Dromtariffe Parish

Fr Tom Leane

The Presbytery, Dromagh, Mallow, Co. Cork.

Tel: (029)78096 Mob: (087) 2300 565

Parish Office: Secretary Evelyn O’Sullivan

Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Tel: (029)78096

Safeguarding Children Representatives:

Margaret McCarthy & John Cronin

Designated Liaison Person Kerry Diocese: 087 6362 780

Email: Web: www.dioceseofkerry.ie

Pastoral Area

Priest on Duty Sunday 18th February Fr John Fitzgerald (029) 70043 / 087 77 52 948

Priest on Duty Sunday 25th February Fr Pat O’Donnell (064) 7758026 / 086 8351732

Deaths: Julia Dunne, Dysert

Anniversaries: Roseann Casey, Curraraigue


Day / Church / Time / Intention
Saturday Vigil / Derrinagree / 7.30pm / Denis & Abina McCarthy, Fortgrady
Darby Halliden, Rathcoole
Con Hartnett, Drominagh
Sunday / Dromagh / 10.30am / Neily O’Flynn, Killetra
Tuesday / Derrinagree / 7.30pm
Wednesday / Derrinagree / 7.30pm
Thursday / Dromagh / 9.30am
Friday / Dromagh / 9.30am

WEEKEND 24th & 25th February 2018

Saturday Vigil / Derrinagree / 7.30pm / Mick Desmond, Glenleigh
Sunday / Dromagh / 10.30am / Denis Vaughan, Rathcoole

Eucharistic Adoration: Monday in Derrinagree Church 10.00am to 9.00pm

Friday in Dromagh Church 10.00am to 4.00pm

Welcome into the Christian Family:

Teddy John Noonan, Killetra

Clodagh Margaret Healy, Kanturk

Last weekend’s collections

v  Offertory €314

v  Parish Fund €630.80

v  Special Diocesan Collection €326 Thank you

Special Collection next weekend for the World Meeting of Families

Parish Announcements

“What my faith has meant to me”

You are invited to join us in Derrinagree Church for a very special talk given by a well known speaker, Micheál O’Muircheartaigh. This has been organised by Dromtariffe Parish Pastoral Council

Vigil Mass, 7.30pm , next Saturday 24th in Derrinagree Church

The organising committee of Dromtariffe Senior Citizens party will hold the AGM on Thursday22nd Feb at 8pm in the parish hall. New members always welcome

Lenten Talk For Millstreet Pastoral Area: Talk by Gerard Hussey, Irish boxing coach in Teach Iosagán, Rathmore on March 7th

Take time out for yourself - Annual Retreat Day of Reflection & Prayer For Dromtariffe Parish

Date: Saturday, 3rd March, 2018 Time: 10.00am —5.00pm

Venue: Ardfert Retreat Centre. For further details please contact:

Pauline O’Sullivan 029 58083 / 0872745628

Mary Greaney 029 78117 / 0872637135

Noreen Murphy 029 58143 / 087752 7704

Diocesan Announcements

Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage to Taizé

The Diocese of Kerry will once again host a diocesan youth pilgrimage to Taizé in France. There are 15 places available. The dates for the pilgrimage are Sunday, July 1st 2018 and returning home on Sunday, July 8th. For more information please contact Tomás Kenny on 086 3683778 or Also see diocesan website

Family: where Life begins and Love never ends.

National Church collection next weekend.

The World Meeting of Families taking place in Dublin this August promises to be an occasion that will reflect on the faith experience of families from many parts of the world as well as on the challenges and celebrations which characterise the ups and downs of day-to-day family life. Pope Francis hopes to come to Ireland for it.

Hosting this national and international event is both a privilege and a responsibility. It requires an enormous amount of planning and funding. In this regard the third national collection will be held in all churches next weekend, the 24 and 25 February 2018. Please give generously to help fund this promotion of family life.

v  Lenten Programme 2018

On Feb 22nd Thursday @ 8.00 p.m. Br. Pádraig McIntyre osb will speak on Finding ourselves in the Lenten Jesus in the Heights Hotel, Killarney, hosted by Killarney Pastoral Area. All are welcome and there is no admission fee. For more information, check out www.dioceseofkerry.ie

v  Prolife meeting Wednesday 21 February at 8.00pm CYMS Hall Newmarket. Speaker Joe Walsh Life Institute.

Contact Chris Hannon 085 2392207.

v  Kerry Right To Life would really appreciate if you could mention two upcoming events please. The first is in Tralee on Sunday Feb 25th - it is a medical information evening in The Rose Hotel organised by Kerry GPs and supported by our group. All are welcome but it will have particular relevance for health professionals. The second event is the Rally for Life - the Rally to Save the 8th on Saturday March 10th in Dublin. We would really encourage you to mention this from the Altar as we need a big turnout on the day. Buses are being organised and people can contact Denis on 0876590551


Ministry in the Church by Bishop (Emeritus) Bill Murphy, Gathering for All Parish Readers, Eucharistic Ministers & Parish personnel in the Kerry Diocese, Thurs. 22nd Feb. 7.00pm-9.30pm.

The Amoris programme: A parish conversation in preparation for the World Meeting of Families which helps participants to reflect on and share their experience of family life in the light of Pope Francis’ vision in the ‘Gospel of Family’ A joy for all the world. Ardfert Retreat Centre will host 4 sessions during Lent, on Wed. Feb 21st, 28th & March 7th, 14th,7.30pm to 9.30pm. All welcome. Bookings/Contact: 0667134276.

Community Announcements

v  Boherbue Garda Station 029-76002 Opening Hours

Tuesday 20th of Feb 8pm to 9pm. Sunday 25th of Feb 12pm to 1pm

v  The Parents Association of Dromagh National School will hold an old clothes collection on Friday 23rd February. Bags of clothes may be dropped off at the school. Telephone Noreen for further information: 086 3566075 or school office 029 56067. Thank you for your continued support.

Lent: day by day

1st Sun of Lent: Your ways, Lord, are faithfulness and love
Mon: Thank God for the gift of love in your life, wherever you find it;
Tues: Pray for those who have forgotten how to love;
Wed: Fast from jealousy – love the giftedness in others
Thurs: Remember those who have been betrayed
Fri: Let your prayer be for the ones who live in sadness and loss
Sat Sat: Be a loving presence to all you meet today