This is Titleof theManuscriptSubmitted toTurkishJournalofWeedScience
1DepartmentofCropandPlantSciences,UniversityofWesternAustralia, Australia
3DepartmentofPlantProtection,GaziosmanpasaUniversity, Tokat,Turkey
4DepartmentofAgronomy,BahauddinZakariyaUniversity,Multan, Pakistan
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Anahtar Kelimeler: Anahtar kelime 1, Anahtar kelime 2, Anahtar kelime 3, Anahtar kelime 4, Anahtar kelime 5, Anahtar kelime 6
This is abstract of the manuscript This is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscript This is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscriptThis is abstract of the manuscript.
Keywords:Keyword 1, Keyword 2,Keyword 3,Keyword 4,Keyword 5,Keyword 6
This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscriptThis is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscriptThis is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript.
This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscriptThis is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscriptThis is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscriptThis is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscriptThis is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript.
This is introduction of the manuscriptThis is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscriptThis is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript This is introduction of the manuscript
Material and Methods
Experimental Site
This is experimental site experimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental siteexperimental site.
Treatments treatmentstreatmentstreatmentstreatmentstreatmentstreatmentstreatmentstreatmentstreatments.
Observation observation observationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservationobservation.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysisStatistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysisStatistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysisStatistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis Statistical analysis.
These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results.
These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results These are results.
This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion.
This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion This is discussion.
This is conclusion This is conclusion This is conclusion This is conclusion This is conclusion This is conclusion.
This is acknowledgement This is acknowledgement This is acknowledgement This is acknowledgement
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Table 1: This is Table 1
Tillage systems / Weeds density / Weeds Cover / % Control over no tillConventional / 12.15 c / 24 c / 90 a
Conservational / 14.25 b / 36 b / 65 b
No Till / 20.23 a / 73 a / -
LSD p≤0.05 / 2.08 / 10.56 / 12.32
Means sharing the same letters in a column are not statistically (p≤0.05)different
Figure 1: This is legend of figure 1
Figure 2: Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) invasion in Thrace region of Turkey (a: sunflower field and roadside, b: pasture)