this is the codebook for the 2008-2009 network scale-up study by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology
(1) under the "describe" command you'll find variable definitions with
labels on the far right
(2) under the "codebook" command you'll find full definitions and
summary distributions, including variable labels for categorical
v1 int %8.0g LABA number of the questionnaire
v2 int %8.0g LABA number of chain in sample
v3 int %8.0g LABA number of questionnaire in chain
v6 byte %8.0g LABA 1.1 how many men aged 20 to 30
years do you know? (altogether
in ukraine)
v7 int %8.0g LABA 1.2 how many men aged 20 to 30
years do you know? (outside
v8 byte %8.0g LABA 2.1 how many men aged 15 to 17
years? (altogether in ukraine)
v9 int %8.0g LABA 2.2 how many men aged 15 to 17
years? (outside oblast)
v10 byte %8.0g LABA * 3.1 how about men over 70 years
old? how many of them do you
know? (altogether)
v11 int %8.0g LABA * 3.2 how about men over 70 years
old? how many of them do you
know? (outside oblast)
v12 byte %8.0g LABA 4.1 how many women aged 20 to
30 years do you know?
(altogether in ukraine)
v13 int %8.0g LABA 4.2 how many women aged 20 to
30 years do you know? (outside
v14 byte %8.0g LABA 5.1 how many women aged 15 to
17 years? (altogether in
v15 int %8.0g LABA 5.2 how many women aged 15 to
17 years? (outside oblast)
v16 byte %8.0g LABA * 6.1 how about women over 70
years old? how many of them do
you know? (altogether)
v17 int %8.0g LABA * 6.2 how about women over 70
years old? how many of them do
you know? (outside o
v18 byte %8.0g LABA * 7.1 how many children (girls
and boys) aged 10-13 years do
you know? (altogether)
v19 int %8.0g LABA * 7.2 how many children (girls
and boys) aged 10-13 years do
you know? (outside o
v20 byte %8.0g LABA 8.1 how many moldavians who
live in ukraine do you know?
(altogether in ukraine
v21 int %8.0g LABA 8.2 how many moldavians who
live in ukraine do you know?
(outside oblast)
v22 int %8.0g LABA 9.1 how may romanians who live
in ukraine? (altogether in
v23 int %8.0g LABA 9.2 how may romanians who live
in ukraine? (outside oblast)
v24 byte %8.0g LABA 10.1 how many poles?
(altogether in ukraine)
v25 int %8.0g LABA 10.2 how many poles? (outside
v26 byte %8.0g LABA 11.1 how many jews?
(altogether in ukraine)
v27 int %8.0g LABA 11.2 how many jews? (outside
v28 byte %8.0g LABA 12.1 gypsies? (altogether in
v29 byte %8.0g LABA 12.2 gypsies? (outside oblast)
v30 byte %8.0g LABA * 13.1 how many people with
disability of the 1st category
(the most evident limit
v31 byte %8.0g LABA * 13.2 how many people with
disability of the 1st category
(the most evident limit
v32 byte %8.0g LABA 14.1 how many doctors of any
specialty? (altogether in
v33 int %8.0g LABA 14.2 how many doctors of any
specialty? (outside oblast)
v34 byte %8.0g LABA * 15.1 how many people deceased
in 2007 are there among your
acquaintances? (alto
v35 byte %8.0g LABA * 15.2 how many people deceased
in 2007 are there among your
acquaintances? (outs
v36 byte %8.0g LABA 16.1 how many men named pavel?
(altogether in ukraine)
v37 byte %8.0g LABA 16.2 how many men named pavel?
(outside oblast)
v38 byte %8.0g LABA 17.1 how many who were in
prison in 2007? (altogether
in ukraine)
v39 int %8.0g LABA 17.2 how many who were in
prison in 2007? (outside
v40 byte %8.0g LABA 18.1 how many men who
officially divorced in 2007?
(altogether in ukraine)
v41 byte %8.0g LABA 18.2 how many men who
officially divorced in 2007?
