August 1, 2015
We are glad you have chosen to enroll your child in the NECC After School Connection, an after school program funded by Advantage After School programs and administrated by the North East Community Center.
This is the registration packet for the 2015-2016 school year. You will need to:
- Complete one registration form for each child. Please make sure your mailing address is correct in case we have to mail anything to you before the beginning of the year.
- Make sure you have two emergency contact numbers (besides you and your spouses and/or your home landline). Several times we have needed to contact someone, tried both cell phone numbers listed and talked only to voice mail.
- Make sure you complete the health form fully, including your child’s doctor’s name and phone number. You will also need a copy of your child’s immunizations.
If your child has an allergy or takes medicine state law requires that we have on file a WRITTEN MEDICATION CONSENT form (light green sheet) and/or WRITTEN HEALTH CARE PLAN FOR A CHILD WITH SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS form (yellow sheet). These must be completed by your child’s doctor. If you are taking your child to the doctor this summer for a physical for school or to get immunizations, please take these forms along and have the doctor do them.
If you wish to receive the reduced price or to receive scholarship assistance, you will also need to complete the pink CACFP eligibility form. We work on a sliding fee scale and want to make this as easy as possible for you. So if paying for the program is an issue for you, please talk with Jan so we can work out an arrangement.
You may return the registration forms to Jan at the Millerton Elementary School or mail them to NECC, Box 35, Millerton, NY 12546. We must have these forms entirely completed and have a copy of immunization records before your child can begin attending program.
Program will begin this year on Tuesday, September 8th. (Kindergarten students usually only attend half days for the first week…so you might want to check on their schedule.)
If you are new to our program, please look over the Parent Handbook to familiarize yourself with our policies. If you are returning to our program please be aware there will be a couple of changes this year:
- We are asking parents to provide us with a copy of each child’s report card after each marking period. Advantage requires that we report each quarter on our progress toward several goals, one of which is showing that children in the program maintain or improve in their academic achievement. We will not be reporting any individual information but simply showing the number of students in each category.
- Parking lot safety has become a concern. Once you have signed out your child, you are responsible for his/her safety in the parking lot. With as many cars as we have coming and going it is increasingly important to be aware of safety issues.
- We need also to tighten up some of our administrative policies. We have always asked parents to inform us when their child was going to be absent. And we have a late pick-up policy in which we charge parents extra if they arrive late. Both of these policies will be more strictly enforced this year.
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Revised: May 2014