

This packet has been assembled to assist you with finding sources for local scholarships. To view this document on the Lompoc High School website, click on the Counseling tab on the home page, then Scholarships, then Local Scholarship Information.

Please read thoroughly to verify you meet the requirements for the scholarships listed. Do not apply for a scholarship unless you meet the requirements listed for that scholarship.

Read through this booklet to identify scholarshipsfor which you qualify. Circle or highlight those to begin the process.

Once you have identified the scholarships for which you intend to apply, use the chart on the last page of the packet to list them for your convenience when you come in to request application information.

After you have identified the scholarshipsfor which you intend to apply, bring your list into the counseling office and ask anyone available to provide you with the info sheets and applications. There is a new information sheet and/or application for every scholarship available.Do not rely only on what is in this booklet. This is based on last year’s scholarship offerings. Things may have changed. Be sure to come to the counseling office to get updated information for applying for each scholarship in which you are interested. You will be given the necessary information to complete the application process for each individual scholarship. Not all the scholarships come available at the same time so it is important to check back frequently to gather applications and information.

To make the application process easier, many local organizations use the LOMPOC HIGH SCHOOL COMMON APPLICATON. This application can be found on the Lompoc High School website. (From the home page click on the Counseling tab, then Scholarships, then Common Application.)You will also need to submit an essay with every application. The link to the writing prompt for the essay is located under the link for the common application on the Lompoc High webpage.

The Common Application and Essay should be completed and saved so it can be used repeatedly. If the scholarship uses the Common Application you can enter the name of the scholarship at the top and simply print one out to submit. Always remember to enter the name of the scholarship at the top on the Common Applicationand remember to attach your essay.

Not all local organizations are able to use the LHS Common Application. If an organization uses their own scholarship application it will be made available at the time the student requests the information on that particular scholarship.

Some scholarships request supplemental materials (ex. Letters of recommendation, transcript, test scores etc.) Make note of those on the chart at the back of this scholarship packet when you pick up the scholarship application or information sheet.

If askedto submit an "Official Transcript", you must complete a transcript request form (it is a small blue card located outside of the registrar’s office) and return it to the registrarin the counseling office. There is a .50charge per transcript which must be given at the time of the request. It will take approximately 24 hours to complete your request, for this reason it is a good idea to request extras to have on hand.If the word “official” is not in front of the word transcript, those can be printed for you at no charge. Do not open the official transcript envelope. Submit the transcript in the sealed envelope you receive from the registrar.

As we receive information about scholarships offered through organizations outside of the Lompoc area we will post that on the scholarship wall in the counseling office. Seniors, please check the scholarship wall frequently.

Remember this packet is printed prior to the start of the school year and some items may have changed after the printing of this booklet.This book contains scholarships that were offered last year and may be offered again this year. The key is to go into the counseling office on a regular basis and check the scholarship drawer.

If you need help locating items or completing paper work please ask.

Please be aware of scholarship scams online. If you are suspicious of a scholarship opportunity please check with your counselor to see if it is a legitimate scholarship offering before providing any personal information. You should never pay a fee to apply for a scholarship. If they are asking for money it is probably a scam. When in doubt be sure to check with your counselor.

Some additional sources for scholarships are:

The vast majority of local scholarships become available from January – April. Be sure to write down the due date and if any supplemental materials are required after you pick up the application. Also, make note of if the scholarship needs to be mailed by you to the donor,or returned to the counseling office.

Do not hesitate to come into the counseling office to ask questions.

Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara:

*Santa Barbara Foundation General Scholarship

-High School Senior who has attended 4 of the last 6 years in a Santa Barbara Co. School

-U.S. Citizen or permanent resident

-Planning to attend full time as an undergraduate at an accredited school

AG. Boosters Scholarship:(See Mrs. Flaherty for additional details)

-Must be a "AG Completer" (In the Ag Program for all 4 years)

Alpha Literary and Improvement Club: (Uses LHS Common Application)

-High School Senior

-GPA 2.00 or higher in the past year

-Must attend a college, university or recognized vocational school in the fall

-Letter of reference

-Official Transcript

American Association of University Women (AAUW):

-High School Female Senior

-May only be used at an accredited 4 year college or university

-Strong background in Math and Science Skills is desirable

-Official transcript

American G.I. Forum:

-High School Senior of Mexican/Mexican American Heritage (mother, father or both)