(outside oblast)
v42 int %8.0g LABA * 19.1 do you know people that
used drugs by injection for the
last 12 months? how
v43 byte %8.0g LABA * 19.2 do you know people that
used drugs by injection for the
last 12 months? how
v44 byte %8.0g LABA 20.1 how many of them are under
15? (altogether in ukraine)
v45 byte %8.0g LABA 20.2 how many of them are under
15? (outside oblast)
v46 byte %8.0g LABA 21.1 how many of them are aged
15-18? (altogether in ukraine)
v47 byte %8.0g LABA 21.2 how many of them are aged
15-18? (outside oblast)
v48 int %8.0g LABA 22.1 how many of these are men?
(altogether in ukraine)
v49 byte %8.0g LABA 22.2 how many of these are men?
(outside oblast)
v50 byte %8.0g LABA 23.1 how many of these are
women? (altogether in ukraine)
v51 byte %8.0g LABA 23.2 how many of these are
women? (outside oblast)
v52 byte %8.0g LABA * 24.1 do you know people who are
sexual partners of people who
used drugs by inje
v53 byte %8.0g LABA * 24.2 do you know people who are
sexual partners of people who
used drugs by inje
v54 byte %8.0g LABA * 25.1 do you know women who gave
birth to a child in 2007? how
many of them? (al
v55 byte %8.0g LABA * 25.2 do you know women who gave
birth to a child in 2007? how
many of them? (ou
v56 byte %8.0g LABA * 26.1 do you know women (girls)
aged 10 and above that provided
sex services for
v57 byte %8.0g LABA * 26.2 do you know women (girls)
aged 10 and above that provided
sex services for
v58 byte %8.0g LABA 278.1 how many of them are
under 15? (altogether in
v59 byte %8.0g LABA 27.2 how many of them are under
15? (outside oblast)
v60 byte %8.0g LABA 28.1 how many of them are aged
15-18? (altogether in ukraine)
v61 byte %8.0g LABA 28.2 how many of them are aged
15-18? (outside oblast)
v62 byte %8.0g LABA * 29.1 do you know men (boys)
aged 10 and above that provided
sex services for mon
v63 byte %8.0g LABA * 29.2 do you know men (boys)
aged 10 and above that provided
sex services for mon
v64 byte %8.0g LABA 30.1 how many of them are under
15? (altogether in ukraine)
v65 byte %8.0g LABA 30.2 how many of them are under
15? (outside oblast)
v66 byte %8.0g LABA 31.1 how many of them are aged
15-18? (altogether in ukraine)
v67 byte %8.0g LABA 31.2 how many of them are aged
15-18? (outside oblast)
v68 byte %8.0g LABA * 32.1 tell me please, among
people you know, are there any
philosophy doctors or
v69 byte %8.0g LABA * 32.2 tell me please, among
people you know, are there any
philosophy doctors or
v70 byte %8.0g LABA * 33.1 do you know women who used
sexual services provided by men
for money? how m
v71 byte %8.0g LABA * 33.2 do you know women who used
sexual services provided by men
for money? how m
v72 byte %8.0g LABA * 34.1 how about men who used
sexual services provided by
women for money? how man
v73 byte %8.0g LABA * 34.2 how about men who used
sexual services provided by
women for money? how man
v74 byte %8.0g LABA * 35.1 how many nurses who work
in their specialty do you know?
(altogether in ukraine)
v75 int %8.0g LABA 35.2 how many nurses who work
in their specialty do you know?
(outside oblast)
v76 byte %8.0g LABA * 36.1 do you know men (boys)
aged 10 and above who have sex
with men for the last
v77 byte %8.0g LABA * 36.2 do you know men (boys)
aged 10 and above who have sex
with men for the last
v78 byte %8.0g LABA 37.1 how many of them are under
15? (altogether in ukraine)
v79 byte %8.0g LABA 37.2 how many of them are under
15? (outside oblast)
v80 byte %8.0g LABA 39.1 how many of them are aged
15-18? (altogether in ukraine)
v81 byte %8.0g LABA 38.2 how many of them are aged
15-18? (outside oblast)
v82 byte %8.0g LABA * 39.1 are there men among these
who also have sex with women?
if there are, how m
v83 byte %8.0g LABA * 39.2 are there men among these
who also have sex with women?
