This nomination form is also available electronically at:

Please check the appropriate box for the type of award:

☐Individual☐Business or Organization☐Group☐Young Volunteer (16-25 years)

Name: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

City:Click here to enter text. ST: Click here to enter text.ZIP: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.


I/we wish to nominate the above-named person(s) for a Volunteer Recognition Award:

Contact Name: Click here to enter text.

Affiliation: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text

City: Click here to enter text. ST: Click here to enter text.ZIP: Click here to enter text.

Telephone: Click here to enter text.

Email address: Click here to enter text.


Please answer the following questions as completely as possible. If you need more space please attach a separate sheet numbered accordingly.

  1. How long has the nominee volunteered with Seattle Parks and Recreation?
  1. How has the volunteer demonstrated exceptional stewardship to parks and/or recreation?

2014 Denny Award Nomination

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  1. Please give an example of the volunteer’s stellar leadership in park enhancement or recreation programming.
  1. Please provide examples of the time and effort the volunteer has spent assisting Parks and Recreation.
  1. What has been the impact of their work and commitment?
  1. Please provide some examples of community support and peer respect engendered by this volunteer’s work.
  1. How has the volunteer worked in concert with the department to improve the quality of life for the residents of Seattle using parks and/orrecreation facilities?

The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m., Monday, Oct. 13. Please submit nominations to:

The Denny Awards

Volunteer Recognition Committee

c/o Adrienne Caver-Hall

100 Dexter Ave. N. Box #6

Seattle, WA 98109

For more information, please contact:

Adrienne Caver-Hall, 206-684-7710,

We urge nominators to submit a high resolution picture of the nominee(s) and/or of the work the nominee(s) have done. (Winners are listed in a special program booklet distributed at the Denny Awards, and it is especially nice to include a picture.)We may contact nominators to provide additional information or details about award winners.

Thank you for your nomination!