE and LA returns by statutory deadlines is required.
·  LA deadlines (e.g. for staffing returns) have to be met, as do deadlines for the payment of invoices and demands.
·  All school tasks carry a degree of urgency and often several tasks all need to be completed urgently.
·  Conflicting priorities with a business focus of the post and the need to maintain the health safety, site security and welfare of pupils
·  The role requires a proactive approach ensuring potential problems are anticipated and planned for. Also required is the flexibility to be reactive when emergencies and unforeseen situations occur.
Physical demands:
·  High level of frequency in the use of IT equipment and keyboard
Working conditions:
·  Shared office-well-lit and ventilated
Work context:
·  High level of responsibility in dealing with complex, sensitive and confidential issues, including occasional contact with parents and pupils which carries potential risk of verbal and physical abuse.

Position in organisation:
Indicate how many staff the post is directly accountable for:
Are posts in more than one location? Yes No
Is this at the same site? Are the posts managed highly mobile?
Is the supervision/management shared with another post in the structure? Yes No
Please indicate which post(s) ______
You must provide an organisation chart that shows where the job sits within the structure. This should be a simple diagram but with enough detail to put the job into context, i.e. the post holder may manage different groups of staff undertaking different tasks. The chart must show the job in question, the job to which it reports, those jobs which report alongside it and subordinate posts.

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Policy and Resources Cabinet Member – 19th September 2012, Updated – 6th October 2017 Page 6 of 8

The post is subject to:
·  Disclosure of convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Exemption) Act 1974 Yes □ No □
·  Political restriction Yes □ No□
·  The ability to speak fluent English under the Immigration Act 2016 Yes □ No □
(signed) / (print) / Date:
Manager: (signed) / (print) / Date:

Policy and Resources Cabinet Member – 19th September 2012, Updated – 6th October 2017 Page 8 of 8