if there are, how m
v84 byte %8.0g LABA 40.1 how many militia men do
you know? (altogether in
v85 int %8.0g LABA 40.2 how many militia men do
you know? (outside oblast)
v86 byte %8.0g LABA * 41.1 do you know people who
live with hiv/aids? if yes, how
many of them? (alto
v87 byte %8.0g LABA * 41.2 do you know people who
live with hiv/aids? if yes, how
many of them? (outs
v88 int %8.0g LABA * 42.1 how many people who went
for earnings abroad in 2008 do
you know? (altoget
v89 int %8.0g LABA * 42.2 how many people who went
for earnings abroad in 2008 do
you know? (outside
v90 int %8.0g LABA * 43.1 how many people who have a
possibility to use internet at
home do you know?
v91 int %8.0g LABA * 43.2 how many people who have a
possibility to use internet at
home do you know?
v92 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.1 moldavians - what level of
respect these groups enjoy with
the social surro
v93 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.2 romanians - what level of
respect these groups enjoy with
the social surrou
v94 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.3 poles - what level of
respect these groups enjoy with
the social surroundin
v95 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.4 jews - what level of
respect these groups enjoy with
the social surrounding
v96 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.5 gypsies - what level of
respect these groups enjoy with
the social surround
v97 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.6 men aged 20 to 30 years -
what level of respect these
groups enjoy with the
v98 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.7 men aged 15 to 17 years -
what level of respect these
groups enjoy with the
v99 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.8 men over 70 years old -
what level of respect these
groups enjoy with the s
v100 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.9 women aged 20 to 30 years
- what level of respect these
groups enjoy with t
v101 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.10 women aged 15 to 17 years
- what level of respect these
groups enjoy with
v102 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.11 women over 70 years old -
what level of respect these
groups enjoy with th
v103 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.12 children (girls and boys)
aged 10-13 - what level of
respect these groups
v104 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.13 people with disability of
the 1st category (the most
evident limits of vit
v105 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.14 men named pavel - what
level of respect these groups
enjoy with the social
v106 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.15 men who officially
divorced in 2007 - what level
of respect these groups e
v107 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.16 women who gave birth to a
child in 2007 - what level of
respect these grou
v108 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.17 men who were in prison in
2007 - what level of respect
these groups enjoy
v109 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.18 people who use drugs by
injections - what level of
respect these groups en
v110 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.19 doctors - what level of
respect these groups enjoy with
the social surroun
v111 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.20 women who provide sexual
services for money - what level
of respect these
v112 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.21 men who provide sexual
services for money - what level
of respect these gr
v113 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.22 philosophy doctors or
doctors of sciences who gained
their academic degree
v114 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.23 men who have sex with men
- what level of respect these
groups enjoy with
v115 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.24 men who use sex services
provided by women for money -
what level of respe
v116 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.25 women who use sex
services provided by men for
money - what level of respe
v117 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.26 nurses - what level of
respect these groups enjoy with
the social surround
v118 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.27 sexual partners of people
who use drugs by injections -
what level of resp
v119 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.28 men who have sex with men
and women - what level of
respect these groups e
v120 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.29 militia men - what level
of respect these groups enjoy
with the social sur
v121 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.30 people who live with
hiv/aids - what level of
respect these groups enjoy w
v122 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.31 people who went for
earnings abroad in 2008 - what
level of respect these
v123 byte %8.0g LABB * 44.32 people who have a
possibility to use internet at
home - what level of resp
v124 byte %8.0g V124 d1. sex of the respondent
v125 byte %8.0g LABA d2. how old are you?
v126 byte %8.0g V126 d3. what highest level of
education have you completed?
v127 byte %8.0g V127 d4. what is your nationality?
v128 byte %8.0g V128 * d5. what is your current
employment situation? if you
work, what is your profess
v129 byte %8.0g V129 d6. do you have a possibility
to use internet at home?
