PCC RDA-Decisions-Needed Task Group



The PCC RDA-Decisions-Needed Task Group was formed to review the document “PCC RDA Policy and Practice Decisions Needed if RDA is Adopted” ( prioritize and make recommendations for follow-up action.


Beth Picknally Camden (Penn) (Chair), PoCo Liaison

Robert Rendall (Columbia), CONSER perspective

Amy Turner (Duke), BIBCO perspective

Kathy Glennan (U Md), NACO perspective

Linda Gabel, OCLC rep.

Georgia Fujikawa, SkyRiver rep.

Paul Frank, Secretariat rep.

Judy Kuhagen, PSD rep.


The main output of this task group is the attached spreadsheet. Using the spreadsheet will allow PoCo and other bodies to create custom lists (including the two specified in the charge) using the MS Excel sorting and filtering tools (see instructions below).

The spreadsheet includes the following columns:

Issue ID: Numbering scheme from the original document.

G: General issues and bibliographic issues which include both Conser and BIBCO




WF: Workflow

RDA Issue: Generally a brief statement of the issue (from the original document)

Priority Rank: The rank supplied by the task group. One general assumption about ranking was that ranked issues would need resolution by June 2012. This would allow the summer/fall 2012 for documentation and training in advance of Jan. 2013. We made a decision to include a rank for items which we believed were already assigned to existing task groups. This will allow for follow-up if there are issues which were not addressed by those groups. We also decided to include a category for “No Decision needed”. This category includes items which are non-PCC issues and items where a decision has already been made.

High22 items

Medium13 items

Low16 items

No Decision needed10 items

Questions/Decisions for this Issue: Additional questions about the issue (from the original document)

LC, OpCo, ALA Contingency/Recommendations: Comments from LC, from the May OpCo meeting and from the meetings at ALA annual.

Individual PCC Institutions’ or PCC Programs’ Preferred Decision for this Issue: Chiefly comments from NLM and CONSER.

TG Rationale: Reason for the priority rank assigned by the task group

TG Notes: Other information about the issue from the task group which may inform further action

Group to decide/ take action: The task group assigned items to both existing groups and proposed new groups. The largest number of items was assigned to the Standing Committee on Standards. This was done with the assumption that in some cases they will create subgroups to address issues, and in other cases they will take action directly. In some cases, the same item was assigned multiple groups/entities.


Standing Committee on Standards25

Task Group on RDA Acceptable Heading Categories7


New group: CONSER core for RDA 4



Standing Committee on Training2

Bibliographic utilities 2

Task Group on Hybrid Bibliographic Records1


Joint PCC/LC PSD group on RDA Policy Statements1

New group: SRA guidelines for RDA1

New group: Access Points for Expressions1

PCC Advisory Committee on Initiatives1

Standing Committee on Automation1


Sort no.: Use to return to original sort order

Excel Sorting and Filtering Tools

  • To sort in Priority Rank order: position cursor in column C and click on “Sort & Filter” and then “Sort A to Z”
  • To filter by group: Click on the down-arrow in cell I-1; in the window, un-check “Select All”; then check the group(s) to include.
  • Alternative filter by group: Click on the down-arrow in cell I-1; in the window, select “Text Filters”; then “Contains”; type a key word (e.g. Standards); click OK. This method will include instances when the issue was assigned to multiple groups.
  • To clear a filter: click on the funnel icon in the header row; click on “Clear filter…”
  • To return to original sort: position cursor in column J and click on “Sort & Filter” and then “Sort Smallest to Largest”