•This link leads you to a set of pre-made flashcards of 42 questions about proper use of AP style. The only cons with a few of these cards is that AP style changes so often that a teacher might want to check the correct answers for each flashcard. Once done, though, the teacher can use the pre-made flashcards and put them up on the overhead and do an in-class exercise or quiz with the students to introduce them to the complexity of AP style.

•This is a fun jeopardy style game to teach students about AP style. It is set up in the traditional jeopardy style with different categories and different questions pertaining to those categories. For this particular game, the teacher will have to copy and paste this address into the URL address bar to access this game.

•This is an excellent lesson plan to introduce students to the AP style guide and encourage the students to come up with their own guidelines for gaps within the AP style guide that the students might use within their own publication.

• This one involves a bit more clicking for the teacher because the only way to retrieve the lesson plans is to download them. However, once the teacher has clicked on this link, they can scroll down to week 7 to download . Week 7 offers five whole lesson plans on editing and AP style. I will provide a short review of each lesson.

•LESSON 1 (WHY IT MATTERS): This is an excellent and customizable lesson plan to show students why using proper grammar and spelling matters.

•LESSON 2 (WRITING CONCISELY): As the name indicates, this lesson plan is an excellent lesson plan to show students the importance of writing in a concise manner.

•LESSON 3 (HEADLINES AND CUTLINES): Again, like the name indicates, this lesson plan is to show students definitions and examples of headlines and cutlines.

•LESSON 4 (CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM): This is a WONDERFUL lesson plan to help students deal with criticism they will surely receive from the student editor and/or teacher. The good thing about this lesson plan is that it helps teach the students a life lesson as well (receiving criticism).

•LESSON 5 (COMMON STYLE ERRORS): This lesson plan ties back into the Jeaopardy game towards the beginning of this category. This lesson plan also includes a references sheet students can keep with them at all times to remind themselves of commonly mis-spelled words and editing problems.

• This is a short but creative lesson plan for teaching students to delete worthless words and write in active voice.

•This lesson plan/worksheet introduces students to what makes a story worthy to be in the newspaper and/or yearbook.

•This is an excellent lesson plan accompanied by multiple worksheets to help students distinguish between facts and opinions and when to use either within a publication. Below are the links to the accompanying worksheets for the lesson.

•This is an excellent lesson plan to introduce students to coming up with story ideas. This lesson helps students focus their attention on interesting story-bits or information within their own lives. A worksheet accompanies the lesson plan.

• This is a creative lesson plan that allows students to create stories about what would happen mythical gods and goddesses roamed the city of Los Angeles. This is a great lesson plan to allow students to be creative while also learning about writing in journalism style.

•This link leads you to a list of AP quizzes that you can download to pass out to students. The students can use their AP stylebooks to find the correct answers. This is a fun way to teach students AP style or to review AP style.

•This is an excellent lesson plan that gives explanation and examples of AP style. This requires students to use the AP style guide. This specific .pdf also contains other worksheets pertaining to writing story leads.

•This is a good lesson plan for AP style. It includes the outline of the lesson plan and suggested powerpoint slides on the side.