v132 byte %8.0g V132 i1. month of interview:
v133 byte %8.0g LABA i2. date of interview:
v135 byte %8.0g V135 i4. in what region interview
took place:
v136 byte %8.0g V136 i5. type of the settlement
v137 byte %8.0g V137 i6. name of the settlement:
age_7g byte %8.0g AGE_7G age (7 age groups)
regions4 byte %8.0g REGIONS4 4 macroregions
ukr_pop long %12.0g number of ukrainian population
aged 14+
w_ukr double %10.0g weights for regions - for
analizing data across ukraine
in general
* indicated variables have notes
Sorted by:
v1 number of the questionnaire
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 10866 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [1,11694] units: 1
unique values: 10866 missing .: 0/10866
examples: 2667
v2 number of chain in sample
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 77 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [1,10485] units: 1
unique values: 77 missing .: 0/10866
examples: 8
v3 number of questionnaire in chain
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 34 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,1114] units: 1
unique values: 34 missing .: 0/10866
examples: 3
v6 1.1 how many men aged 20 to 30 years do you know? (altogether in ukraine)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 80 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,100] units: 1
unique values: 80 missing .: 614/10866
examples: 5
v7 1.2 how many men aged 20 to 30 years do you know? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 73 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,5000] units: 1
unique values: 73 missing .: 972/10866
examples: 0
v8 2.1 how many men aged 15 to 17 years? (altogether in ukraine)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 46 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,50] units: 1
unique values: 46 missing .: 647/10866
examples: 2
v9 2.2 how many men aged 15 to 17 years? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 50 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,900] units: 1
unique values: 50 missing .: 2303/10866
examples: 0
v10 3.1 how about men over 70 years old? how many of them do you know? (altogether)r
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 30 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,29] units: 1
unique values: 30 missing .: 733/10866
examples: 1
v11 3.2 how about men over 70 years old? how many of them do you know? (outside obl
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 37 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,5000] units: 1
unique values: 37 missing .: 2102/10866
examples: 0
v12 4.1 how many women aged 20 to 30 years do you know? (altogether in ukraine)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 76 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,95] units: 1
unique values: 76 missing .: 770/10866
examples: 5
v13 4.2 how many women aged 20 to 30 years do you know? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 62 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,1000] units: 1
unique values: 62 missing .: 1166/10866
examples: 0
v14 5.1 how many women aged 15 to 17 years? (altogether in ukraine)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 47 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,48] units: 1
unique values: 47 missing .: 834/10866
examples: 1
v15 5.2 how many women aged 15 to 17 years? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 42 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,300] units: 1
unique values: 42 missing .: 2426/10866
examples: 0
v16 6.1 how about women over 70 years old? how many of them do you know? (altogether)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 31 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,30] units: 1
unique values: 31 missing .: 546/10866
examples: 2
v17 6.2 how about women over 70 years old? how many of them do you know? (outside o
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 35 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,140] units: 1
unique values: 35 missing .: 1570/10866
examples: 0
v18 7.1 how many children (girls and boys) aged 10-13 years do you know? (altogether)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 31 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,30] units: 1
unique values: 31 missing .: 736/10866
examples: 1
v19 7.2 how many children (girls and boys) aged 10-13 years do you know? (outside o
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 34 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,300] units: 1
unique values: 34 missing .: 2470/10866
examples: 0
v20 8.1 how many moldavians who live in ukraine do you know? (altogether in ukraine
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 8 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,7] units: 1
unique values: 8 missing .: 724/10866
tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label
7790 0
873 1
573 2
281 3
212 4
266 5
113 6
34 7
724 .
v21 8.2 how many moldavians who live in ukraine do you know? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 28 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,16793] units: 1
unique values: 28 missing .: 8081/10866
examples: 1
v22 9.1 how may romanians who live in ukraine? (altogether in ukraine)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 29 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,200] units: 1
unique values: 29 missing .: 190/10866
examples: 0
v23 9.2 how may romanians who live in ukraine? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 23 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,15988] units: 1
unique values: 23 missing .: 10152/10866
examples: .
v24 10.1 how many poles? (altogether in ukraine)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 38 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,100] units: 1
unique values: 38 missing .: 167/10866
examples: 0
v25 10.2 how many poles? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 32 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,300] units: 1
unique values: 32 missing .: 8778/10866
examples: .
v26 11.1 how many jews? (altogether in ukraine)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 26 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,25] units: 1
unique values: 26 missing .: 334/10866
examples: 0
v27 11.2 how many jews? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (int)
label: LABA, but 29 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,800] units: 1
unique values: 29 missing .: 7423/10866
examples: 0
v28 12.1 gypsies? (altogether in ukraine)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 25 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,25] units: 1
unique values: 25 missing .: 277/10866
examples: 0
v29 12.2 gypsies? (outside oblast)
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 24 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,100] units: 1
unique values: 24 missing .: 8840/10866
examples: .
v30 13.1 how many people with disability of the 1st category (the most evident limit
type: numeric (byte)
label: LABA, but 27 nonmissing values are not labeled
range: [0,50] units: 1
unique values: 27 missing .: 143/10866