Curriculum Mapping Form for Articulation Arrangements between Manchester Metropolitan University and an External Organisation

This form should be completed by the member of MMU staff proposing the Articulation Arrangement and should be informed by data gathered from the External Organisation and from MMU. Please note the guidance provided in Section A7 which confirms the relevant sections for completion dependent on the type of proposal.
MMU’s Policy and Procedures for Articulation Arrangements are available on the CASQE website ().
You should consult with the relevant Partnerships Managerbefore completing the form. Please contact the International Partnerships Team within MMU International (for International Strategic Partnerships), the Strategic Partnerships Team (for UK Based Strategic Partnerships), or the Academic Collaborations Team within CASQE (for all other arrangements).
The University’s Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) have developed guidance to assist staff undertaking the Curriculum Mapping Exercise. This is available at () If you require further assistance, please contact CELT ().
Completed forms and supporting evidence should be submitted to the relevant Faculty Quality Administrator who will liaise with CASQE to progress the proposal via the appropriate approval route.

Section A – Administrative Information

A1 / MMU Department
A2 / MMU Award Title(s)
A3 / MMU Senior Staff Contact
(The person proposing the arrangement who will be invited to the Articulation Approval Group meeting to present the proposal)
A4 / MMU Programme Leader
A5 / External Organisation
A6 / External Organisation Award Title(s)
A7 / Depending on the nature of the proposed arrangement, please complete the different sections of this pro forma (as indicated in the boxes to the right). This is determined by two factors:
  • Whether the arrangement leads to guaranteed entry, or gives students the right to apply to an MMU Programme
  • Whether there is existing evidence to verify that the external provision is aligned to the FHEQ/QCF
Please tick to indicate which category the proposal falls into.
Please note that any other relevant information to contextual the proposal may include:
  • Equivalency and relevance of placement and work based learning.
  • Preparation for study in the UK
  • Any supplementary requirements which are to be met by students articulating onto an MMU programme via the arrangement (e.g. IELTS, bridging courses, professional body memberships)
/ Guaranteed Entry and Evidence of Alignment to FHEQ/QCF / Tick here / Guaranteed Entry but NO Evidence of Alignment to FHEQ/QCF / Tick here
Complete sections A, C, D and/or E, and F and append:
  • MMU Programme Specification(s)
  • MMU Unit Specification(s)
  • Proposed External provision details (i.e. equivalent of Programme and Unit Specifications)
  • MMU External Examiner support for the proposal
  • Any other relevant information to contextual the proposal
/ Complete sections A, B, D and/or E, and F and append:
  • MMU Programme Specification(s)
  • MMU Unit Specification(s)
  • Proposed External provision details (i.e. equivalent of Programme and Unit Specifications)
  • MMU External Examiner support for the proposal
  • Any other relevant information to contextual the proposal

Right to Apply and Evidence of Alignment to FHEQ/QCF / Tick here / Right to Applybut NO Evidence of Alignment to FHEQ/QCF / Tick here
Complete sections A, Cand F and append:
  • MMU External Examiner support for the proposal
  • Any other relevant information to contextual the proposal
/ Complete sections A, B and F and append:
  • MMU External Examiner support for the proposal
  • Any other relevant information to contextual the proposal

A8 / Articulation Statement
(Include a clear and simple statement summarising the Articulation Arrangement which will inform the production of the Articulation Agreement e.g. ‘Holders of the Diploma in Basket Weaving qualification from the Arts College of New Jersey (who have met all other basic admissions requirements) may progress onto Level 6 of the BA (Hons) Basket Production programme at MMU.’) For further assistance on formulating this statement please contact the relevant Partnerships Manager
A9 / Condition(s) of Entry to the MMU Programme
(Indicate any additional conditions that apply to students entering the MMU programme under this Articulation Arrangement e.g. compulsory bridging units, IELTS requirements etc.)
A10 / Effective Date
(The earliest date from which articulating students will enter the MMU programme(s) via this articulation arrangement (once approved) e.g. September 2015)
A11 / PSRB Implications
(If the MMU Programme is accredited by (a) PSRB(s), please confirm that the PRSB has been consulted about – and has given approval for - the introduction of this proposal into the MMU provision. Please provide evidence of the consultations that have taken place (or attach to this form))
A12 / The National Context
(Please use this section to provide background information about any educational frameworks that are in place in the country where the External Organisation is based. Explain how these frameworks relate to the FHEQ and provide any relevant evidence. Contact the relevant Partnership Manager for assistance. If the External Organisation is UK based, please indicate ‘N/A’.)

Section B – FHEQ Level Mapping

Please complete this section if there is no existing evidence to confirm alignment of the external provision to the UK FHEQ/QCF.

