Dear Parents,

This letter aims to provide you with some general information that may be useful for Year One.



We are now using Jarman font at school for our handwriting, we have sheets available in school that will show you the letter formation we are using.

When your child is writing at home please encourage them to use this style focussing on the flicks at the ends of the letters.


We will be sending home weekly spellings, these will be based on keywords and also spelling errors that your child may make in their books. Please practice them at home using the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method. If you would like more information about this method, please come in and see us.


As you may have noticed, we have started having Guided Reading sessions at the start of every day. The children will read a book with an adult at least twice a week, on the other days they will be undertaking focussed reading, handwriting or phonics tasks. The books that your children bring home will not be the book that they have read with us at school, instead it will be a new book for them to share with you.

Please write in their reading diaries the date, title and your initials to show that they have read at home with you.

We are expecting each child to read at least three times a week at home with you. This will mean that their reading at home and at school will total at least five times a week. This is really important to support your child’s progress not only in reading but across all areas of Literacy.

Literacy Home Learning

Your child will receive literacy home learning on a Friday (due back on Monday). This will be related to the phonemes they have learnt that week in phonics. Please make sure that your child’s name is on their home learning to avoid any confusion.


This term we are focussing on number formation because this is a fundamental maths skill.

Please find the attached number formation sheet to help you practice the correct formation at home.

We have also been focussing on basic counting skills and would appreciate your support by playing counting games and singing counting songs such as 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive, 10 green bottles, Five little ducks, 10 fat sausages and 5 little monkeys.

Maths Home Learning

Your child will receive maths home learning on a Monday (due back on a Friday). It will be a range of activities linked to our focus from the previous week. For example, the first maths home learning will be related to Money.


Our Topic, next half term will be old and new toys. This will be a cross curricular topic and will support our Literacy, ICT, History and, D&T learning.

Please find attached our topic web for this topic.

If any of your family have some old toys we would be grateful if we could borrow them. We are on the hunt for the oldest teddy bear we can find. We promise to look after your toys.

We will also be making a teddy bear and we would like to invite parents to come and help us create them. 