FoATBB Telephone Etiquette Worksheet 1Name:

  1. Which statement below regarding what an effective customer care representative does is TRUE?

Pace the conversation like the customer.
Act like the customer.
Think like the customer.
Listen like the customer.
Speak like the customer.
  1. "I apologize for any inconvenience we might have caused you, Ms. Smith. Let me see if I can track down order number 3578 that you confirmed on Monday for delivery on Wednesday that you were billed for on Tuesday and haven't received yet. Is that correct?"

Based on the scenario above, which communication technique is being utilized?
  1. Which one of the following statements is true?

Treat your customers the same way they treat you while on the phone.
Treat the customers depending on how you feel that day.
Treat your customers as you would like to be treated in a similar situation.
Try not to think like the customer, because this involves too much emotion which can lead to an ineffective conversation.
Handle telephone customers in the same manner as you would those who come in and see you face to face.
  1. What does it mean to "take ownership" during a customer care call?

Take ownership is the process of buying the products and services the representative is speaking about to give them first hand knowledge and a better understanding of their job, business, and products.

Take ownership is the process of taking verbal responsibility for the company's actions, instead of passing the problems off by saying, " I don't know who did that." A better response is, "I can help you with that."

Take ownership is the process of accepting physical responsibility for any repercussions from using the product. This is implied whenever a customer purchases the product of a company.

Take ownership is the process of acquiring an existing customer account from another representative. During the first few calls with the customer, the representative has to earn their new customer's confidence.

Take ownership is the process of taking the caller to a more personal level. This could include asking after the caller's family and providing personal information about yourself.

  1. When is it permissible during a call for the representative to raise his voice?

Only when the customer is yelling.

Only when the customer says they can't hear you.

Only when the representative is trying to make a stubborn customer understand them.

Only when the customer says they don't understand the answer from the representative.

Only when the customer refuses to listen.

  1. A customer calls in and says, "You jerks overcharged my account again!"

Based on the customer comment above, which one of the following is the recommended response?
"Sir, I'll be happy to help you but you have to stop raising your voice at me please."
"I didn't do it. However, I'll be happy to handle this problem for you."
"I'll be happy to help you with that. May I please have your account number so that I can access your bill?"
"Sir, I'll be happy to help you with this problem. However, I can't do this until you've lowered your voice so I can better address your concern."
"I'm sorry sir. I don't know why the company does this. I'll try to correct the problem for you."
  1. Which technique below is NOT appropriate for developing listening skills?

The call representative concentrates on important points.

The call representative keeps an open mind during the conversation.

The call representative listens to the speaker's vocal and verbal expressions.

The call representative summarizes and repeats points.

The call representative finishes the customer's sentences for them.

  1. Which one of the following demonstrates how to ask for the customer's account number?

"I will need your account number so I can look at your account."

"Do you have your account number handy?"

"Give me your account number so I can pull up your account."

"I show your account number as #########. Is that correct?"

"May I please have your account number so that I can access your account?"

  1. Which caller below would NOT require a special strategy for handling the call?






  1. “I am working on next quarter's budget. Please do not put through any calls unless they are emergencies."

Which one of the following demonstrates how to screen a call based on the scenario above?
"That person is not available. Is there a message?"
"May I ask who's calling, and what the call is about please?"
"What does this pertain to please?"
"Mr. Smith is not available at the moment. May I take a message?"
"Who's calling please?"
  1. The speaker presenting the topic of the day stands in front of the assembly. The person's accent is very difficult to understand.

Based on the situation above, how do you overcome this barrier to communication?
Recreate the content in your mind.
Redirect your thought processes to the sender.
Close your eyes; your ears work better that way.
Focus on the accent of the speaker.
Focus on the content of the message.
  1. Which choice below is NOT an example of a personal barrier that a sender creates?

Improper audience analysis

Lack of clarity about the intended message

Inability to establish credibility or rapport

Poor temperature control

Incorrect interpretation of receiver feedback

  1. Which one of the following words is NOT to be used during a customer care call because the nature of the word might upset the customer?






  1. What is NOT a benefit of asking clarification questions?

You can make the other person irrational in the process.

You can surface hidden agendas and reveal lies without being adversarial.

You can gather higher-quality information than what is offered.

You can patiently and supportively demonstrate that you care about what they are saying.

Asking questions can slow a situation down long enough to see where it's heading.

  1. You are working at a telephone company and a customer calls in. This customer sounds elderly and is saying they are confused about their statement.

Based on the scenario above, which technique below is appropriate when you encounter a customer who is elderly?
Be respectful.
Use humor.
Be passive.
Use their name.
Speak loudly.