B1 / FHEQ/QCF Alignment
Number of hours of student effort and credits achieved (per level) at the External Organisation and how this compares to the requirements of the FHEQ/QCF
Types of assessment undertaken at the External Organisation
Use of external examiners at the External Organisation
Number and breadth of student assessments reviewed by a member of MMU staff
How articulating students will be prepared for study in the UK
How the external provision has supported the students’ acquisition / development of critical and analytical skills (if the proposal relates to study at Level 7)

Section C – FHEQ Level Mapping

Please complete this section if there is evidence to confirm alignment of the external provision to the UK FHEQ/QCF.

C1 / Please provide evidence of the proposal’s alignment to the FHEQ/QCF in the box below

Section D – Subject Specific Mapping by Level of Study

Only complete this section if the proposal relates to the articulation of credit that equates to full level(s) of MMU study.This section must be completed by a subject academic. Matching of Learning Outcomes/subject content at the appropriate level should be done by level of study. Expand the table as required to ensure that all of the Learning Outcomes from the relevant level of the MMU programme are included. If the proposal covers more than one level of the MMU programme, please duplicate the table as necessary.

Level of Study
MMU Level Learning Outcomes (extracted from the Programme Specification) / External Organisation (Level/Unit) Learning Outcomes (or equivalent) / Comments on Match
(the expectation is that there should be a 70% match of learning outcomes/ subject content at the appropriate level)

Section E- Subject Specific Mapping by Unit

Only complete this section if the proposal relates to the articulation of credit that equates to less than a full level of MMU study. This section must be completed by a subject academic. Matching of Learning Outcomes/subject content at the appropriate levelshould be done by unit. Expand the table as required to ensure that all of the MMU units are included. If the External Organisation’s units/modules are smaller/larger than those delivered on the MMU Programme, you may need to include units more than once to demonstrate full alignment.

MMU Unit Title / MMU Unit Code / Unit Status
(Core/Option) / Credit
Value / Level of Study / External Organisation
Unit/Module Title / Credit
Value / Level of Study / Comments on Match
(the expectation is that there should be a 70% match of learning outcomes/ subject content at the appropriate level)

Section F - Programme of Study to be followed at MMU

Indicate in the table the programme of study that articulating students will follow at MMU in order to complete the target award. This programme of study may be made up only of core units or may permit some optionality. The Programme of study should be the same as is offered to the home-based MMU students on the programme unless there are optional units which are dependent upon pre-requisite study which has not been previously undertaken.

MMU Unit Title / MMU Unit Code / Level of Study / Credit
Value / Unit Status

Section G – Administrative Record for proposals considered via a Faculty PARM Event or by Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee

This section should be completed by the members of Faculty SAS staff servicing the Faculty PARM Event or Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee

G1 / Date of Consideration
(Please indicate the date of the Faculty PARM Event or Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee)
G2 / Consideration via…
(Please Tick) / Faculty PARM Event
Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee
G3 / Outcome
(Please Tick) / Approved
Not Approved
(Please see Faculty PARM Event Report or Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee meeting minutes for reasons for non-approval)
G4 / Confirmation that the Arrangement is recorded in the Programme Specification
(Please indicate the appropriate group Chair and the date of consideration) / The Articulation Arrangement was formally integrated into the Programme Specification as approved by [Faculty PARM Event Panel Chair/ Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee Chair] on [enter date]
G5 / Date sent to CASQE

Section H – Administrative Record for proposals considered by the University’s Articulation Approval Group

This section should be completed by the member of CASQE servicing the University’s Articulation Approval Group and the relevant Faculty Quality Administrator

H1 / Date of Consideration
(Please indicate the date of the Faculty PARM Event or Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee)
H2 / Outcome
(Please Tick) / Approved
Not Approved
(Please see Faculty PARM Event Report or Faculty Academic Quality and Standards Committee meeting minutes for reasons for non-approval)
H3 / Faculty level arrangements for formalising the integration of the Articulation Arrangement into the Programme Specification
Provide information about the activity that is undertaken to integrate the Articulation Arrangement into the Programme Specification. e.g. The Articulation Arrangement was formally integrated into the Programme Specification and was reported to FAQSC on 25th December 2014.

Section I – Recommending Approval to the University’s Academic Quality and Standards Committee

This section should be completed by CASQE

I1 / Date Approval is recommended to Chair of AQSC
I2 / Date of Academic Quality and Standards Committee consideration and Minute Ref:
I2 / Outcome
(Please Tick) / Approved
Not Approved for the following reasons:
I3 / Confirmation of approval by Chair of Academic Quality and Standards Committee / Signed:


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