This is the Title of your Paper

(Times New Roman, 16pt, Bold)

Gerardo Oliva1*, Roberto Gomez2 (Authors names by First Name then Family Name) (Times New Roman, 12pt)

1* Department, Affiliation, Country ()

2 Department, Affiliation, Country ()

(Tim New Roman, 12pt)

Abstract (Times New Roman, 10pt, Bold, Italic) – Text of your abstract should be here (Times New Roman, 10pt, Bold, single-space) and should be limited to 200 words. Please use Letter sheet (216x279 mm) with left, right, top and bottom margin of 2.0 cm. Text should be single spaced and justified. Submit the full paper in Microsoft Word electronically via the SEWC2017 website (following the same submission number for your abstract by June, 26th 2017. The maximum number of pages of the manuscript is limited to 8. Please do not type the page numbers and any header/footer.


(Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, Centre Text, 6pt space after paragraph)

Text should be single spaced, Times New Roman, 11pt [1]. (Times New Roman, 11pt)

Add one line of spacing between paragraphs, and 0.5cm indent at the start of each new paragraph [2].


(Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, Centre Text, 6pt space after paragraph)

Text should be single spaced, Times New Roman, 11pt. (Times New Roman, 11pt)

Add one line of spacing between paragraphs, and 0.5cm indent at the start of each new paragraph.

Fig. 1: Figures should be centred, with caption below the figure

(Times New Roman, 9pt)

Fig. 2: Tables should be aligned left, with caption aligned left

(Times New Roman, 9pt)


(Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, Centre Text, 6pt space after paragraph)

Text should be single spaced, Times New Roman, 11pt. (Times New Roman, 11pt)

Add one line of spacing between paragraphs, and 0.5cm indent at the start of each new paragraph.


(Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, Centre Text, 6pt space after paragraph)

Text should be single spaced, Times New Roman, 11pt. (Times New Roman, 11pt)


(Times New Roman, 9.5pt, Centre Text, 6pt space after paragraph)

[1]  Gerardo Oliva and Roberto Gomez, “Title,” Name of Publication, vol. 2, pp. 100-104, Year of Publication, Country.

[2]  Roberto Gomez and Gerardo Oliva, “Title,” Name of Publication, vol. 2, pp. 100-104, Year of Publication, Country.

(Times New Roman, 9.5pt)