-Must attend vocational/trade school, accredited college or university in the fall

-Two letters of recommendation

-Official transcript

Art Vargas Jr. Memorial – (LHS Common Application)

-Must have attended LHS all four (4) years and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher

-Attend any type of post-secondary education

-Official transcript

-Complete a 250 word essay

Associated Student Body (ASB) – (LHS Common Application)

-Must be a senior

Beta-Pi Sigma Sorority Lambda Chapter

-Female Senior

-3.0 GPA or higher

Brice Fabing Memorial Athletic Scholarship – (LHS Common Application)

-Must have participated in athletics at LHS. This includes all sports, Cheer and Dance)

-You must also have participated in a community event such as Relay for Life, Flower Festival, etc.

California Air Force Association Aerospace Education(CAFA)

-Must be a senior

-GPA 3.5 or higher

-Minimum SAT score of 1800 or minimum ACT 22

-Must be California resident

California School Employees Association (CSEA #257)

-High school senior

-Must enroll in a 2 or 4 year college, or trade school

-Official transcript

-Be a dependent of member in good standing of CSEA Lompoc Valley Chapter #257

California Women for Agriculture

-Agriculture related major at college

Caneli Memorial Scholarship (LHS-Common Application)

-Satisfactory citizenship

-Min. 2.0 GPA

-Enrolling in university, college, junior college, professional or trade school. (Proof of

  • college enrollment will be required to receive award)

Catherine D. LaRue Memorial Musical Theatre Scholarship – (LHS Common Application)

-High school senior

-Must intend to major in Theater or Music

Christopher Martinez Memorial Scholarship (LHS-Common Application)

-Graduating senior who has a GPA of 2.50 or higher and is planning on attending an accredited college or university.

-Applicant must be a member of the LHS Golf Team or an active member/participant of a Junior Golf Association.

Delta Kappa Gamma Iota Nu Future Educator Scholarship

-Female high school senior planning on pursuing a degree in education at an accredited college or university.

-Two letters of recommendation

-Official transcript

-Personal essay of 250-500 words

John Trettin Memorial Athletic Scholarship (LHS – Common Application)

-High school senior

-4 years of participation in athletics

-Official transcript

LeRoy F. Grijalva Memorial Scholarship – (LHS Common Application)

-High school senior

-Official transcript

Lompoc Antique Auto Club

-High school senior

-Have at least 10 credits of automotive courses completed or in progress

-GPA 2.0 or higher

-Three letters of recommendation

-Transcript (unofficial is fine)

Lompoc Civic Theatre – Ray Gloeckner Memorial (See Ms. Barthel for information)

-High School Senior

-Interested in the theatre

Lompoc Federation of Teachers (LFT) - (LHS Common Application)

-High school senior

-Dependent of a member in good standing of LFT

Lompoc First United Methodist Church

-High school senior

-Must be associated with Lompoc First United Methodist Church

-Pick up applications at the church office 925 North F Street

Lompoc Foursquare Church

-High school senior who is interested in answering the call to ministry

-Pick up application at the church

Lompoc High School Alumni Association

-High school senior that has attended LHS for four(4) years

-Student must be dependant of a member of LHS Alumni Association

-Transcript (Unofficial is ok)

-Three letters of recommendation

Lompoc High School ASB

-2.0 or higher GPA

-80+ Hours of Community Service

Lompoc High School Auto Club – (LHS Common Application)

-Graduating senior who has competed at least one year of Automotive classes at LHS

-Minimum of 3.0 GPA

-Three Letters of recommendation (2 must be from a teacher)

-Official Transcript

Lompoc Host Lions (LHS Common Application)

-High school senior

-Transcript (unofficial is fine)

-Three Letters of recommendation (1 from someone who is NOT a school employee or family member)

Lompoc Knights of Pythias

-High school senior

-Official transcript w/ SAT (and/or) ACT scores

Lompoc Music Association

- LMA Application and audition required. (Audition information contained in application)

Lompoc Pops Orchestra - (LHS Common Application)

-Graduating seniors with a 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.5 GPA in all music related courses.

-Letter of reference from current music teacher (teacher can be LHS music teacher or can be from a private music teacher) which indicates endorsement of the student’s having a suitable level of competence to aspire to a career in music.

-Official Transcript

-Signed letter from parent/guardian that the student has applied, or will be enrolling in, an accredited institution of higher learning.

Lompoc Rotary Club Scholarship – (LHS Common Application)

-High school senior

-Active at school and in the community

Lompoc Valley Art Association

-High school senior must have been enrolled at LHS entire school year

-Planning to study the visual arts at a 4 year college or recognized visual arts school

-GPA 2.5 overall and a GPA of 3.0 in Art coursework

-Letter of recommendation from principal, counselor or teacher who can give pertinent information regarding your service, character and ability.

-Official transcript

Lompoc Valley Democratic Club

-This scholarship is for students planning to attend Allan Hancock College in the fall.

-Official Transcript

-Essay required (see application for essay information)

Lompoc Valley Distance Club – Nancy Perry Memorial Scholarship

-High school senior

-Participates in sports, either on a team, scorekeeper, manager, etc.

-GPA 2.75 or higher

-Planning to attend an accredited college

-One letter of recommendation

-Official transcript

Lompoc Valley Festival Association

-2.75 GPA or higher

-Attending Allan Hancock College in the fall.

Lompoc Valley Iris Society – Common Application

-Available to any student planning to study in the area of plant sciences (horticulture, viticulture etc.)

Lompoc Valley Master Chorale

-High school senior

-Planning to pursue musical interests in college

Lompoc Valley Teen of the Year

-Community Service

-Essay required (see application for details)

-3 letters of recommendation (1 from school and 2 from members of the community)

-Interview required for finalists

-Official Transcript

-Serving as Lompoc Valley Teen of the Year, recipient will continue to serve the community through continued communications and activities

Lompoc Valley Republican Women Federated

-Female high school senior

-Letter of recommendation

-Official transcript

Mary Anne Rios Memorial Scholarship (Uses Common Application)

-U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident

-Attended Lompoc High All 4 Years

-3.0 cumulative GPA or higher

-Involved in at least 2 extra-curricular activities

-Two letters of recommendation (not from family members)

-Official transcript

-Must have satisfactory citizenship and attendance

M.E.Ch.A.S Club Scholarship – (LHS Common Application)

-High School SeniorM.E.Ch.A.S Club Member

-Satisfactory citizenship

-GPA of 2.0 or higher

-Attending college in the fall

-One letter of recommendation

-Copy of transcript

-It is possible you may be required to have an interview

Military Officers Association of America

-Must be the student of an active or retired military family residing within Northern Santa Barbara County.

-Must have a valid military ID card

-Scholarship must be used at a 4 year college or university

-Involvement in school and community

-Financial need is not considered


-High school senior

-GPA 3.0 or higher

-Essay required

Salvation Army (LHS- Common Application)

-High school senior

-Essay required slightly different from the common application essay (writing prompt will be given)

Santa Barbara County Cattlemen Scholarship – Ted Monighetti

-Graduating senior enrolled in ANY field of study to at an accredited college or university (Ag related majors are strongly urged to apply).

-Two letters of recommendation (1 must be from a teacher)

-Official transcript

Santa Barbara Cattleman’s Association (LHS Common Application)

-Interest in Ranching

-Planning to study an Ag. related major (Ranching, Agribusiness, Animal Sciences)

Santa Barbara County Cattlewomen Scholarship

-High school senior

-Must be attending an accredited college full time in fall

-Current photo of self and beef animal

-Involvement in the beef industry

-Essay required (see application for essay details)

Santa Barbara County Vintner’s Foundation

-Planning to study Viticulture of Enology at Allan Hancock College

Santa Barbara Scottish Rite

-High school senior

-Official transcript

- Autobiographical Essay

Santa Maria Valley Contractors Association

-Majoring in anything construction related, apprentice program or Union Trade School

Stillman Capital Group

-Graduating senior who has a 3.0 GPA or higher

-Must have participated in a sport all four years of high school

-Student must attend a two or four year school.

Thomas K. and Annza T. Ward Engineering Scholarship

-Must be planning to study engineering in college

-Consideration is given to financial need and academic achievement

Tri-City Sound Chorus

-Female high school senior

-Participated in the vocal program for a minimum of two years

Application can be found @

Vietnam Veteran’s of America Chapter 982

-Must be the child or grandchild of an honorably discharged United States military veteran that served in the armed forces.

-2.5 or higher GPA

Name of Scholarship / Due Date (Mail OR Return to Counseling) / Supplemental Materials required (Transcript, Essay, Etc.)